It shows the rise and fall of Atari, and some of the games that had the greatest impact on the history, from Space Invaders to Pac-Man, then to Mario and Zelda. It show until the late 1980s only though, so I guess it's a pretty old documentary.
Well anyway, I'll do a continuation for the Childhood Games post. After the NES period (around 1992), it went on to the SNES era. I still have some of the cartridges for these games in my possession! (and the Console)
The SNES accompanies me for most of my Primary School Days~

First screen is "Final Fantasy Mystic Quest", the first ever FF I played, and probably the first RPG I played.. The next one is FF5. My love for RPG is strongly influenced by my 2nd Bro, and I still remember spending hours just watching him play out the game~
I only started playing RPG myself when I got slightly older and able to understand what the heck they're talking about, and really enjoy the storyline.

The first Street Fighter I played, Super Street Fighters II Turbo or something. It's like the most memorable fighting series in history of gaming. Tell me a kid from the 90s who doesn't know who is Ken, Ryu or Chun Li...
The second screen is the first ROTK (ROTK IV) series I played, again under my brother influence. By the way it is through the game that I developed interest in the 3 kingdoms story.

Sim City, one of my favourite games at that time. I am so intrigue by this game, I've spent hours and hours on it. And Super Mario 3, another unforgettable one.

Zelda 3: Link To The Past. The Last Zelda game I playd, and one of the greatest games ever in my opinion.
Well... after the SNES period, my elder brother brought me the Playstation. (Around 1997) That's when I really became a "hardcore gamer". Almost all of my after school hours at spent playing RPGs. LOL.
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