Saturday, September 27, 2008

NTU Y1S1, Week 8 In Review

Recess Week

Haiz... how come this "recess" is so different from what I expected?

It can't even be considered a "recess" man... I seemed more busy during the recess than during normal school day?

The CURSED Java took up a huge load of my time. At first, I thought I could finished it in like less than 2 days... In the end I took nearly 4 days!

First, you need to re-implement the entire lab using a whole different structure, which mean you can't test it the normal way. You cannot use the "add a bit, test. Add a bit, test" method. You have to change the ENTIRE program before you can even test. Obviously, loads of crazy errors will start popping up everywhere.

And that's still "small case". The real killer is the interest computation, and the need to really scrutinize every single line of the long grandmother story to make sure you haven't missed some "unique" requirement they want.

And what else? They changed the output format from the previous lab without mentioning ANYTHING at all in the new requirement.... what crap...

Have you ever tried coding from 9am in the morning to near midnight? Cannot be described in words... felt like you may go blind anytime.

So Java basically took up like 40% of my recess already. And then come the CURSED Maths.

First, the lecturer haven't teach till so far... but the tutorial like way ahead of time. And it doesn't help that the lecture slide sucks...

Have to learn how to do tutorials from all different sources... online resource, ask people... and kanna attitude from some people... :(

Everyday is Calculus, Calculus, Calculus, Calculus...

Everyday is differentiation, differentiation, differentiation, differentiation...

Everyday is derive this, derive that, derive, derive, derive...

I will derive!

I will survive!




At first I was afraid, what could the answer be?
It said given this position find velocity.
So I tried to work it out, but I knew that I was wrong.
I struggled; I cried, "A problem shouldn't take this long!"
I tried to think, control my nerve.
It's evident that speed's tangential to that time-position curve.
This problem would be mine if I just knew that tangent line.
But what to do? Show me a sign!

So I thought back to Calculus.
Way back to Newton and to Leibniz,
And to problems just like this.
And just like that when I had given up all hope,
I said nope, there's just one way to find that slope.
And so now I, I will derive.
Find the derivative of x position with respect to time.
It's as easy as can be, just have to take dx/dt.
I will derive, I will derive. Hey, hey!

And then I went ahead to the second part.
But as I looked at it I wasn't sure quite how to start.
It was asking for the time at which velocity
Was at a maximum, and I was thinking "Woe is me."
But then I thought, this much I know.
I've gotta find acceleration, set it equal to zero.
Now if I only knew what the function was for a.
I guess I'm gonna have to solve for it someway.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Get To Know Yourself Better

Some quiz I gotten from another blog...
heard that it's super accurate...

Let's try~! These are the results I got...

Your view on yourself:

You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

(LOL... say until so good... I will shy. The part about not liking conflict is true though...)

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

(Wah this is true... when I can't do something, or something unexpected happens, or when I ask some people and he attitude with me, I tend to get angry...)

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

NEC Versa S3500

Actually wanted to post this up earlier, but was caught up with too many things...

Anyway, this is the latest friend that I got about 1 month back. The brand is relatively unheard of in here, but it's the No.1 Brand in Japan (or so it claims). I'm not here to try to sell or advertise for the brand, so I'm not going to write much about it. You can visit the link to find out more.

The Choice

In the end, I decided that my priority is portability and battery life over all else. I figured that no matter how good the specs of a laptop is, it's never going to beat a desktop. And nothing can beat gaming on my 22' Widescreen anyway... Hee...

Most importantly, since I'm not staying in the hostel, I will not be playing any games besides maybe Viwawa on the laptop, so there's no point spending extra cash to buff up gaming specs... Better to save up the money.

And this machine fits the requirement perfectly, and is unmatched for its specs/price ratio. It's one of the lightest of its kind, and the battery life is awesome (6 hours easily). Loads of free gifts to top it off.

The Service

I was really swayed by the salesperson though. Probably one of the most eloquent and well-spoken promoter I've seen. One that really knows how to sell a product.

For IT products, many sale persons like to take advantage of the consumer ignorance and BS a lot of crap. When I detect someone is trying to BS me, I'll be super turned off immediately... and that's usually what I get when I visit SLS.

I think the most important thing is to be truthful and sincere... don't try to BS someone just because he doesn't know much about a product... It's totally unethical...

