Saturday, August 12, 2006

Click - Probably the most emotional movie I've ever seen

Went to watch "Click" today with Ben and Ken. First spotted the poster at causeway and thought Comedy was its selling point. Panadol and Toby both gave high opinions of this movie so I decided to watch it. Have to say it's well worth the money...

I give it 9 out of 10, simply because no movie is perfect. The best part is not the comedy, but the meaning behind the whole thing.

Not afraid to admit that I cried when I watch the show. Really cried. (Yeah I also got emotions) Click was the 2nd movie that made me cried in my entire life. Really very touching and thought-provoking movie...

First part was all comedic fun and did a good job of building up the characters. The emotions started to build when the remote foward everything by 1 year. At that time I was like..."oh no...please don't". I forgot a huge part but the scene that really touched me was when he rewinded back to the last time he saw his grandfather.

The man was like old and wrinkled already...then he slowly walked up to him and just want to spend some time with his son. Then that "bastard" shouted at him, "I know the coin trick long ago! Leave me alone! I need to work!"

Wah...tell heart really sank...I can totally feel the effect, the position of the grandfather character at that moment of time. It was such a powerful emotion. It's like you can feel the disappointment, the sorrow and bitterness of the grand-father.

Then it went to a scene at the ball where he talk to his mother. He ran up and hug her, then told her "I love you, ma." and she replied "your father would be so proud of you"...Whew...that part got to me as well. Of course the final scene at the hospital where he ran out into the rain (climax), wanting to tell his son, "Family is more important", because he don't want his son to repeat his mistakes...His voice is all hoarse and he finally collapsed in the rain...Wah...cry like siao.

I think "Click" touched me so much because it is so true to life. There are many 'tear-jerker' type of movie out there, but they never get to me because they are so unrealistic that they're never going to happen in real life. I'm not a person that cry very easily but these things really get to me. Those 至亲至爱 people in your life. Like the parents unconditional love for the child etc...those kind of scenes really stirred up my emotions. Stuff like "Titanic" (Tragic love story) don't get to me so much. Maybe I feel touched but it isn't so strong till it made me want to cry.

"Click" is so...realistic, so real that I can relate to very well. You don't have to use poetic terms to relate to people. Who the hell use perfect words and "chimernology" terms when he's under an extreme emotion. No one converse like that in real life. The simple "I love you, son" (together with the expression, the body lanaguage) already contains so much emotion in itself. You don't need to add unnecessary stuff to it. 2 things I "learnt":

1) Experience all the Good and Bad things in Life - Whether it's pleasure or pain, happiness or sadness, even boredom, things that you hate to do and things that you love to do. Do not "skip" them. They are your experience, and all of them, good or bad, add to your life.

2) Family (Kinship) is more important than stupid work. Reminds me of a song that goes by like "就算站在世界的顶端,身边没有人陪伴,又怎样。" (Even if you're standing at the top of the mountain, what's the point if there's no one by your side)

Really really great movie. I love this movie.

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