Saturday, October 17, 2009

NTU Y2S1, Week 9 In Review

I'm suffocating...




Operating Systems

3 Hours In School.

3 Hours At Home.


Still can't complete the Lab.

What is this?!

Database Systems

Seriously... the lecture notes is one of the worst I've EVER SEEN.

Animation just screw up everything that's printed that.

UNNECESSARY highlighting of black and white text leading to illegible words.

Mixed up order, missing pages... need I say more?

Computer Graphics & Applications

First time attended the STG... Tremendously helpful...

I think I'm going to start going there...

Nevertheless... This one is like the dark clouds constantly looming over my head...


Programming Languages




HR Management & Entrepreneurship


Forensic Science

Skipped the lecture...

Something which I really didn't want to do...

But no choice, have to finish up 204...


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