Friday, May 09, 2008

I just want to get away for a while...

Sometimes, I wish I can just escape.

Just run away.

Just ignore everything.

Just get away from reality.

I haven't had a single good rest in the past 2 months. In fact, I haven't got a consecutive 72 hours (3 full days) rest in a long long time.

Which is why I decided to give myself a well deserved break.

Unfortunately, reality keeps coming to haunt me even when I'm away.

Everyday, I got people SMSing me, MSNing me, calling me telling me what and what just happen, who and who did what, how and how something bad happen, why and why I now got more stuffs to worry about...




I just want to be left alone...

I just want to have some peace...

I just want some time for myself...


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