Monday, March 30, 2009

Ben & Jerry!

Yum Yum Yum~~~

The feeling of Shiokness...

Chocolate melting in the mouth...



Sunday, March 29, 2009

My Eastern Wind - Cowon S9

I've got my GENERAL, the best music managing software -Media Monkey 3

And recently I've got STRATEGY for the fire attack - Ultimate Ears 3

So now let me formally introduce my EASTERN WIND that will deliver the music for me - Cowon S9

Ho ho ho...

Basically, it's set to replace my 2 years old, dying and terrible Creative Zen Stone...

And it's the PMP (Portable Media Player) that I've been eying and saving for since ages ago...

And it's going to stay with me for a LONG LONG time...

I'll let the picture speak for itself instead of crapping on and on.


Audio Salvation!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

NTU Y1S2, Week 12 In Review

E Learning Week

EVERYTHING is over!!!




Except for the Final Exams that is.


Microprocessor Programming

5 Labs are all done~

But the E Learning is really terrible.

The material is really "unequaled"...

Hash tables...

I like.


But I prefer the le...


Software Systems & Models
Cleared all the labs and quizzes finally...

Nothing much to say...

Looking forward to John Turner E Conference Tutorial next week...

Since I've never been in one before.

Maybe I should Screen-shot his face and tag him on Facebook?



> . <

Software Engineering

Finally cleared the demo!

My tutor looks quite "satisfied" with our work...

But I really don't know.

I have no confidence at all.


Technical Communication


Guess what? Yesterday was the day I completed this module.

And it was the my HAPPIEST DAY in this entire semester (academically).



During week 2, I made my GREATEST mistake (academically) of this entire Semester.

And I paid dearly for it.

I suffered so much.

Gritting my teeth and hope that I'll pull through it one day. I have no one I can depend on except myself. Every night I think of this I can only blame myself for being so stupid.

And yesterday, I finally atoned for this mistake.

I finally relive myself of all the pain, all the sufferings...


I swear to the skies, to the earth, to myself,

That I will never do something dumb like this again.

Never, ever, EVER!


It's over!!!



Thursday, March 26, 2009


NTU Musical Charts Content Page

This is involving into a series on its own, so I think it deserves it own page now...


There are very few reasons why a student would stay up late into the night...



Less than a month to the final exams now...


Dedicate this song to all students in the world...


For all the students suffering from insomnia...

For all who burn the midnight oil...

For all those "super muggers"...

For all who's working hard for the next quiz, next test, next report, next presentation...

For all the students who couldn't sleep at night...




Title: 在 Study




[Last Part]
只会, 只会, 更努力


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ultimate Ears Super Fi 3

Ever since I was "poisoned" by IEMs 2 years+ ago...

I can no longer go back to using those "normal" earphones...


Anyway, the IEM I've been using finally gave up on me (After 2 years and 1 exchange). Although the performance/price ratio for it was unbeatable at that time, I have to admit that it doesn't have the best build quality.

And after some careful research, I finally settled in for my 2nd set of IEM...

Introducing my new precious...


Opening the Sides...

Complete set of Ultimate Ears

The moment I put it on, I can only stand in awe of how good the sound isolation is. The -26dB claimed by the product is definitely not marketing BS.

At the shop, I can barely hear what the salesgirl is saying after inserting both buds in, note that this is without ANY music on at all.

On my Mp3 Player, I only need to on the volume to like 6 (Out of 25 Max!) to hear everything clearly. Comparatively, my previous IEM would need like 12 at least. If you use those normal earphones, you need about 18 out to block out all the surrounding sound in a normal environment like this.

The only competitor price/performance wise was the UM1, but UM1 is more bassy, while UE emphasize more on clarity. And for me, clarity is more important when listening to my songs.

So I finally decide to go with this.

There are full reviews everywhere if you're interested to know more, so I'm not gonna go on and on.


Now that I have my IEM... There is only 1 more piece missing in this whole puzzle...

万事俱备, 只欠东风

And my Eastern Wind won't be far off...

Ha ha ha...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

NTU Y1S2, Week 11 In Review

Crap... I'm going nuts. Even my body is starting to collapse under all these pressure... :(

Flu + Cough for so many days already... Still can't recover. Losing my voice also...

Next week will be the worst of them all even though it's the E-Learning Week.

