Saturday, October 25, 2008

NTU Y1S1, Week 12 In Review

E Learning Week

Lobo Week...


Once again, I am deeply astonished by Dr Shi...

Sometimes, I really question myself.

What is it that he can see that we couldn't?

How is he able to look at things from a perspective that is so "basic common sense" to solve something so complicated?



The first was when I saw his lecture on Mathematical Induction. He uses something that even primary school kids know to get out of a seemingly "unproceed-able" question.

Using "K + 1" is always more than "K".


How can he see this kind of things?



This time round, he said "To prove 2 equation are equal to each other, just prove that one equation minus the other is equals to zero."


... And he used such a SIMPLE concept to solve the question.

A question I spent more than 2 hours racking my brains over with and couldn't get anywhere. A question which I think more than 90% of the class couldn't solve.

And he "breaks" it down just like that.

Using something that is so basic.


This is entirely different from someone being able to solve some trigonometric equations by identify parts where you can apply those "identities".

To me, being able to see that "K + 1 is always more than K" is much more impressive than being to able to spot something like "Sin square + Cos Square = 1".

It might not seem like a big deal reading about it; but when you are stumped at a question for hours and he solves it "just like that", the "trauma" is really unbearable...



And I think I agree with Glenn. Haha.

Discrete Maths is probably my favourite module for the semester. It's very frustrating when you're stuck, but the satisfaction you get from solving a difficult question can be really great. It's like really "seeing the light" all of a sudden.

To quote: "It teaches you how to approach a problem from different angles and to think out of the box to find the solution. Its quite amazing to see the lecturer approach a difficult problem and come up with a stunner solution."

I think our lecturer actually made this module fun. (even though it's still really difficult)


Once again~

All Hail Professor Shi!

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