Monday, May 25, 2009

I Am So Sleepy... So Tired...



I don't know if it's due to the horrendous weather.

Or maybe it's the kind of "aura" that's present in that place.

Or is it just that I've become so much physically weaker.

But somehow I just tire out so-ooooooo easily.


It's like, I never even do much things.

Just do some running, some really simple chores.

But somehow I will feel so tired towards the later part of the day...

Almost everyday.



Like today.

When I reached home, I was so tired that I knockout for 2 hours straight. You can almost say I collapsed immediately upon seeing the bed.




It's not like I'm not sleeping enough at night either leh...

Every night got 7 hours leh...

Why like that?



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