Using It

So far I'm very happy with it. Usually I'll bring it to school if I have a long break in between classes.

It's more of a "support" system to complement my desktop though, as I still find working on a super wide screen much more efficient. At least now I don't have to keep fighting with my brothers for use over the computer, and I can do my work without lot of disruption.

Window Vista

This is actually the first time I come into contact with Window Vista. I wanted to write more on my experience with it, but... there isn't really much to write. What I can say that it's very annoying... The following paragraph taken from an online article sums up the whole experience.

"One of the most annoying things about Microsoft Windows Vista is User Account Control and all the warnings it pops up to ask if you just did something you really wanted to do. Like, either (a) it wasn't you who pressed the Enter key, but the ghost of your grandfather standing at your shoulder, or (b) you really are too stupid to be trusted to know you want to install a program or open an attachment."

Monday, September 22, 2008

500 Posts, New Layout!

Wah... even I am pretty shocked at the statistics...

I've actually written over 500+ posts* in total already, and I only started writing a little more than 3 years ago.

It started out merely as a "for fun" thing, and I wasn't really putting any effort to maintain it. Somewhere down the line though, I got more and more "enthu" about this and started to write a lot more frequently. From an average of like 4 posts per month to now; about every few days...

Anyway... looking back, I'm glad I managed to keep this up and running for so long. By now, it has become more of a habitual thing, and is really one of my favourite way to pass time... It's sort of like playing a game.

I think it's a great channel to express your thoughts. And it's a great way to keep a record of your life, keep in touch with friends, get the latest "funny videos" and entertainment, and maybe even improve your writing.

The biggest satisfaction actually though, is when years later, when you're reading at your past entries...

- And you laugh at the dumb things you've done,
- The crazy stories you've written in the past.
- When you cry thinking about the tough days you've been through,
- And realize how lucky you are right now.
- When you recall the high moments of the time,
- Or returned to events that changed your life.

I think these are the best things about writing a journal.

My greatest regret was not writing during my Poly Days, and the best thing I've done was recording down my entire journey in the Kindergarten. I think that may be one of the main reason why I'm so dedicated to writing my Uni Life right now. Haha...

Anyway... I decided to set up a new layout since I've been using the old one for like forever...

I don't think I have the talent to design something this caliber, so I grabbed this template from an open source site. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it... and didn't even bother to browse any further.

*Note: The actual published posts are actually just around 400. The rest were not published or removed already due to the dangerous nature of the internet. Heh... ^_^

Saturday, September 20, 2008

NTU Y1S1, Week 7 In Review

Random Quotes Of The Week:

"You think only you have a grandfather issit?"
- Dr Alex Tay (Random joke in lecture)

"So, do you know how to prove now? Still don't know?"
- Dr Shi (Most frequently-used phrase in lecture)

"Suppose you have a list with 1 million nodes..."
"Suppose you have an array with 1 million elements..."
"Suppose you have 1 million customers..."
- Dr Leung (Most frequently used "supposed" value - 1 million)

"Suppose you want to compare an elephant with an ant..."
- Dr Leung
(On the compareTo method)

"Do you know what's infinity?"
- Dr Qian
(Most entertaining moment in lecture, explaining Infinity)

"Just try to precisely describe what you feel... That, is Mathematics."
- Dr Qian (Random Lecture Quote)

"Games... is all about functions."
- Dr Qian (Random Lecture Quote)

"1X Dong Fang Bu Bai, 1X Imaginary Friend, 1X Buddha..."
- Steve
(Comment on current scenario)


In The Class:


Oh my god I can't believe this! RECESS IS FINALLY HERE!

I'm been deprived of any "full-time" gaming for weeks, I haven't watched a movie in ages, I haven't been able to go anywhere except school and home...Please jio me go out OK?

It's time for SPORE and War~!

Logic Design
I have a lot of stuff to catch up on this subject during the holidays...

I get more and more confused with each passing lectures, and I can't even understand the diagram.

How am suppose to "play" around with the device during the labs?

Computer Systems
Let's see... so far we've learnt Computer Arhitecture, Operating Systems and Networking... now learning how to calculate some algoirthm complexity stuffs...

Somehow, as the topics are getting tougher, the number of people attending the lectures gets lesser. In fact, I'm shocked when I learnt that the 6 most "garang" persons in SCE actually "ponned" this class...