Crazy Schedule:

Monday - 201 Lab 5 + Tech Comm Report
- 207 Final Demo
- 203 Lab 5
- Tech Comm Presentation

For me, everything will be over by week 12. That's the good and also the bad aspect of being in the first class to do everything... -_-

Can't wait for next Friday...!

No more projects, no more reports, no more labs, no more presentations! And I can concentrate fully on the final exams.

Eeww... just 5 more days and I can finally take a breather...

And crap... It's already Saturday night.

And I haven't done anything meaningful at all.

Met Alvin for like 3 hours at the library...

Wanted to study... but can only "stun" at the 201 paper...



Microprocessor Programming

Last lecture is over...

As for the E-Learning Lecture...

I don't even want to comment on it.

Watch it if you have insomnia.

Sure to cure one.

5 Minutes enough already.

Enough to send you to see "Ah Gong Zhou".

Got back quiz 2 already... luckily it's good...

But haiz... I see the quiz 2, will remind me of my quiz 3...


Told "Dr Huang" about me mis-interpreting the "0" as the graph being disconnected when it's supposed to be "No cost for traveling".

Then all she told me was "Don't worry."

What the hell...


As for the LKK...


Please continue to smoke.

Please continue to draw more talisman.

Software Systems & Models
Wah... really is ultimate smoker... -_-

The lecture reminds me of the "techniques for mathematical induction" taught by Shi Da Ming.

Say the first line. Then "Dot dot dot dot" and say the last line.


Seriously I don't understand anything...

Then he asked whether we want Revision Lecture or not...


I want... But can I have Sea Wind conduct it?

And 1 more thing.

His picture is constantly popping up on Facebook for some reason...



Software Engineering

Doing the final part on white box and black box testing.

And during the last tutorial by Mr Hawaiian guy, he said something that I feel is extremely true.

He was explaining a question about code-testing when he said something like this...

"If you know girls that don't like programming... What you notice is that they tend to code everything at once, lump everything together. Then they run it and the thing doesn't work. And they say they hate programming."


It's a generalization, but a quite true one at that... Haha.

Technical Communication

Really really tired from this.

I just want to get over this.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Dominic Farewell

Went to see Dominic off at the Airport...

Been ages since I've been there.

As usual, he's full of nonsense.

With him gone, I reckon there'll now be less K9 gatherings (Or maybe even cease to exist). Quite sad, cause I really didn't have the time to go out with them since school started. Didn't even manage to attend the final movie gathering...

But hey, I made the effort to see him off even though I'm seriously ill. Traveling 100 minutes from 1 end of the green line to the other end. (When I told Geraint that, he told me it's not true; cause the end is now at Joo Koon. OMG... Super lamer.)



All this for...

The most annoying friend I know in my life. The one that goes around "rearranging" people's cupboard & disturbing others rest. The one that hide in the cupboard to scare you. The naked entity that you see when you wake up. -_- The one that always scold "dumbass", "booby-face" and comes up with weird nicknames for everyone...

I can go on and on about his nonsense.



Well... That's all folks.

Wonder how much he'll change when I see him next time.

I think maybe 0%.



Some photos (since I took mostly videos)...

Sky Train!

Only see this on TV before... LOL.

Gift Opening Moment...

The time has come...

One last group photo before departure...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Childhood Retrospective...

1 fine day, Ben just start humming this song to me for no reason in class...

Dot dot dot sia...

Always glued to the TV every saturday during my primary school for this cartoon...

Another classic cartoon... Gonna love all the exaggerated things that happen when they taste the food...

Throw in a funny pokemon clip for a good laugh...

Monday, March 16, 2009

IT Show Picture Of The Year

Heng I never go sia...

This is a scene straight out of a horror movie.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Grand Return!

"Your estimated Service Balance is: 37"
"Your projected ORD date is "06-Aug-2012"
"This Record is updated on 09-Mar-2009"

LOL... 2012... -_-


Anyway... I just went ahead and submit the application for my grand return.


Thought about it for some time.

Some of my friends leh... already went back and completed theirs during the December Holidays.

Some leh... have enjoyed University life so much and are now so reluctant to go back... Think they've already decided to go back only in 2012.


For me leh... I really thought it over.


It's best to settle this once and for all.


3 Months of holidays leh...

> , <

Go back earn $500 also "song"... Haha.

No need to spend effort to find job outside. (Somemore now economic crisis)

Hee hee...

Q7. Where would I be posted to upon my resumption of service?

