I was reading a lot of those "Greatest Games Of All Time", "Top 10 Forgotten Franchise of NES", "Top 10 Games That Changed The World", "The Most Influential Games"... etc...
So I suddenly had this motivation to revisit my childhood games. These are the games from the extreme distant past, those that I played and watched when I was in the Kindergarten, Lower primary days. Their actual release dates are mostly in the 1980s, some even before I was born.
First... the less well known ones...

Listed in order are Ice Climber, Hogan's Alley, Lode Runner, Clu Clu Land, Duck Hunt, Balloon Fight, Urban Champion, Circus Charlie, Elevator Action, Dig Dug. Have you tried any of them before?
Of course we have the more popular ones... Popeye and Donkey Kong! The 3rd one is "The Legend of Zelda", first in the Zelda series. The 4th one is classic Contra, one of my favourite games at that time. Don't know how many hours I've spent bashing through the 8 levels with my brother. Haha.

Here are some of the games I've spent the most time on...

1. Battle City... spent countless hours on it... Hate to protect the stupid crown thing.
2. Bomberman... don't know play how many times, over and over and over.
3. Originally called Rockman before it was changed to Megaman.
And of course, the one game that everyone still recognize even after 20 years...
4. Super Mario Bros! LOL...
There are a lot more but it's not viable to list all of them here. Like Breakout, Tetris, Space Invaders... all the games that we grew up with. It's a totally different feeling to be playing them again after almost 2 decades.
No doubt the graphics have grown completely outdated, and there've been countless games that have replaced them. But those classic games will always hold a special place in my heart, because they're the first of all games I've played. They're the beginning~ The origin of so many great games.
It's great to relive your childhood~
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