Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ultimate Ears Super Fi 3

Ever since I was "poisoned" by IEMs 2 years+ ago...

I can no longer go back to using those "normal" earphones...


Anyway, the IEM I've been using finally gave up on me (After 2 years and 1 exchange). Although the performance/price ratio for it was unbeatable at that time, I have to admit that it doesn't have the best build quality.

And after some careful research, I finally settled in for my 2nd set of IEM...

Introducing my new precious...


Opening the Sides...

Complete set of Ultimate Ears

The moment I put it on, I can only stand in awe of how good the sound isolation is. The -26dB claimed by the product is definitely not marketing BS.

At the shop, I can barely hear what the salesgirl is saying after inserting both buds in, note that this is without ANY music on at all.

On my Mp3 Player, I only need to on the volume to like 6 (Out of 25 Max!) to hear everything clearly. Comparatively, my previous IEM would need like 12 at least. If you use those normal earphones, you need about 18 out to block out all the surrounding sound in a normal environment like this.

The only competitor price/performance wise was the UM1, but UM1 is more bassy, while UE emphasize more on clarity. And for me, clarity is more important when listening to my songs.

So I finally decide to go with this.

There are full reviews everywhere if you're interested to know more, so I'm not gonna go on and on.


Now that I have my IEM... There is only 1 more piece missing in this whole puzzle...

万事俱备, 只欠东风

And my Eastern Wind won't be far off...

Ha ha ha...

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