Friday, December 24, 2021

Life Update 2021

1. This has been a really arduous and difficult year - likely one filled with the most tribulations in my 30+ years.

2. Looking back, I really don't know what happened during the June to August period. It is as if I became a different person (would even go as far as to described myself as being possesed). I became extremely emotional, insecure, anxious, overwhelmed and worried for something that does not seems like a big deal. I became stuck on a stupid decision - to the point that I even spend a few hundred to see a psychologist. I must be crazy. Now that I have finally calm down and recollected my thoughts, I am sure that I still want to move on, but not to a place I feel no excitement for. 

3. I also got infected with Covid - yeah, it has to happened eventually seeing the direction Singapore is going. I was extremely upset because it was entirely preventable. But you know - stubborn and irresponsible people, extremely iron teeth relatives, etc... I was extremely sick during that period of time (late Nov) too. I am not sure if it is entirely due to covid or the fact that I did not pay much attention to it (thought of it as mild cold) during its inital stages, and the sore throat developed into a full blown nightmare. 

Think LV1 as normal sore throat (itch/discomfort), LV2 as pain when swallowing saliva, LV3 as your ear is painful too when swallow saliva, and LV4 as you have to muster your entire body strength in order to swallow 1 gulp saliva. I could not put it into words just how painful and miserable I was - every gulp of water and mouth of food was so agonizing, which might have delayed my recovery.

Fever lasted (on and off) for almost 6 days and I ate countless cold/flu medicine. Thankfully I got better by the 7th day. As far as I can recall, this was definitely 1 of my worst sick episodes.

4. What would have been my last high key reservist in Jun got cancelled last minute due to covid, and they called me back for a low key in Dec. Great.... 1 more year of IPPT cycle.

Alright... usual updates now:

1. Board gaming hobbies basically died off, but I did make some friends on QM, meet up and introduce some party games them.

2. FF7Remake - God it's so damn good... the childhood memories. Watched so many reactions and can't watch for the next chapter in the series.

3. Demon Slayer Season I (Episode 19) + Movie... and now onto Season 2. The animation quality of this show is insane and probably the best I've seen (considering I'm not an anime fanatic). Watched so many reactions. Zenitsu favourite character.

4. Squid Game, Spiderman No Way Home

5. Gaming wise: Started Legends of Runeterra from 2020 Dec. Backed Eiyuden Chronicles (companion game 2022, release 2023). Basically not playing much games anymore except Hearthstone and LOR. And of course QM Party.

6. I believe Insomnia issues continue to plague me, but it is not apparent due to WFH. 

Friday, August 06, 2021

The Most Difficult Period Of My Life

 The past 1.5 months has no doubt been 1 of the most difficult and arduous period of my life.

On hindsight - It's trouble I find for myself (due to gtting influenced by others around me) yes, it is a big change. But is it really that big of a deal when you see it on your life basis?

It got so bad at one point that every ticking of the clock towards the "deadline" felt dreadful and scary.

While I was in the cycle, It felt that every deicsion I made would be wrong.

Everything is a huge mistake.

You may know "logically" know what to do, but you can't overcome the "emotions".

No matter how many people opinion you ask, whether they are close friends or experts, they are not you.

They will not understand your life goals.

We share different beliefs, experiences and life goals. What is important to someone else might not be important to me at all.

There is no need to follow someone else.

It was extremely painful and agonizing experience - filled with anxiety and worries. I never knew I had like anxiety disorders until this event.

The good?

It made me grew closer to my family.

It made me slowed down and see that there are other things to life besides work. 

There are nature and there are better things to enjoy

It made me even more determined to find things to anchor myself onto after FIRE.

I have a huge buffer in my life - compared to the milions and millions who are forced to pivot during the pandemic, I am so much more lucky.

Mine is reallly a first world problem.

We are nothing but fleeting in this universe and a spark of dust compare to how vast the universe is.

No need to be too attached to things.

