Saturday, September 27, 2008

NTU Y1S1, Week 8 In Review

Recess Week

Haiz... how come this "recess" is so different from what I expected?

It can't even be considered a "recess" man... I seemed more busy during the recess than during normal school day?

The CURSED Java took up a huge load of my time. At first, I thought I could finished it in like less than 2 days... In the end I took nearly 4 days!

First, you need to re-implement the entire lab using a whole different structure, which mean you can't test it the normal way. You cannot use the "add a bit, test. Add a bit, test" method. You have to change the ENTIRE program before you can even test. Obviously, loads of crazy errors will start popping up everywhere.

And that's still "small case". The real killer is the interest computation, and the need to really scrutinize every single line of the long grandmother story to make sure you haven't missed some "unique" requirement they want.

And what else? They changed the output format from the previous lab without mentioning ANYTHING at all in the new requirement.... what crap...

Have you ever tried coding from 9am in the morning to near midnight? Cannot be described in words... felt like you may go blind anytime.

So Java basically took up like 40% of my recess already. And then come the CURSED Maths.

First, the lecturer haven't teach till so far... but the tutorial like way ahead of time. And it doesn't help that the lecture slide sucks...

Have to learn how to do tutorials from all different sources... online resource, ask people... and kanna attitude from some people... :(

Everyday is Calculus, Calculus, Calculus, Calculus...

Everyday is differentiation, differentiation, differentiation, differentiation...

Everyday is derive this, derive that, derive, derive, derive...

I will derive!

I will survive!




At first I was afraid, what could the answer be?
It said given this position find velocity.
So I tried to work it out, but I knew that I was wrong.
I struggled; I cried, "A problem shouldn't take this long!"
I tried to think, control my nerve.
It's evident that speed's tangential to that time-position curve.
This problem would be mine if I just knew that tangent line.
But what to do? Show me a sign!

So I thought back to Calculus.
Way back to Newton and to Leibniz,
And to problems just like this.
And just like that when I had given up all hope,
I said nope, there's just one way to find that slope.
And so now I, I will derive.
Find the derivative of x position with respect to time.
It's as easy as can be, just have to take dx/dt.
I will derive, I will derive. Hey, hey!

And then I went ahead to the second part.
But as I looked at it I wasn't sure quite how to start.
It was asking for the time at which velocity
Was at a maximum, and I was thinking "Woe is me."
But then I thought, this much I know.
I've gotta find acceleration, set it equal to zero.
Now if I only knew what the function was for a.
I guess I'm gonna have to solve for it someway.

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