The probability of that happening is very very low... which led me to conclude that their decisions are not independent.

Foundation Maths
The dreaded test is finally over... Hope it's not too bad...

Data Strucutres Programming
Seriously, up till this point of the course, I haven't learned ANYTHING new.

I am doing all the assignments based ENTIRELY on the knowledge from the Poly.

Tell me... tell me why? Does it have to be like this? Hope I can finish off the stupid lab fast...

Discrete Maths
Yes!!! Dr Shi Da Ming is taking over my tutorial group! So happy when I heard the news...

Perhaps now I can finally comprehend how a moon changes into a star, how birds flies into holes, and how Britney Spears is not yet a woman...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Another Jay Chou Parody...




Prob & Stats!

"Information on coming quiz on 19 Sep (Fri) is posted in the course document folder. Feel free to ask me or your tutors if you have any questions on Prob & Stats. Don't worry, the quiz is meant to pass all of you, and not to 'kill' you. :-) Know this course is compulsory for most of you, but hope you all find this course not too stressful. :-p"


Not stressful ... riiiighhht. I think I'm gonna die soon...

Since Sunday or so, every day is just Maths, Maths and more Maths.

Every break in between lessons, every trip traveling and every day after school has been spent doing Maths and Maths...

My eye circles are getting worse...

So sad I couldn't accept some of the invitation... I really wanted to go... but I really couldn't...

In fact, I'm been putting aside almost every other subject (doing the bare minimum) in order to save my dying Mathematics...


And today is finally the last day of revision!

Wish me the best tomorrow...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Do You Know What Is Infinity?

Infinity is very large.

Infinity is larger than the largest value you can think of.

It is larger than one zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero...

It is larger than 1 million, larger than 1 billion...


It is bigger than nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine...

Imagine I give you a piece of paper, and you write a lot of 9 on it.

You write many many many many 9 on it.

Infinity would still be much bigger than that.

You can write 9 on the paper for 24 hours...

Infinity would still be larger.

If someone comes and add one more 9 to the paper, that number would be bigger...

And another come and add one more 9...

and one more 9...

and one more...

Infinity is still bigger.


You can write 9 for as long as you can, and infinity is still bigger.



No matter how big is your number, infinity is much bigger.



So, do you know big infinity is?



Just a very big number.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Discrete Maths Test

Discrete Mathematics is easily the most intriguing subject I've ever taken in my life. After studying this subject for 6 weeks, I think I just might have a little idea of what Discrete Maths is all about. Let me try to put it into perspective for you.


The main idea is simple - To make a simple concept as complicated as possible, to the point where no ordinary people can understand it.

If it sounds too abstract, let me give you the simplest example.

Primary School: 1 + 1 = ? [1 Mark]

Secondary School: 1 + 1 = X. Find the value of X. [1 Mark]

That's what you've been getting all your life. Now, let's take a look at a sample Discrete Maths paper.


Discrete Mathematics Sample Examination Paper (2008/2009)

Section A

Question 1: The set X is related to Y, denoted by XRY, where the universe of discourse of X is the set of all positive integers smaller than 2, and the domain of Y is the set of all positive odd integers smaller than 3, defined by the binary relation as follows: For All x in X and for all y in Y, XRY => x + y = 2. [50 Marks]

a) Write down the power set of X and Y. [2]

b) Is R reflexive? Is R transitive? Is R symmetric? Is R anti-symmetric? Justify your answer for each case. [8]

c) For each of the above case, use logical reasoning to prove whether XRY is true for all cases of x and all cases of y. If not, show a counterexample by proving there exists a x or y where R is not true. [5]

d) Least out the greatest, least, maximal and minimal elements with respect to R. [4]

e) Justify if R is a total order. [2]

f) Explain whether XRY is a Tautology and plot the truth table for XRY. [4]

g) Highlight all the critical rows of the truth table. [1]

h) Draw the Venn Diagram of the relation [2]

i) Draw the Arrow Diagram of the relation [2]

Now, expand X and Y to the set of all Z+ < 100, or the set of all positive integers less than 100.

j) Is the relation One to One? Is the relation Onto? Justify your answer and write down the inverse function if it exists. [6]

k) What is the last number of x required for all values of y? Prove and justify your answer [4]

l) Guess a general formula for the above relation, and prove it by mathematical induction. [10]

