
Da Sao's dog Bee Bee~ So cute! (And the dress!)

Lots of people!
Exams! EXAMS!!! EXAMS!!!!!!! EXAMS!!!!!!! EXAMS AHHHHH!!!!!!!! | ||
Probabilities, Statistics, Hypothesis Testing, Standard Deviation, Variance, Normal Distribution, Discrete Variable, Continuous Random Variable, Probability Density Function, T Table, Z Table, Chi Square, Binomial Distribution, Sample Size, Population Mean, Unbias Point Estimate, Interval Estimate, Calculus, Derivative, Integral, Definite Integral, Differentiation, Partial Fractions, Integration by Parts, U Subsitution, Limits, Hopital Rule, Trigonometric Identities, Linear Algebra, Vectors, Matrices, Determinent, Rank. Logical Inference Rules, Proposition, Tautology, Contradiction, Critical Rows, Arguments, Predicates, Logical Equivalence, Premises, Quantifications, Subsets, Intersection, Power Sets, Set Complements, Cartesian Product, Ordered Pairs, Cardinality, Set Identities Theorems, Membership Tables, Reflexive, Antisymmetric, Symmetric, Transitivity, Total Order, Partial Order, Mathematical Induction, Bijective, Surjective, Injective, Cursed Pigonhole Principle. | ||
Euler Circuits, Hamilton Circuits, Handshaking Theorem, Bipartite Graphs, Recursion. Analog, Digital, Decimal, Octal, Decimal, Base Conversion,Binary Coded Decimal, Serial/Parallel Transmission, Parity Error Detection, Logic Gates, Truth Tables, Boolean Theorems, Universality of NAND and NOR, Alternate Logic Gates, Active Levels, Asserted, Negated, Sum of Products, Products of Sums, Minterms, Maxterms, Karnaugh Map, TTL, CMOS, Medium Scaled Integrated Circuits, Floating Inputs, Fan-out, Power Dissipation, Propogation Delay, Noise Margin, Current Sourcing, Current Sinking. Dynamic Memory, Deep Cloning, Compare To | LinkedList, ArrayList, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Graphs, Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search, New Balance, AVL Trees, Tree Traversal, Pre Order, In Order, Post Order, In Order Successor. Decoder, Encoder, Multixplexer, Demulitplexer, Magnitude Comparator, JK Flip Flop, D Flip Flop, CLEAR*, PRESET*, Synchronous, Asynchronous, Setup Time, Hold Time, Clock Frequency, Duty Cycle, Schmitt Trigger, One Shots, Ripple Counter, Parallel Counter, Johnson Counter, Shift Register Counter, Parallel Adder, Bit Magnitude, 2 Bit Complemeent, Bit, Byte, Word, Nibble, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte. | |
Unicode, ASCII, Overflow, Truncation, Floating Point, Excess Notation, Mantissa, Exponent, Sign Bit, Pimary Storage, Secondary Storage, Physical Address, Logical Address, Random Access Memory, Read Only Memory, Flash Memory, Hard Disk Motherboard, Bus Width, Bus Speed, Bootstrap, Microprocessors, Embedded Systems, PortsCache, Von Neumann Architecture, Instruction Sets, Arithmetic Logic Unit, Function Unit, General Registers, Status Registers, Control Unit, Instruction Cycle, Fetch Unit, Decode Unit, Execute Unit, Program Counter, Instruction Register, Operating Systems, Applications, System Softwares, Shell, Kernel, Process Manager, Memory Manager, Device Manager, File Manager, Multiprocessing, Multiprogramming, Memory Management, Virtual Memory, Paging, Page Tables, Device Drivers, File Manager, Packet Switching, Circuit Switching, Protocols, Application Layer, Transport Layer, Network Layer, Link Layer, Physical Layer, Transmission Control Protocol, Internet Protocol, Packet Headers, Local Area Network, Wide Area Network , Network Topologies, Repeater, Bridge, Switch, Routers, Cilent Server, Peer To Peer, Distributed Systems, Hypertext, Hyperlink, HTML, Uniform Resource Locator, Extensible Markup Language, Cilent Scripting, Server Side Activites, Algorithms, Syntax, Semantics. Psuedocode, Iteration, Recursion, Procedures, Time Complexity, Algorithm Efficiency, Non Deterministic Polynomial Problems, Database Systems, Fields, Records, Hierarchical Database, Network Database, Relational Database, Object Oriented Database, SELECT, JOIN, PROJECT, Structured Query Language, Data Integrity, Commit Roll Back Mechanism, Concurrency Control, Security & Backup, Data Warehouse, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Reflex, Intelligent Response, Goal Seeking, Learning, State Graph, Search Trees, Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic, Software Engineering, Waterfall Model, Incremental Model, Modularity, Data Coupling, Bomb,Data Diddling, Denial of Service, Piggybacking, Salami Technique, Scavenging, Trapdoor, Trojan Horse, Zapping, Virus, Encryption, Firewall. |
The Past Life Quiz |
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Result: A Romantic Poet | ||
You know how you're kind of...you know...sensitive? There's a good reason for that. Long, long ago, you were a romantic poet - the kind that made all the ladies swoon with your sexy sonnets. Even if you're not much of a poet now, you've still got a lot of creativity brewing in your soul. And you've got a strong ability to notice details and understand other people's emotions. If you ever have writer's block or just need some creative inspiration, try to harness some of that poet power in your soul's past. |