At long last come the end of the semester.
And as I indulge myself in all the nice things of this world...
Let's not forget all those who've lend their help during this semester...
Without them, I really "don't know die how many times" liao...
So here goes...
Ben - for being always always around to clarify my doubts on all the subjects, especially 204. The notes were of a tremendous help.
Glenn - There was a time when I don't even know what XY Plane is. It was you who told me to "Stand in front of your wall. That is the XY plane." And I don't think I would ever have been able to complete the cursed house on my own.
Kenrick - For being there to "yimo wibs moi, especially during the sexams". :P
Melvard - For his 184 notes which were extremely helpful. And always a great host.
XJ - I really can't imagine how horrible our 301 would turn out to be if not for his l33t programming skills. And Wishing Well of course.
Clarence - For refusing to eat Palette.
And anyway...
I have thank TC, Haleem & Cas for sharing all their photographs of the tutorials.
And also, HY, WL and the rest whom I've studied 204 with. That of course all the great tutors from the STG.
I'll also like to extend my thanks to those who had taught me lessons that can't be learnt in the classrooms.
Utmost gratitude to the above people...
And of course...
My Mum who's always there reminding me to take my meal when I'm '废寝忘食'.
For all the herbal tea and tonics and fruits...
For everything.
Thanks everyone!

And as I indulge myself in all the nice things of this world...
Let's not forget all those who've lend their help during this semester...
Without them, I really "don't know die how many times" liao...
So here goes...
Ben - for being always always around to clarify my doubts on all the subjects, especially 204. The notes were of a tremendous help.
Glenn - There was a time when I don't even know what XY Plane is. It was you who told me to "Stand in front of your wall. That is the XY plane." And I don't think I would ever have been able to complete the cursed house on my own.
Kenrick - For being there to "yimo wibs moi, especially during the sexams". :P
Melvard - For his 184 notes which were extremely helpful. And always a great host.
XJ - I really can't imagine how horrible our 301 would turn out to be if not for his l33t programming skills. And Wishing Well of course.
Clarence - For refusing to eat Palette.
And anyway...
I have thank TC, Haleem & Cas for sharing all their photographs of the tutorials.
And also, HY, WL and the rest whom I've studied 204 with. That of course all the great tutors from the STG.
I'll also like to extend my thanks to those who had taught me lessons that can't be learnt in the classrooms.
Utmost gratitude to the above people...
And of course...
My Mum who's always there reminding me to take my meal when I'm '废寝忘食'.
For all the herbal tea and tonics and fruits...
For everything.
Thanks everyone!
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