I need to focus on my personal life goal, not depend on others opinions to decide what I want.

Monday, June 07, 2021

Life Update 2021 - Kbeans, Comfort Zone

1 Million K-Beans

Recently, I struck one of the "Gold prize" in QM Party game and got rewarded with 1 million beans.

It brought a total change in how I play the game.

In the past, I do not really care about the beans (i.e using them on random strangers) as I see it only as an app to sing.

After 1 get 1 million beans, for some reason I became much more conscious of how I spend them.

I would evaluate "Is this event worth spending? Is this casino rate good?"

I would "work" for more beans by performing "chests robbery" or "singing in public rooms".

I would actively collect more "pig heads" and fight to "snatch gold".

It was unimportant to me when I had nothing, but became valuable when I had hordes of them.

Same With Money?

I can't help but realize this is exactly how I felt about money.

Before I stepped in into the society (Uni year 4 to period after graduation), I only had a small amount of savings, but I never felt any pressure to "quickly find a job". I was just leisurely enjoying life.

Now, I have a significant amount of financial security, much more than 10 years ago. If I were to retain my current lifestyle, I will have enough to spend for decades.

And yet, I felt even more insecure about leaving a job.

Isn't more money suppose to grant me more security?

More freedom to pursue the unknown? To try different things in life?

Why do I seem even more bound to my job now?

I feel more afraid of the unknown, more afraid to take leap of faith, afraid to step to step out of my comfort zone. 

Is it because I have become too obsessed with growing my networth, that I have see incoming cashflow every month?

Is it because I have become too comfortable with everything here (familiarity, people, tasks, environment)?

Or is it simply because i have grown old and now crave security much more? :(

Comfort Zone

I experienced this same anxiety and 'fear of the unknown' when I left my first job.

Now, I am experiencing the same discomfort again (but MUCH stronger).

Perhaps because the pull factors are not as strong (same industry) as the job would be similar in nature to an extend.

People are really creatures of habit and can get really comfortable in a routine.

From the stall you buy your morning coffee from every morning, to where you sit in office, to your bosses, colleagues and things you do on a regular basis.  (even those you don't like) 

It's the hedonic threadmill at play.

The little voice in the back of your head will come up with a thousand reasons why your new endeavour will fail, is dangerous, shouldn’t be repeated, should be avoided…. the record plays on and on and YOU need to pause it.,t%20want%20anything%20to%20change.&text=Getting%20out%20of%20your%20comfort,stress%20when%20unexpected%20things%20happen

Through this process, I also realized that to make a "big decision", I definiely need an "in the moment" emotional push. Otherwise, it is easy to fall back in that comfort zone.

Once that triggering moment passes, you will return back to that "don't wanna rock the boat" state.

This can help if you want to make a big change in your life and commit to it - write it down.

Side Track: One Type of Rice Feeds Hundred Types of People

During this job hunt, I consulted lot of different people for advice.

And I realized just how big of a difference my mentality can be with others - we simply see the world through a different lens.

Just some examples:

1. They think $1000 more in pay is a huge deal are even willing to work 996 for it compare to a 965 job

2. They think a 8 x 12 job is much better than a 6 x 16 job, even if annually they pay the same, because they get a higher take home pay.

The main reason for choosing the first package should be that basic are guarantee while bonuses are not, not due to takehome pay. If we disregard this, I would take the 2nd package anytime because you actually get higher overall pay (in CPF). In fact, I even top up into my CPF (LOL. I must be crazy)

Once you reach a certain amount of income, does that 20% more really bring in an equivalent more utility in your life? To the point that it is worth it to sacrifice your work-life, your free time and maybe even your health?

That said, I must admit that my thinking are the outlier of the Singapore society.

I am not even spending 20% of my takehome pay, why do I need even more money?

Which crazy person seeks to escape the rat race and FIRE at 40? Haha... only very few friends share the same goal as me. In fact, one of them (in his late 30s) just quit to pursue his own interests.

