I've never been more afraid of phone calls in my entire life...
Just the sound of it ringing send a chill down my spine. I sleep in the night fearing the deadly tone of my phone.
It doesn't pay to be the "good guy". In the movies, good guys always get set up and dies. Or spend his entire life in poverty until the very end. The good guy never gets the girl of his dream until the end. It's the evil guy that always get away with everything, only to die the most glorious death. It's almost the same in reality.
Seriously it's dumb. Like... look. If someone has always perform badly, nobody dares to say anything about him. They are just like "live with it". But, if someone who usually perform very well, did something bad ONE TIME, everyone is like "oh he screws up", and "I never thought he's someone like that".
I mean... WTF is that shit. So, you're saying that it's okay to play truant if you do it all the time (until everyone "know your pattern"), but it's not okay if you skip school for once.
I get it now. It's something call "expectation". Once you get used to the good guy, you always expect him to perform. And you'll punish him seriously if he mess up.
This is so unfair. I don't think nobody realize this. Kid A always top the class and one day he fails a paper. His parents will all be like "Oh what happen? I must now ban him from going out with his friends and watching TV ".
If the same thing happen to Kid B who frequently performs badly, his parents will be like "Oh, what can I do. I can't bother to lecture him. He's always like that."
Can you imagine how Kid A must have felt? He'll be like "how come my mum doesn't punish brother for doing badly, but I have to face such serious consequences."
How come some people can get away slacking off whole day but nobody dare to say a word. And when those that work all the time just want to take some time off, people start pointing finger. If one day the slacker really did some work, people will treat it as "extra bonus".
It is the epitome of stupidity but we all do it in some way without realizing it.
All the work, all the responsibility gets handed to you. You don't receive any reward for completing it, but you better bet there is hell to pay if you fail to complete it.
So, what's the morale of this story?
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