Saturday, October 24, 2009

NTU Y2S1, Week 10 In Review

Seriously, the first 2 semesters couldn't hold a candle to this one...


I don't even know where to begin.


Number 1

You know... I don't think I've seen the night scenery of the school until this semester.

In fact, staying till 8 and 9pm is almost becoming a daily routine since recess.


Number 2.

I just realized how slack I was the last 2 sems.

Back then, I almost never need to do any school work during the weekdays.

I just finish up everything during the weekend.

Now... weekday + weekend also not enough...


Number 3.

I have NEVER missed this much lectures and classes, EVER.

In fact, I've been missing more lectures than the ones I've attending since recess.


Compared this to the first year, when I wouldn't even allow myself to skip ONE LECTURE.

Yes, I would stay back even for that terrible 101...


But now?

Missing classes is such a common affair...


I feel guilty just thinking about it...



Number 4.

I've NEVER fail to do/be unable to do so many tutorials before.

Last time, there's usually like 1 or 2 super difficult modules which tutorials I can't comprehend.



This Sem?

I only know how to do the tutorial for ONE FRIGGING MODULE.



I've never touched the tutorials for 204 since tut 2, 206 since tut 3, 301 since tut 4...





I don't even dare to think how "jia lat" this will turn out...




(Go emo one corner...)



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