Section B

Now, supposed a random x is chosen out of X, where X is just a sample of a larger population, K, and K is the set of all positive integers smaller than 1000.

m) Find the probability, denoted by P(X = x), that x is equal to 1.

n) Find the mean and variance of the population of X.

o) Identify the probability distribution associated with X.

p) Use unbiased point estimate to infer the population mean.

q) Use interval estimate toe infer the population mean with a 95% confidence level.

r) If someone claims that the mean of x is 500, test at a significance level of 5% whether it is possible to reject his claim.







z) You have finally arrived at the last part of this one and only question in this test. Give yourself a round of applause and congratulations for sitting through this ****. [1]

------------------------------ END OF PAPER (PAGE 2/2)-----------------------------

Saturday, September 13, 2008

NTU Y1S1, Week 6 In Review

Random Quotes Of The Week:

"And, as you go out into the world, I predict that you will gradually and imperceptibly, forget all you ever learned at this University."
- Dr Woo (Last Lecture)

"I think I have to set up an ERP gantry at my office."
- Dr Kwoh (Computer Systems Tutorial)

"Dong Fang Bu Bai."
- ??? (???)


In The Class:

Yeah we're halfway there now. Had the last lectures by Dr Woo and Dr Chan as we head on to the more "deadly" topics... It almost feels like I'm suffocating...

I can't wait for Recess to come!!!

Computer Systems
What can I say?


I think somethings are better kept among ourselves...

My first "test" in 3 years... and it's something like this. -_-

Logic Design
This module is doing its best to catch up the Maths in terms of difficulty... If it continues to flip a few more flops, I think that goal will soon be within reach.

I think we are lucky to get 2 very "pro" lecturers for this module...

Haiz... why can't every lecturer be like them?

Data Strucutres Programming
All I can say is...

The best is yet to come.

Discrete Maths
Every single week this subject gets more and more intriguing.

First, we're talking about how the moon transform into a star.

Now, we're talking about birds flying into holes.

Are all these topic even remotely related?

It's like taking content from about 20 different areas of Mathematics and combining them into this.



Wait. Maybe they're related after-all.


Discretely related.

Foundation Maths

A picture speaks a thousand words.

This picture speaks a million.


The Last Temasek

Wah... really shagged from the outing last night. At first I wanted to leave earlier, but got someone just took my belongings on a tour to the other end of Singapore, without informing me first.

So bo bian... SK had to wait for me. So we decided to get something to do. At first just wanted to play while... but it's too addictive. Once you start you can't stop, just like Pringles.

Kept playing round after round after round... Then see the time, after 12 liao... makes no difference anymore. So play some more... LOL....

Loads of fun, great way to relive stress. ^_^

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Oh... My... F ... God....

We haven't even start the topic yet...



I am just trying to PRINT OUT THE Lecture Slides...


And when I opened up the lecture file...



I almost fainted on the spot.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

NTU Y1S1, Week 5 In Review

Random Quotes Of The Week:

Dr Cai: "So, do you all understand?"
Class: "No... ... ..."
Dr Cai: "Hmm... I wonder how your lecturer explains this?"
(Moment of silent)
Random Guy: "He ask us to go to his office."
- Random Guy (Random F-Maths Tutorial)

"Feel free to come to my office."
- Dr Woo (Nearly every F-Maths Lecture)

Dr Chan: "The Report CANNOT be type-out. It has to be hand-written..."
Dr Chan: "Well in the past we notice many students simply copy and paste from each other... OK? While hand-written does not rule not that possibility, we hope that, at least while you're writing down, it goes through your head. So... it's done with good intention. It is not done as a punishment. Please don't see it negatively.
- Dr Chan (On Lab3 Report)

Dr Chan: "So... urm... Do you want to delay this to tomorrow?..."
Whole Class: "YES!!!~~~"
Dr Chan: "(LOL) I always ask obvious questions..."
- Dr Chan (End of Logic Lecture)

"Some students, they try to bluff me. They just blah blah blah blah blah and give the result. I still give them 1 mark."
- Dr Shi (On Mathematical Induction, Proving)

"ask spicer come teach ownz them man"
- Mr Glenn (MSN Conversation)


In The Class:

Like I said, this has been quite a bad week for me. Fell sick, lag behind in stuffs, couldn't really concentrate in class... Geez. I actually went back to see the doctor again cause the throat is really killing me.

