IT WAS 365 DAYS AGO...that I first stepped onto the Demonic Island.......can still remember it so vividly. (a sleepless night...)
怎么说出口, 也不过是NS
他们享受我们泪流 (For Andrew, Anthony, Mao Mao, Thomas)
Even though life is difficult......I'm halfway there liao. Something to be happy about I guess, but I don't really feel the joy. Haha. They all say the 2nd year will be longer because you'll keep thinking about it...
I realized a lot of things lately...Barely 2 batches only, and we're almost reaching the top liao. I think the next batch will really determine our fate... Firstly, all the previous generations will be, BOOF, gone! Yes, I mean all. That practically means the highest in seniority will be us. Second, it is already getting very messy around here. Everyone is causing a lot of problems already. When the next batch joins in it will be even worse. 3rd... is... when the enemy attacks by Sea....
Next... want to congrats Thomas. Thank him for all his "attention" for so long. In fact, my very first duty was with him. On the last day (before he ORD), he shook my hand and said, "See you 1 year later"... Haha. Yes, he's ORDing this september. That'll probably be the last time I'll see him in some time. Haiz... Sgt Wong, Sgt Lim... all also this September. Sian... so sad...
And... very... sad. I, well... I had to give up my first dog... Don't say liao... He's been following me for, what? 7 months? Haiz... then exactly on my 1 year anniversary, he was forcefully taken away from me... don't know what to say. Why have to do this kind of stunt? Now I have to bond with a new dog all over again... Geez...
Finally, today... whew... like go back to BMT. Do training until siao... 5KM run, 3 sets of "do until cannot do" push-ups, 2 sets of 100 crunches, forward launch up the hill... Geez... I think I will wake up with pain all over tomorrow... After that I heard A-go-go kanna "devour" by that mad beast... luckily not too serious.
Well... that's basically all for now...
4 days of break!
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