Sunday, July 29, 2007

S.H.E Play Autograph Session!

Woke up... almost 12pm. What the hell...LOL.

Sometimes, I wondered if I've lost the "Fire"... the "Drive" to go for such events. This is the first event I actually had to queue for since last year September...and I was really really reluctant. Perhaps I find it a toil on my physical body (Leg super pain from that first IPPT in 7 months)...and too mentally exhausting... or it's too much time wasted for the limited time I had...

Wash up and use Com a while...In the end still decide to go. Left home around 1pm for IMM.

Met up with Toby... realized that the queue is WAY TOO LONG. AT least 5000 people. So we went around shopping...

Look around Challenger, Best Denki, some Macintosh dealers...CD Rama...

Actually started queuing at 4pm like that. Was really really surprised to see Benjamin! Didn't know he's an S.H.E supporter! Haha... so I'm not the only one in camp who's crazy about S.H.E. Was really really lucky because we're actually the final batch to get to queue (before it gets cut)

Got the autograph at 5:30pm... shook hands with ALL 3 OF THEM~! Sooo... happy!

Ella handshake is the most "sincere" of them all...never change. Hebe smile is so sweet, especially when she smile at me~~ EEWWW...felt like I'm going to melt...


At the moment... It felt like all the time I spent queuing was worth it... Hang around a bit to see their ending farewell before leaving...

What's more, I managed to exchange for Selina and Hebe's cover! (by stroke of luck) It's a really unexpected bonus!

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