The results: Somehow, the antibiotic he gave me didn't work (WTF?!). That's why my nose is still block, and because so little air goes in, my throat becomes very dry, and it hurts so much even when I drink a lot of water. So, he gave me some stronger medicine...

Sometimes, now I know why people meant by a "series of unfortunate events". Hopefully my luck & fengshui will change for the better...

Computer Systems
Yep... the first test is finally coming up next week. Hope I do well!

Logic Design
Wah Lau eh... really getting difficult. I realized some Poly students (like Information Technology, etc) have learnt this before. Why I never learn before?!

And I spent 4 freaking hours just "preparing the lab book" for the lab. What the hell?! It isnt' even the actual lab. How ridiculous when you have to spend 4 hours to prepare for a 2 hours lab?

Tell me how can I ever have enough time?

Data Strucutres Programming
Everything that I wanted to say is already written very clearly in Glenn's post.

Bottom line is, this is not a programming competition. In the real working world, you don't have a project where you have to plan and complete it in 2 hours. Give me 2 weeks and I'll give you a "swee swee" assignment. Not give me 2 hours to code 2 methods.

Let me say this, as I think it's probably true for all those that have done programming. Sometimes, you are just stuck & your mind is blank. No matter how hard you try, you simply cannot progress further. Sometimes, you are on drugs and everything seems to just flow amazingly. That is how it is like.

What if someone is at that "stoned" stage during that 2 hours? It's over for him/her.

Haiz... I miss Mr Spicer man...

I miss his, "build a toy one", "is everyone under control?" and "I'm a bad typist."

Come here and ownz them please!

Discrete Maths
WOW! My respect for Dr Shi Daming increased tremendously after watching his "Mathematical Induction" lecture.

When I saw how he worked his way from some seemingly impossible stage to the final solution... I was lost for words.

It was "goddamn pro + gosu-ness + godlike".

I stand in awe of his "logical reasoning capabilities". I think he's my idol now.


Damn... I can't believe I'm actually writing this.

Foundation Maths

"Information on coming quiz on 19 Sep (Fri) is posted in the course document folder. Feel free to ask me or your tutors if you have any questions on Prob & Stats. Don't worry, the quiz is meant to pass all of you, and not to 'kill' you. :-) Know this course is compulsory for most of you, but hope you all find this course not too stressful. :-p"
(Message posted on BB)


Friday, September 05, 2008

The Original Date

P.S: A portion of this post was removed cause I felt some stuffs aren't suitable to be put up (cause I got a bit too "emo" and wrote too much). So please understand that some parts might not connect too logically.


Ahh... what an important date to remember. Or should I say, originally an important date. Haha...

Today mark the end of 5 weeks of school. That also meant that I've left the Kindergarten for 5 weeks now. If I haven't choose this path, I'll probably be celebrating now with the others from the September batch~


When I made this choice, I already foresee the coming of this day. And there will be many more such days to come. Today, the September batch graduates. Very Soon, the December will, then the March guys, and it goes on.

Well, as for me, I don't regret my decision. They can "suan" me for all they like, but I know I've made the right choice. If I got my "True Freedom" but knows that I'll be doing nothing meaningful for the next 11 months, I don't think I'll be happy.


The Alternative Solution?

Some people once suggested to accumulate all my "free days" + "skip classes" etc in order to get into NTU this year and at the same time graduate from the Kindergarten. Now that I'm in, I can say with certainty that this method wouldn't have work.

First, given the "nature of work" and the "kind of people" at the Kindergarten, do you think they would allowed this to happen? It's unfair to the others as well.

Second, it would be nearly impossible to catch up 5 weeks of lessons this way (for an indication, just look at me now). It's as good as giving up the entire semester.


In fact, the life at the Kindergarten actually become one of my greatest source of motivation to study.

I can honestly say that I really cherish studying right now, even when it's tough.

Even when it drains away my energy, even when I can't understand the lectures, even when I feel very stress, even when I feel frustrated.

I still cherish studying. I value it so much BECAUSE I've been through the life at the Kindergarten. And I know how much better it is right now.


Everytime I'm tempted to skip lessons, everytime I'm fed up with doing tutorials, everytime I feel mad at doing reports, I always look back and compare with my "previous life".