I wished I had the courage to do the same, but I am not at the point here I have "enough for the rest of my life" yet.

别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不穿 。

Saturday, May 01, 2021

7 Warning Signs of A Bubble

1. When the price of the asset goes beyond it's intrinsic value (when the price goes 'parabolic' 90 degree angle instead of at a 45 degree angle on a chart). Use an 'intrinsic value calculator'.

2. People say, "This time is different!" Don't believe you're the exception. Stick to the rules.

3. When Aunts and Uncles (laymen) join the investing party (optimism is at an all time high) when they normally don't invest in the market.

4. The media sensationalises high returns and overnight millionaires.

5. Increased use of leverage (borrowing money and using margin to buy stocks) by speculators.

6. The talk of the town. Everywhere you go everyone is recommending to invest in a certain market.

7. When doubters and skeptics are disregarded.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Year In Review 2020 - Annual Financial Report

Presenting 2020 Annual Financial Report! 

Key Highlights & Notes From CEO

Financial Milestone (2020)
1. Passive income grew by $150/month despite COVID recession
2. CPF MA exceeded BHS, CPF exceeded FRS 2020. Top up another $7K.

Achievements (2020)
1. Liquid net asset value grew 11% despite topping up $7000 to CPF-SA
2. Total saving rate of 81% % (77.4% in 2019, 80.8% in 2018, 80.5% in 2017)
3. Safety passive income now cover 84% of our recurring expenses (skewed by COVID)
4. Portfolio market value grew almost $100K (inclusive of capital injection and gains)
5. Portfolio XIRR for 2020 at 14.23%
6. Yearly dividend exceeeded $10000! ($8300 in 2019, $7800 in 2018, $4900 in 2017)

"And they say money doesn't grow on trees... well, they grow on Mapletree."


Income Statement (2020)
Total income is about 4% higher despite the massive bonus cuts (no mid year and year-end) and dividend cuts (circuit breaker)

Passive income still grew around 25% thanks to the largest ever capital injection in 1 year.

Expenses were about $3000 lesser (in line with 2018), with the signicant ones being:
1. Birthday angbao to parents (gave about $600 than last year)
2. Lenovo S540 Ryzen 7 Laptop (about $1400)


Recurring Expenses Breakdown
Categorical expenditures remained pretty much the same as every year. Top expenditures were the essentials - food, travel (transport) and utilities (internet and phone), heavily skewed by working from home (an average of twice a week in office)

Random discovery time!

1. Lottery spending was only $120 (lowest ever). Won a single System 7 Group 6 of $40.

2. I ate fast food 60 times (60 in 2019, 64 in 2018, 70 in 2017, 81 in 2016), counting only lunch, dinner, supper. Same a last year and think we'll maintain this.

3. I brought 14 (48 in 2019, 22 in 2018, 11 in 2017, 31 in 2016) cups of Bubble Tea

4. I brought 9 cups of Cafe drinks (17 last year)

5. Visited restaurants 32 times (37 in 2019, 32 in 2018, 20 in 2017). Most expensive single trip restaurant is $34.

6. Only 2 KTV sessions and 2 movies! (RIP Teo Heng)

7. 10 Taxi/Grab trips this year. Overall, spent about $400 less on transport expenses.


Brokers Promotion Galore
Just as banks cut back on interests, we have many competitors entering the local brokerage scenes. After much research, I finally went with Tiger Brokers (for now) due to its numerous promotions (free stock vouchers, angbaos, etc... I have earned around $150 now, on top of the CNY hamper).