Usually for servicemen who have been trained in a specific vocation and who have only a short balance of Full-time National Service liability remaining, they would most likely be posted to their former units. However, there may be occasions where servicemen are re-deployed to other units due to organisational requirements.

Q15. I wish to resume my service during my vacation break. Is this possible?

Yes. You should apply for the resumption of service at least 6 weeks in advance if you wish to serve the balance of service during your vacation break. However upon resumption, you must serve the balance of your National Service liability in one continuous period. You are not allowed to serve your liability over 2 (or more) vacation periods. Once service is resumed, you will not be granted re-disruption. It is important therefore, that you ensure your vacation period can accommodate your balance of NSF liability.

And finally...


Now it's just waiting for the outcome of the application.

If I do get back to the Pentagon Divine Fortress...

Based on the "preferred resume date" I've chosen...

I will most likely get out of there the same time as Cheung Jie and company~



Hope everything goes well~

NTU Y1S2, Week 10 In Review

Wah... so fast...

3 more weeks till the end of the semester...

and then soon it'll be exams all over again..


I can imagine it...

It's like history repeating itself all over again...


Microprocessor Programming

More interrupts, more exceptions handling stuff.

And most importantly...

Non-Maskable Interrupt.



I totally flopped by Algo Quiz. Haiz...

If the question is something I couldn't do, then I got nothing to say. But this is a question where I know how to do, yet I didn't do correctly.


Sad sad sad...

And seems like everyone I know is giving up on the Algo Lectures...

No one seem to go there anymore...?


Why like that?


Algo is the most important.

Utmost important.

Software Systems & Models
Think I flopped this quiz also... LOL...

> , <


Software Engineering
More photography session.

Next week last one lo... after that, no more Hawaiian guy.

Rather go for Monday class.

Technical Communication
Finally... near the end of this piece of crap.

Getting into this was the single greatest mistake I made in this entire semester.

And I'm so glad that it's going to be over soon.

2 more weeks... 2 more weeks!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Clearing Out The Junk!

I just realized how much of this thrash I've been making in the past 2 months.

And it's clogging the whole system.

This is not what it should be like.

And so I did a little "house-keeping".

Cleaned up the mess.

Cleared out lots of junk.

Throw out load of garbage.

From this place, from within myself.

For those who missed it, that's too bad~

I don't think they'll make their return, at least not in the near foreseeable future. (unless something really major happen)

Maybe 3 or 5 years later I can tell you all about it.


I really feel much better now, compared to like the past few weeks.

It's like regaining your vision again after the fog clears.

Like regaining back all the intelligence you've lost.

Like the air you breath is fresh again.

Like all the weight are lifted off your shoulders.

It's like being reborn~!

Ok that's a bit exaggerated.




Saturday, March 07, 2009

NTU Y1S2, Week 9 In Review

Alright... more than half the semester over le...

I really need to stop slacking and get to work.

I don't know why I am so unable to focus nowadays...


Everytime want to study... but always end up doing something else.

Everytime I open my notes, I will gradually drift into dreamland... -_-

Must use this weekend to catch up on everything already...

Else will really die...

By the way... looking forward to the IT Show orh... feel that I got lot of things to "hoot" this time...

Microprocessor Programming

I've made up my mind le...

Must do a complete revision of this thing.

Reset the CPU, reset everything.

Do a rebuild.

Monday Lab 4 le.

If I don't do anything, I will really flop this subject...

Prim's and Kristal...

Can you really show me the shortest path?


The shortest path to my death.

Software Systems & Models
Liveness and Safety...

I think I've broke both property...



Doing Lab 4 now.

Software Engineering

50 minutes of photography elective sums up this whole week...

Technical Communication
As usual... don't want to comment much. LOL.

As you can see, I am really really sick of this module.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Thoughts About The NTU Incident...

One tutor once told me this:

"10 and 20 years later, when you look back at your whole life, what's more important is the day you get married, the day you become a parent, etc... You won't be worrying about what grades you got for a particular semester."


I've forgotten the exact words, but the meaning is the same.

When you look at your whole life on the grand scale... it's much more than just what grades you got for a semester.

What can be more important than your life?

Quote from a professor...

" Your 20 over years of educations life boils down to this. 1 Number. 1 Single-Digit number. Do you think that is fair gauge of your capabilities? It is a lousy system but has been in place for many many years"

Isn't it sad?