Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Poly Days 2 - Singapore Poly, Here I Come!

With JC eliminated, the decision now left with the 5 different polys. The only 2 I was considering was Nanyang or Singapore Poly. In fact, the only 2 course I was considering was Diploma in Multimedia or Digital Media Design.

Back then, I have not a single idea what the hell "programming" even is. I looked at the prospectus given and totally catch no ball. The only thing that caught my attention was "Game Development". Who doesn't love games. Now that I think about it, it was a really risky choice, considering that I have almost no information about the course. I don't have any friends in the course, I don't have a good idea of what the modules mean.

First stop was Singapore Poly Open House. That basically "sealed my fate", totally "memerized" by the final year projects they put up. (Although it was pretty lame now that I know how to make it myself) Still remember it was a 2D hack and slash game (Kind of like Diablo). One very important thing I feared was...Drawing. My art, frankly, sucks. (Even to this day) My Art, since Primary School, has always been C. Even during Secondary School it was one of my more dislike subjects. Talked to a lecturer at the open house and he said we'll be drawing using computers (Did not even heard of Photoshop back then).

After some consideration I finally decided to study Multmedia at SP. I still remembered Matthew tired to "dissuade" me from doing so (Cause he is sooo physco by our Chemistry Teacher Ms Lai). Ms Lai always said that the next century will be the biology century and life science industry will explode, lots of prospects and stuff. (I think 5 of my class top students went to Life Science course)

Seriously, I don't know if they really have interest in Chemistry or just "go there because there's job". I think it's a very sad thing. But of course if they really have interest then it's great and I wish them well. When I told them I'm going to IT, all sort of "WTF" stuff came out. Like "IT Is dying...", "What job you want to do if you do that Diploma", "IT no use liao cannot find job"...etc...

Unfortunately (or fortunately), I didn't' believe in those bullshit and went for what I believed in, and where my passion lies. Diploma in Multimedia...Singapore Poly....我来也~

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