Was walking around when I saw this Chinese martial art novel (武侠小说) on the ground...
I'm a fan of martial art stories, and this novel was quite an interesting read. There's not much storyline to it, but I'll list the characters in the stories...
Its starts out with a phrase that is widely circulated in the Marital Art World...
Sounds a lot like Dragon Sabre Heavenly Sword (倚天屠龙记)... It speaks of 2 legendary martial artists whose skills are unmatched throughout the lands...
Like most typical Martial Art Stories, this one describes the struggle between the good and evil sects in Central Plains (中原).
First, the Imperial Court - ruled by Dowager together with the Empress, and the 7 princesses of the Royal Family.
太后 (Dowager) - 索甲
皇后 (Empress) - 南西
烘炉泼妇 (Fire Lady) - 阿文
口水妹 (Water Lady) - 金巴
杨贵妃 (Concubine Yang) - 音加
阿莲 (Ah Lian) - 提卡
香蕉公主 (Banana Princess) - 巴拉纳
笑查婆 (Crazy Auntie) - 比丽达
猫后 (Cat Princess) - 吉地
In the Evil Realm, we have the Demon Sect (魔教)...
The Demon Emperor practices the Blood Sucking Skill (吸血大法) that will cause him to go into the frenzy, killing everyone in sight. He feasts on the innocents whenever he wants, and will not stop until his thirst for blood is satisfied. With the assistance of his 3 siblings as the Heavenly Guardians, it will not be long before he launches his plan to attack the righteous realm...
魔帝 (Demon Emperor) - 泥肉
魔王 (Demon King) - 赖克斯
三大法王 (3 Heavenly Guardians) - 炸肉, 大肉, 杂肉
日月双魔 (Twin Demons) - 达克,么斯
On the righteous side, we have the 4 Elders together with the Grand Elder to uphold justice and order. In addition, The elders each have a disciple that vow to protect the righteous realm...
祖师爷 (Grand Elder) - 欧多
四大掌老 (4 Great Elders):
战斗爷 (Elder of Battle) - 忍者
智慧爷 (Elder of Wisdom) - 吉米
亲切爷爷 (Loving Elder) - 若密傲
恐怖爷爷 (Creepy Elder)- 若奇
正义四侠 (4 Heroic Disciples):
乖乖侠 (Obedient Hero) - 傲默
可爱侠 (Cute Hero) - 麻索
逃脱侠 (Hero of Escape) - 无脑
飞天侠 (Hero of Flight) - 灵果
In addition, there are numerous small tribes & school scattered around the central plains... Some of the more well known ones are listed below...
The Black Mountains School - Living in the black mountains, their motive are unknown..
掌门 (Black Mountain Sect Leader) - 阿豆
大弟子 (Top Disciple) - 法克
二弟子 (2nd Disciple) - 被拉客
小弟子 (Small Disciple) - 笨尼
The Cowardly Tribe - A group of cowardly people that will run away at the first sign of danger.
族长 (Tribe Elder) - 阿查斯
族民 (Tribe Members) - 丹尼, 板儿, 避雷死
The Crazy Faction - Their actions are unpredictable, and are neither good nor evil...
帮主 (Faction Leader) - 瑞斯
拉屎姐弟 (Excretion Siblings) - 巴特, 查理
三"笑" (3 Craze) - 笨尼,卡螺丝, 阿够
Other famous pugilist in the world includes...
江湖第一采花大盗 (Pugilist World No.1 Rapist)- 等你死
巨人 (The Giant) - 巴拉灯
巨具 (Giant Tool) - 阿拉斯
鼠辈 (The Mouse) - 东儿
It's definitely interesting to read. You might want to try your luck at the local library if you're a fan of martial art novels.
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