Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Best Idol Drama Quotes...

Was surfing around the "Asian Entertainment" forum of Fanatics, then come across this thread about "Quotes from your favourite drama"... Super interesting. Thought I'll list some. The drama which it occurred in will be listed if known. If the phrase is in English, it means I can't find the exact chinese phrase, so I just use the one provided.

"真爱是不能被放弃的,能够放弃的就不叫真爱" (Prince Become Frog)

"在面對敵人時,不管你有沒有信心,都不能露出膽怯;相反的,你要想像自己君臨天下,他看過來,你要更具氣勢的面對,讓對方語塞" (Prince Become Frog)

"My name is Chen Hai Nuo, you have to remember, because this will be the name of your boyfriend." (Prince Become Frog)

"我有预感我会爱你一辈子" (Ah Meng, Devil Beside You)

"如果道歉有用的话,那还要警察干嘛!" (Dao Ming Si, Meteor Garden)

"There are people in this world who will hurt you, but there are also people who are hurt because u are hurt..." (Devil Beside You)

Zax: 你說我哪點不好﹐我一定改﹗
YY: 你說你喜歡我哪點﹐我也一定改! (Mr Fighting)

"你喜欢的人是我,不可以喜欢别人" (It Started With A Kiss)

"Even though I don’t know what the end of the road looks like….but when I reach there, I’m sure you’ll also be there." (Shan Cai, Meteor Garden)

DO: Do you believe in everlasting love?
TY: Yes.
DO: Why?
TY: Because you'll be happier believing it exists. (Frog Become Prince)

"你可以怀疑天上的星星是火花,你可以怀疑太阳它没有在运转,可是你千万不要怀疑我对你的爱,好不好?" (Love Magician)

"幸福永远不属於恶魔,直到你为我画出幸福的形状" (Devil Beside You)

"你在做噁夢嗎? 抓緊我的手,我會帶你離開那個恐怖的夢境,醒來以後,也繼續抓緊我的手,如果你願意的話." (Corner Of Love)

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