Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How To Declare Your Love For Someone...Discretely.

My love for you is reflexive, because when I'm loving you, I'm loving myself too.

My love for you is symmetric, because I know If I love you, you'll love me too.

My love for you is antisymmetric, because If I love you and you love me, we are one.

My love for you is transitive, because If I love you and you love another, I'll love the one you love as well.

My love for you defies all the laws of nature. It defies the commutative laws, the associative laws, the distributive laws, the absorption laws, the domination laws, the Idempotent laws, the double complement laws, the identity laws and even the great De Morgan's law.

All the elements in my set are the subsets of my love for you. When I am a subset of you and you are a subset of mine, I know we are equal to each other. There are no difference nor complement in our world, only union and intersection. We are dependent yet not mutually exclusive. Our Cartesian product symbolize all the good things in this world.

My love for you is a Tautology, never a Contradiction.

My love for you transcends all time and events on earth...

My love for you is Eternal...


Eternally Discrete.


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