Saturday, March 21, 2009

NTU Y1S2, Week 11 In Review

Crap... I'm going nuts. Even my body is starting to collapse under all these pressure... :(

Flu + Cough for so many days already... Still can't recover. Losing my voice also...

Next week will be the worst of them all even though it's the E-Learning Week.

Crazy Schedule:

Monday - 201 Lab 5 + Tech Comm Report
- 207 Final Demo
- 203 Lab 5
- Tech Comm Presentation

For me, everything will be over by week 12. That's the good and also the bad aspect of being in the first class to do everything... -_-

Can't wait for next Friday...!

No more projects, no more reports, no more labs, no more presentations! And I can concentrate fully on the final exams.

Eeww... just 5 more days and I can finally take a breather...

And crap... It's already Saturday night.

And I haven't done anything meaningful at all.

Met Alvin for like 3 hours at the library...

Wanted to study... but can only "stun" at the 201 paper...



Microprocessor Programming

Last lecture is over...

As for the E-Learning Lecture...

I don't even want to comment on it.

Watch it if you have insomnia.

Sure to cure one.

5 Minutes enough already.

Enough to send you to see "Ah Gong Zhou".

Got back quiz 2 already... luckily it's good...

But haiz... I see the quiz 2, will remind me of my quiz 3...


Told "Dr Huang" about me mis-interpreting the "0" as the graph being disconnected when it's supposed to be "No cost for traveling".

Then all she told me was "Don't worry."

What the hell...


As for the LKK...


Please continue to smoke.

Please continue to draw more talisman.

Software Systems & Models
Wah... really is ultimate smoker... -_-

The lecture reminds me of the "techniques for mathematical induction" taught by Shi Da Ming.

Say the first line. Then "Dot dot dot dot" and say the last line.


Seriously I don't understand anything...

Then he asked whether we want Revision Lecture or not...


I want... But can I have Sea Wind conduct it?

And 1 more thing.

His picture is constantly popping up on Facebook for some reason...



Software Engineering

Doing the final part on white box and black box testing.

And during the last tutorial by Mr Hawaiian guy, he said something that I feel is extremely true.

He was explaining a question about code-testing when he said something like this...

"If you know girls that don't like programming... What you notice is that they tend to code everything at once, lump everything together. Then they run it and the thing doesn't work. And they say they hate programming."


It's a generalization, but a quite true one at that... Haha.

Technical Communication

Really really tired from this.

I just want to get over this.

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