I will probably eventually move to IBKR SG once my global portfolio reach a more significant amount, mainly due to the following:

1. Accessibility to London Stock Exchange for Irish Domicile funds (IWDA, EIMI, here I come). 
2. Near spot forex exchange rate (with $2 minimum), compare to closest competitors 0.3% to 0.5%. It is not even close. All commission and forex exchange fees would count towards off-setting the minimum $10 activity fee.
4. A lot of its competitors pricing are "promotional pricing". Will it still be as cheap once they secure enough market share?
5. IBKR is a long-standing internationally renowned broker, secured by SIPC for up to $500K USD (think of it as the SDIC equivalent in Singapore)

Investment Moats has an incredibly comprehensive guide on IBKR:


CPF Actions
At first I only expected to top up for 1 year, but it seems to be becoming a regular thing (heh), especially with interest rates at an all time low. 4% risk free is really difficult to beat, and I have since discovered even more CPF "hacks" as the government introduces even more incentives.

1. In 2021, CPF introduces the Matched Retirement Saving Schemes. Being a housewife, it's a no brainer to top up $600 for my mum (100% returns?!)

2. My parents also earn up to 6% on the first $30K which is really incredible. Even blue chips stocks and reits might not yield you that amount.

3. Having met the FRS, I can actually transfer any additional amount to my parents (basically earning the extra interest, from 4 to 6%). And my parents are at the eligible age to draw out, meaning I am in a way "spending" my CPF money.

4. Any unused amount would be return to your own CPF account (if you do CPF transfer). If you do a cash top up, it is consider a gift and not recoverable (will be distrubuted according to nomination).


Outlook For 2020
We finally ventured into foreign market and I brought my first ever foreign holding in HKEX - Alibaba.

I forsee myself buying more foreign stocks to diverse away from my Singapore holdings - my watchlist includes FAANG, Tesla, ARK ETFs and HK Tech ETF 3067, but they are really pricy at the moment. Any significant correction would be great to add more positions.

Saturday, January 02, 2021

Life Updates 2019-2020

1. 2019 I've been watching a lot of  "Chinese Games" let's play - 洛克群侠传,武林群侠传前传,中国式家长, 天命奇御, 还愿 (This is darn good and strongly recommended). It is an odd digression from the norm.

2. Lot of "edutainment" channels that are really poisonous. Listing my personal favourites:
Edutainment: 老高,  健客行, 李永乐老师. 
Crime Solving: X 调查, 老K奇谈, wayne調查
Political Discussion/Entertainment: 夜问, 宅卡拉
Movies: 老邪说电影,大象放映室
For Sleeping: 街头象棋
Good Old Entertainment: Onion Man

3. English channels wise, I'm hooked on cute animals like MilkyBokiTan, MochaMilk, MayaPolarBear. I also watched variety like FamilyFeud, Weakest Link 2020

4. Games wise I'm still mainly playing Hearthstone, and in end 2020 got hooked on Legends of Runeterra. Mobile wise I've crashed ThroughTheAges. Board games acquired on impulse - Smartphone Inc. Upcoming: Democracy 4. Frankly speaking, I don't have much motiviation to look up new games haha.

5. Social media, got hooked onto 全民 Party through the circuit breaker period from Apr 2020. Oh, Tik Tok is really quite addictive too...

6. Work-wise there isn't really nothing much to say. Operational stuff takes up a majority of the time, and I'm hoping for more opportunities to strengthen my visualization, analytics and maybe even machine learning skillset. Started on Azure and Power BI learning. Hope I have to motivation to compete more LEARN courses. 

7. Ended something that barely got started... it should have ended much early. I don't know why it took so long. At first it was Jan, then "one last chance" in Mar, but I kept felling back into the trap. Jul was the final straw on the camel back. When that moment hit and everything came flooding back into my mind (for a few weeks it was as bad as Jan 2020)...... I knew I have to end it once and for all. It took for a few months but I hope it's all over. 

8. Insomnia issues continue to plague me occassionally. God... I really need to stick to a regular seeping schedule. It is also a cause of my weekend headaches (napping for too long)

9. Since Dec 2020, I have largely been able to maintain my fitness schedule, running at least once a week and up to as much 3/4 times a week. I have also passed my IPPT with incentive!