Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Games for 2008

It has been a long time since I played any "major game". Er... I shall classify that as a retail game that actually comes with a box and CD-ROM. The last one I played was Medieval 2 Total War.

Haven't been too interested in much of the crap that came out in 2007 (or maybe it's just due to personal reasons), so I've been into a lot of online games. Viwawa being one of them, yeah.

Been playing a number of flash, "fight and grow" games from various online portal. If you got a few hours to waste, I strongly recommend the Swords & Sandals series, and also the Sinjid Battle Arena series.

Basically, you start off with a customizable character and build him up, battling increasingly difficult enemies. As you gain levels, you can buy items, skills and further customize his stats. The goal of course is to see how far you can go before you fall... Be warned, they can be very addictive.

Alright, back to the "major game". I'll list the 3 Major ones I'm looking forward to in 2008.

1. Spore - They said it's coming out this year. Well...hopefully. Been following the development of this game for 3 years, and I'm definitely hyped for the release.

2. Empire Total War - It's Total War with ships! Highly doubt it'll be out this year though.

3. Demi God - And this one that I want to introduce since it's the most "ulu" of all. I was clicking around the game sites until I read about this game...

To summarized:

A game inspired by DOTA!


In case you didn't know, I'm quite a big fan of DOTA. In fact, I've been playing it since "O" Levels. That's like, 5 years? From the Original map on WC3 Reign of Chaos to its current form, I've been playing it on and off.

And I always thought the game concept can stand on its own, on its own as a single, commercial game. It didn't have to be a "custom map in Warcraft III". It can be a full fledge game. I'm surprised they took this long to realize this. Saying DOTA is what is keeping Warcraft III alive today is not an understatement.

If you're interested, here's the gamespy preview to this game.

"Demigod, a full-featured RTS-hybrid inspired by the popular Warcraft III custom map Defense of the Ancients -- usually "DotA" for short. "

"It's a little ironic that one of the most refreshing RTS games to emerge this year is heavily based on a custom map that's been in heavy circulation for a good long time... is gearing up for release in the fourth quarter of this year."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, Spore is gonna be awesome, and it is definitely coming out this year! September 7th to be specific. W00t!