Episode 1: Xue's dad appear for the first time to scold everyone...
DAD: 叫"父亲大人"!爸爸这个名词,是非常轻浮的,一点威严都没有!
From the background... 小武武~!
(Everyone falls)
Episode 1: Zi Cong piggyback Xue...
XUE: 该死的沈若赫,没事干嘛篮球打那么好。不过他刚才耍帅的样子真还蛮帅的。。。
CONG: 。。。
XUE: 哼!会打篮球有什么了不起。子聪你快点去学打篮球,你打篮球一定比他更帅!
Episode 2: Xue's hallucinating Ruo He going down on his knees to beg her... (and later on the other way round) [click to see gif]

Episode 2: At sickbay... behind the partition... (Funny)
XUE: 啊!好痛啊~快放开我, 我不玩了啦!啊~~~好痛。。。我不要了啦!
RUO HE: 事情哪有只做一半的。。。忍耐点, 痛一下就过去了,我会轻一点的。
DOCTOR: 果然是少年轻狂啊。。。青春啊青春啊青春啊!
XUE: 啊。。。谁来救我。。。
Episode 3: Xue confront Zi Cong...
The entire scene leading up to this is very intense and touching...
CONG : 所以你的意思是沈若赫的感觉比我们家兄弟重要罗?
XUE: 没错。。。
(Cong slams the chair and the music kicks in...)
Episode 3: Xue delivers breakfast... Cong was about to kiss her when... (Funny)
EPISODE 4: Ruo He returns to save Xue after betraying her... (Romance)
RUO HE: 一个人的良心,掉到海里,被鲨鱼啃了,也消化了,还有回来的机会吗?
XUE: 你想要回来吗?
Episode 4; Ruo He defies his father for the first time...
RUO HE: 我就是想为伊胜雪输一次!
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