IMPORTANT NOTE: This story is purely fictitious. Any resemblance to reality (people living or dead, places past or present) is purely coincidental.
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5th Year of the 7th Eclipse...
500,000 of undead legions marched through the gates of darkness, sending trembles across the lands. Everywhere the infernal legion went, thousands of homes were destroyed and countless humans were massacred. Terrifying screams of women and children echoed in the air as the Kay Waters became a lake of crimson blood overnight.
The numerous villages and towns of Kay Kingdom were in no position to defend themselves against the forces of darkness, and in less than a month, the 3 main routes of the Kay Kingdom come under heavy siege.
Joyless Lands
The lands have been under the demons attack for hundreds of years, but never before had the Kay Knights faced such an overwhelming numbers. Endless waves of undead consisting of zombies, wraiths, ghosts and witches descended from the skies and swept across the Joyless Lands. It was a terrifying sight!
The strength of the undead legions skyrocketed from 40,000 to an estimated 150,000! In addition, the demons simultaneously launch attacks on the "Mt.Candy" and "Candy Turnabout" (2 vital defence posts in the Joyless Lands) with over 120,000 of monstrous creatures. This was when the term "Joyless Lands" became equivalent to "Hell On Earth"...
Savage Waters
Undead reinforcements consists of swamp and sea monsters of the deep, such as the deadly hydras and piranhas totalling 90,000 (up from original 20,000). To further pressure the Knights, The undead made a pact with the "Pirates of the High Seas", (Totalling near 120,000) to aid in the siege by patrolling the nearby waters.
Luckily, the rich merchants of the region are usually able to keep those pirates under control using large amount of bribes. In comparison, this place is the easiest to defend out of the 3. However, it becomes a totally different situation when the Chilling Serpent strikes...
Evil Mortuary Road
A place that stinks of rotting corpses.... the 150,000 (Up from original 20,000) undead legion besiege the guardpost with their unholy armies of cerebus and hellhounds...The legendary flying beast known as the "Chilling Gargoyle" can sometimes be seen patrolling the region, tearing apart any living beings that is unlucky enough to be spotted.
When that time arrives, only a handful of elites known as the "Gods of War" are able to bestow the necessary protection for this place... However, even gods are human beings (神也是人)...
This was the start of "The Great War".
And once it starts, it never ends.
For the next few hundred years, and until records of the Kay Kingdom cease to exists, there were no signs of the war ending. The people of Kay Kingdom will forever live under the threat of war...
No matter how much monsters the Imperials manage to kill, no matter how much demons the knights manage to slain and how much spirits the priests manage to dispel... more and more will just spawn from the portal of darkness. They came in swarms and in waves, each time in greater numbers and each time in greater strength...
It is endless, and it is hopeless...
Years passed...
By then, the Circle was just a shadow of its former self. Gone were the unity, and gone were the harmony...
The Knights started to break apart one by one. At first, one knight had to take on 10 enemies. As their comrades began to fall one by one, the pressure on the remaining ones increased tremendously. The Knights have to take 1 to 20, then to 50, then to 100. As the knight take on more enemies, the more likely he is to fall. When he fall, the remaining knights take on even more enemies. It is an vicious downward spiral for the Knights.There were fewer and fewer knights, yet the monsters only kept increasing.
At this point, one of the greatest philosophers from the Kay Kingdom created what would later be known to the modern world as "The Table Theory".
The knights were plagued with illness and injuries... From the top to the very bottom, none of them were spared. They were on the verge of destruction...
Even worse, many people would take advantage of their own comrades during such dire times in exchange for personal gains...
And of course, such people will not be spared from being inducted into the "Hall of 8 Immortals"...
5. Love Immortal (情仙)
Background: When the love of his life left him, he decides to unleash his wrath upon this cruel world...
Description: He was later regarded as one of the greatest of the 8 immortals based on all the 4 arts combined after he was reincarnated. As a a disciple of the Dark Immortal and a close friend of the Cannon Fairy, he was able to derived many unique techniques from the people around him. During his final days, he became one of the most feared character in the Kay Kingdom...
Rebirth: ?? Year, 8th Eclipse
Status: 1 of the 13 Chariots. 1 of the original 8 Immortals.
[N] Ninja: LV7
[C] Cookery: LV8
[T] Taiji: LV7
[I] Illusion: LV7
Notable Skills:
[N] 千里传音 - An extremely high form of Naruto of making people believe he is there when he's not.
[T] 借力使力 - By momentum, redirect the attack to another person of lower level.
[C] 烘烤油炸 - 4 ruthless cooking techniques used to baked and fried fresh ingredients.
6. Illusion Immortal (幻仙)
Background: Originally studied under a Master Illusionist but his Master was banished into the depths of the Great Dungeon... He later improvised on his master technique and created 1 of Kay's most influential School of Illusion.
Description: Combining the highest form of arts in both schools, he is able to "cook ingredients without the ingredients realizing that they're being cooked (让被切的菜不知道自己被切)". It is truly a terrifying technique that only the most experienced warriors are able to detect.
Special Note: Historical records on him is extremely scarce, making him the most mysterious of the 8 immortals. Some said the Illusion Immortal actually refers to 2 or even more individuals due to the many different information, but this is just a theory...
Rebirth: ?? Year, ?? Eclipse
Status: Unknown
[N] Ninja: LV6
[C] Cookery: LV8
[T] Taiji: LV6
[I] Illusion: LV9
Notable Skills:
[C] 小李飞刀- Able to strike swiftly with such precision that the target felt no pain initially.... By the time the target realized the damage, it's already too late...
[I] 移魂大法 - High Illusion art of Mind Manipulation that can be use to sway a person a thoughts and behaviour.
[I] 舔吸吞喝 - Lick, Suck, Swallow & Drink...?
[T] 以柔克刚 - Uses a soft approach to "persuade" a person to do his bidding...
At this time, Chief Kingfisher, who had been constantly fending off assaults from the Evil Empire, received an Imperial Edict to hand over all military power over the Kay Knights. The Chief, realizing deep inside that the Circle is nearing its end, decided to make the best decision for himself...
He left behind the the place he established from scratch, and the generals he fought alongside with. He left in search of greater riches and glory, leaving behind the knights to fend for themselves...
Without the mighty shield protecting the people... what will happen to the knights?
The knights however, have got something more important to worry about....
A nefarious spirit being, known as the "Tormented Soul", had been released into this world by the Evil Lord. This spirit, also known as the "Possessor", is said to be the root of all evil. When he was alive, he was already depraved of humanity, committing all sort of heinous acts imaginable. After he dies, the Evil Lord subdued his spirit and "natured" him...He was infused with the most extreme and negative energies in the dark world, his soul corrupted and his heart rotten to the core...
He now returns to take revenge on the world....
The Tormented Soul will possessed a target body, infesting it, controlling its mind and body. The victim will be ripped of his conscience and have no idea what he is doing. It does not matter how or what the person was like... Once the soul possessed his body, he will live for the sole purpose of causing destruction, and he will turn into a deadly demonic beast...
This spirit...
This demon child of the Evil Lord, has found its way into the Kay Kingdom...
Into the Imperial Stables...
And into the Kay Knights...
Who did he choose?
1 of the 7 Kay Generals.
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