Sunday, October 05, 2008

How To Prove Your Love For Someone... Discretely.

Sequel To The Original

If you are a set, then let my love for you be a function that maps all of my elements to all of yours. Let the cardinality of our love grows to infinity.

If my love for you can be represented with a function, then let that function be one to one and onto. And then, let the inverse function represents your love for me. Still one to one, still onto.

If you are a pigeonhole, let me be the only pigeon that resides in it, regardless of how many pigeons there are.

If you are a vertex, let me be the edge that lies incident to you. Let me be your only edge, and your only degree.

If you are a graph, let me be your Euler Circuit. Let me transverse every edges of yours.

If our love can be represented with a graph, let there be no cut vertex or edges in it that graph.

Please do not doubt my love for you, for this love is an axiom.

I can prove my love for you directly, and I can prove the same by contradiction.

Please don't try to find a counterexample, for such an example would be impossible.

Prove: My love for you exists for all time in the domain of eternity.

1. By Contradiction:

Suppose the above is false. Then, there must exist a time in eternity where I don't love you.

If such a time actually exists, then I cannot exists; For by definition, I exists due to my love for you (you are the reason for my existence).

If I exists, then my love for you must exists. Taking the contrapositive, it meant that if my love for you does not exists, then I cannot exists as well.

This by itself, is a contradiction to original supposition.

Therefore, I have prove that my love for you will be true till eternity.


2. By Induction:

Let all time be represented by the value K, where K is anytime in the span of eternity.

In the beginnings of time (when "time is 1"), my love for you exists. Assume that my love for you exists at a time K, I can always prove that my love for you exists at the time of K + 1.

We can now conclude that my love for you will be true till eternity.


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