Wednesday, August 06, 2008

A Scenario From Class Today...

Lecturer explains...

"So let's go through the steps 1 by 1...

Now, the first thing I do here is to change A to A + 1. A is the same as A + 1, just that we're not writing it there. I'm writing it there so that I can insert additional variables, and then manipulate...

So... 1?

How I obtain 1?

1 can be obtain from B + B'. Okay?


So of course you may ask 'how do I know I have to put B + B' there', well...

Uh... you...

You know because you know you have to do that in order to get to here (*underline the answer)

Okay? Haha... Alright...

(*Whole Class Stun)

Haha... alright? So you just have to do that to get to there alright...

When you have to prove something you have to prove something."







Welcome to the Lecture You Don't Understand.

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