Really... got nothing much to say. Haha.
I wanted to be more happy on this day but I couldn't find any reasons to.
This morning, I was woken up under one of the worst possible scenarios.
Woken up by a call from the cursed place. (Yeah you know where)
Haiz... what else?
More bad news.
Even on my birthday I have to go through this kind of mental torture. I've already given up.
The future just got even bleaker.
I think this is one of the worst "birthday presents' I can get.
Well... I shan't talk about this on this "happy occassion", so I'll leave it to next time.
Ah~ 21st birthday.
That is like every little kid "dream".
The time when "everything" becomes legal. When you become an adult. When you gain independence! Now I can go straight to ROM to get married without my parents approval.
Haha... anyway, it's just like any other birthdays for me. Not much plans. I am just not the kind of people that would 大费周章 to organize some big party for a birthday. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's not good to have some huge gatherings, but it's just something that doesn't happen in my family. Or maybe you can say that I'm just lazy. It's something that my mother has "inculcate" into me since young. ^_^
Anyway, it's good to know that there are people who care. Thanks to all the people who bother to text me a happy birthday message. It was quite "unexpected" for receive some of them... (GS, Chap, Samantha to name a few) I even received a present from my brother's GF... duh?
Oh and I shall assume that Ben's birthday song is for me. Or more accurately, "happen to be" for me.
And my mum. Haiz... she always tell me to "don't stay up too late"... But she doesn't understand my work schedule. It's not that I don't want to rest early but it is totally out of my means. I am tired of explaining to her. -_-
Anyway... I did went out for a simple dinner with the whole family at a local restaurant. Usual stuffs like shark fins and abalone, kinda like a wedding dinner. I really enjoy eating-out with everyone. It's very relaxing and filling... especially when you don't need to pay. Ha ha ha...
Happy birthday to Samantha, Param, Chiow. (I actually know 3 other people who shares my birthday)
My birthday wish is...
Same la my family also diam diam one during bdays. But like that gd what save money on parties! HAHA!
But you also miss out on the presents... haha.
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