Don't believe me? Here's the proof. (You don't have to watch the whole video, just the first 60 seconds of each)
First, we have "Nobody Nobody Nobody" by WonderGirls, which everyone is already familiar with. So I shall skip that video.
And then, we have "Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry".
After that, we have this, known as "Gee Gee Gee Gee".
And now? We have "Bo Beep Bo Beep Bo Beep". <--- The worst of the lot.
Seriously, how these songs can generate MILLIONS of views on Youtube is beyond me. All of these songs work on the same formula.
Creating an extremly catchy and addictive chorus, and repeatedly drilling it into your head. It's an extremely disgusting yet effective formula.
Even though you know in your mind that the song is just crap, you can't help but listen to it because the chorus just keeps echoing in your head. It's like a deadly virus.
The Winning "Korean Song" Formula
Based on this fact, I think ANYONE can create a successful Korean song. You don't have to be a professional song writer or anything. Save the money, write it yourself.
If I am the producer, I'll do this.
Randomly take some 2 or 3 syallable words and chain them together. Repeat them about 10 times. Use this as the chorus.
Then, find about 5 pretty girls and have them perform some whacky/cute dance. Use this as the MV.
GUARANTEE. This song will be a BIG HIT.
Let me give you a concrete example:
Say, I pick 2 words, "Dou Hua".
Therefore the chorus will be "Dou Hua Dou Hua Dou Hua Mai Dou Hua~~~!!!" repeated about 10 times.
Next randomly find some cute girls to do a some simple dancing (must have cute hand gestures, such as putting the fist next to cheeks and stuff)
Sit back and watch the $$$ roll in!!!
Korean Music Industry is good business.
Oh wait, did I also mention that there's another song that goes like this...
"Tell me, tell me, tell tell tell tell tell me!" <-- Count how many times it is repeated in the song.
In the recent months (past 1 year or so), I've gradually moved from "mainstream games" ("Big Titles" from "Big Companies") to what is known as the "indie games".
I still play 1 or 2 "big-scale" games that I really like sometimes, but I've become much more accepting towards those independent games.
They are smaller in scale, yes, and their graphics are not as good, yes - but their gameplay and the experience they offer is definitely not inferior to those so called blockbuster titles. In fact, I can honestly say that the quality of these games are just as good, if not better!
And most important, they are DIRT CHEAP. Highly recommend the following titles if you haven't tried them out:
Each of these can be brought for less than $10 (Some $5 and even $2!) if you know where to look, and I have nothing but praises for them. They really offer great value for their price.
Sign up accounts at both Steam and Impulse and get them!
Nowadays, I'm rather relucant to spend $50+ bucks to buy one of those "big production". Somehow, I'll get tired of them rather quickly... and it's really a waste.
Or perhaps it's due to how life has changed.
Unlike the past, I can no longer spend 100 hours grinding my RPG characters, and I can no longer spend 80 hours on the quest for world domination every so often.
I guess this explains why I've now been playing more "indie" games.
Anyway, here's a video of Braid, one of the best selling games right now. It's available now for $2.50USD, and I just spent the entire day playing it. LOL~
Highly recommend for those who love some brain exercise. The level design is simply ingenious.
Edit (27th Dec): OMG... The Final Level of this game... simply out of this world! It will blow your mind!!!
I don't even know if I can classify it as a "major gathering" anymore... LOL.
Each year, the number of people gets lesser and lesser...
It really lost the vitality of the 1st gathering in 2007 and the 2nd one in 2008..
Really pathetic response.
We sent out invitations to over 40+ people.
20 CONFIRMED their attendence.
Only 9 turned up.
All last minute this happen that happen, arbo is just totally AWOL.
ONCE IN A YEAR only event and such poor response.
: (
I guess this is how it is like.
All the "pacts and promises" we made during the dark times to keep this annual gathering tradition...
Promises are easy to make but hard to keep.
: (
Well anyway.
I still enjoyed it tremendously.
Awesome 5 star hotel buffet with tons of delicacies. From nyona prawns to salmons, sashimi & sushi to roasted turkey and all sort of exotic food. Top it off with my favourite chocolate fondue, ice cream, dessert and caramel cakes. Yum Yum~
We had loads of fun "experimenting" with all sort of combinations. Like adding fondue to Ice Kachang, mixing them with Ice Cream and stuff... And they taste surprisingly "not bad". LOL.
And Nixon is now a chef at a hotel! (Shatec pro graduate)
No wonder he knows this kind of lobang.
The original price of the buffet was like $40+, but we are able to get it for us at a special rate of $25!
Eww... Thanks for the recommendation! It's been VERY LONG since I had such a great and satisfying meal.
And lastly...
Really hope the numbers will "rebounce" for the next gathering...
I don't want to see this annual affair fade into oblivion and scrapped.
And as I indulge myself in all the nice things of this world...
Let's not forget all those who've lend their help during this semester...
Without them, I really "don't know die how many times" liao...
So here goes...
Ben - for being always always around to clarify my doubts on all the subjects, especially 204. The notes were of a tremendous help.
Glenn - There was a time when I don't even know what XY Plane is. It was you who told me to "Stand in front of your wall. That is the XY plane." And I don't think I would ever have been able to complete the cursed house on my own.
Kenrick - For being there to "yimo wibs moi, especially during the sexams". :P
Melvard - For his 184 notes which were extremely helpful. And always a great host.
XJ - I really can't imagine how horrible our 301 would turn out to be if not for his l33t programming skills. And Wishing Well of course.
Clarence - For refusing to eat Palette.
And anyway...
I have thank TC, Haleem & Cas for sharing all their photographs of the tutorials.
And also, HY, WL and the rest whom I've studied 204 with. That of course all the great tutors from the STG.
I'll also like to extend my thanks to those who had taught me lessons that can't be learnt in the classrooms.
Utmost gratitude to the above people...
And of course...
My Mum who's always there reminding me to take my meal when I'm '废寝忘食'.