What would I be doing now? Where would I be at this time? On this day?

Would I rather spend my entire Saturday in my room (with aircon + music + computer) doing tutorials? Or would I rather go out on 15 hours excursions?

Would I rather go sit through some mind-torturing lectures? Or would I transform myself into a statue for 6 hours staring at the moon?

Would I rather burn the midnight oil to rush a report? Or spend the night in fear and agony in some cold dark places?

The choice is clear. There isn't even a single doubt, or even a moment of hesitation in which one I would choose.


I always tell myself, I rather DIE STUDYING then DIE STANDING.

I rather collapsed at the study table then faint at some mysterious island.

I rather kill all my brain cells studying then break my back standing.

I rather be suffocated by pile of books then pile of ****.

... ...


Well, the great thing is...

By the time those "freshies" enter NTU, I'll be in Year 2! And by then I would have gotten by "True Freedom" as well!


Thursday, September 04, 2008

Bad Week For Me...

Haiz... been a really bad week for me. :(

First, the bike got stolen... yeah, 1 week after buying it.

Then I fell sick, and somehow I can't recover from it totally.

Even now I'm constantly plagued by painful headaches. My throat still hurts, my nose is still block. What the crap man... It's not like I haven't been eating my medicine.

And everyday it's raining and raining and raining... makes it difficult for me to go home. Like just now, I got caught in the rain again.


Today, Programming Lab Test.

Well, I did quite badly I think. And I'm quite disappointed with myself, cause if anything, this is the one module that I actually have the most confidence in.

Lot of screw-ups on my part... maybe I'm not used to programming under the pressure of time . In fact, this is probably the first time I had to do something like that.

And my biggest mistake was that I'm too pressurized to start coding right away. I didn't actually plan out what I wanted to do or whether the logic is correct. What I was thinking at that point was "2 Hours only... better start doing."

The result was lots of deleting and re-typing. And lots of extremely simple and stupid mistakes. (like mixed up variables names, causing what is correct to appear wrong)


Anyway it's over liao.... I shall not let this little test affect me too much. Most important is to learn from this experience...



But this week is not over yet.

I figure tomorrow will be the worst of them all.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

"You Need To Rest More"...

"I want you to go home, throw away all your ice cream. Throw away all the chocolates. Drown yourself with lots of warm water and get plenty of rest."


LOL... indeed I haven't been getting much sleep lately. Even the doctor can tell just from the symptoms. Haizzzz...

Missed my first school day today... luckily, all the important lessons today will probably have lecture recordings. So it's still not too bad.

I've been finding it really hard to get to sleep at night, especially these few days, like since last Friday. I've been taking up hours just to get to sleep. Sunday was worst. I laid in bed for 3+ hours (from 12pm to 3+pm) and I still couldn't sleep. In the end, I woke up at 7am to eat breakfast. Darn...

Don't know why leh... I think I'm having
insomnia, probably quite serious. For some weird reason, all sort of biazzare and weird thoughts will enter my mind when I want to sleep. When I close my eyes, crazy things start to happen.

... ... ...

Some random guy will appear, explaining how to find the probability distribution of X to me.. Then the next moment, I start hearing the echos of some guy reciting some random maths theorem. At times I'll seeing the letters Ps and Qs flying around.

Sometimes, I get random images from different times/places, or just things that are totally unconnected, place together randomly. Sometimes, I'll just think about what's going to happen tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or in a week time. Or I'll just think about what I'm going to do on when and when.

Or I'll think back about the past. Like what if I did this, what if I didn't do that. I'll see some people or place I haven't seen for some time. Then I'll start thinking, what would happen if this person is place inside this environment, or what If this person meets this person, etc...

The thoughts just keep coming and coming. The random stuff just keep popping up. When I "solve" one of the image, another will appear. I can't keep them out...


Everything is NORMAL when I'm not sleeping. No such nonsense; But the moment I lie down and shut my eyes, these things will just come naturally. I think might be going nuts.


I've tried many methods already... I tried having a hot drink before bed, but no use. I tried playing some music in the background, worse. I'll just hum along to the song which just keeps me awake even more. I tried counting sheeps... don' even try. The most useless of them all.


Anyone got any good remedy?

I got my first good rest yesterday when I ate the "super -duper strong drowsy" medicine, which made me slept for nearly 12 continuous hours... great stuff...