Just finished watching the special programme on Channel 8...
Wow... brought back lots of memories... feeling kinda nostalgic... seeing so many old actors, old clips, and listening to those drama theme songs...
Here's a list of all Mediacorp Dramas
In my opinion, the "classic era" of Mediacorp is long gone. And the quality of dramas and actors now cannot be compared with that of the past. Even though I say that, I must admit that the main reason I feel that way is that I no longer watch TV that often. Since the "Internet Boom" in 2000s, the time I spent watching TV got lesser and lesser...
The first few dramas from my childhood memory are probably 早安老师, 双天至尊, etc...
Even though it's impossible to remember the storylines, the name alone confirms that I've watched the serial before... haha.
Stuffs like: 一号凶宅, 侠义包公, 缘尽今生, 医胆仁心, 妈姐情缘, 女子监狱, 创意兴家, 金枕头, 再见萤光兰
豆腐街, 阳光列车, 解连环, 新阿郎 all have great opening songs.
1997 was probably the start of Mediacorp "golden age". So many of my favourite series shown during that year.
真命小和尚, 都是夜归人, 和平的代价, 不老的传说, 长河 (Great Theme)...
And that golden period extends and reaches its peak in 1998 (probably the best year in its entire history)... so many classic shows...
钢琴88 (Nice duet opening)
家人有约 (Huang Bi Ren + Xie Shao Guang undying classic)
神雕侠侣 (Fav show at that time... started my comic hobby)
欲望街车 (The title just rings a bell... a very funny show)
卫斯理传奇 (Again fuel my comic collection)
东游记 (Who doesn't know this classic show...Guo Fei Li's work to fame)
陌生人 (One of my fav show... this one is about stocks)
珍珠街坊 (Another classic)
And a lot of others... 1999 is still pretty good, featuring 福满人间 and 出路. 2000 onwards I spent much lesser time watching TV... Some serials I remember includes...
笑傲江湖, 何日军再来, 我来也 (Very nice ending theme), 白蛇新传, 豹子胆 (Fav), 九层糕 (Fav), 春到人间, 荷兰村, 喜临门, 同心圆
More recently in 2007... cause of OD, I actually watch quite a number of shows... Haha.
十三鞭, 幸福双人床 (cute show), 宝家为国 (talk about propa-u know), 破茧而出
播音人: 我是陈美光光光光光。。。
hey! i am just a passerby haha but i totally agree with u!my fav shows were 济公活佛、家人有约、和平的代价、双天至尊、出路、客家之歌 and much much more! then i realised tt i missed xie shao guang a lot...hahaha!i havent been watching much tv since 2000 also coz of internet then until now...all the nice old shows! btw i read from the ch8 forum tt they are rerunning bo yin ren nxt yr! haha then can watch yan dao, chen mei guang n da la ba again! =)
Cool... haha. Bo Yin Ren is one of my favourite Sitcom.
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