Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Pair Of Glasses

I've been blinded for too long. Way to long.

My sight have been screened off from reality. Everything was concealed under the cover of darkness and corruption. Everything was distorted.

For far too long, I was blinded from the truth. I couldn't see what's really important, what really matters.


I love my new glasses. They made me see the world in a new light.

When I brought the old pair to the optical shop, the optometrist was shocked. The lens was covered with scratches all over, the protective coating were long gone, and it was just in a terrible state. And I've been wearing it for more than 5 years!

I couldn't believe it. Why didn't I realize it all along? Why didn't I notice it sooner? How much have my eyes suffered under this pair of lenses?



This reminds me of a story someone told me, the story of "The Boiling Frog".

Do you know that if you put a frog into boiling water, it will jump out (escape alive). However, if you place it in cool water, and slowly heat up the water till boiling point, the frog will never jump out (die).



Isn't it true and applicable to many things in life? When things around you starts to deteriorate and turn bad slowly, little by little, day by day, you don't notice it. You don't do anything about it... until the point when it's too late.

Many things don't just plummet from great to terrible in an instant, but decline slowly and gradually. That's why we can't detect it, just like the frog. By the time the frog knows the water is boiling, he's already dead.

For example, a new-smoker doesn't start smoking 20 sticks a day instantly. A overweight person don't just gain 100 pounds overnight. If that happens, it will immediately hit them that they got to do something about it.

Same for positive things... who do you think feels richer? Someone that receives 1 million overnight in his bank, or someone that receives 1 million over 20 years? They both got the same amount, but the first person will probably feel the joy much more.

It's the same for many things; Relationships, bad habits, finance, health...

If you see a person every single day, you don't see him changing; If you haven't seen him for 5 years, he'll be totally different from what you remembered.


...What the hell... how come can lead to so much stuff...


Everything is now clearer, and brighter~

I think I'm transforming back into someone... "normal" again. My biological clock is back to that of a normal human being. I'm much more stable emotionally, and I can't wait to embark on this new quest~

Ahh~ Life is great~! ( <--- Not a "Great Eastern" promo)

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