Saturday, September 12, 2009

NTU Y2S1, Week 5 In Review

Operating Systems

Finally did the first lab... Nachos...

Not the chips, but some "Educational Operating System"...

(Argh... I want to install my Windows 7!!!)


Getting into the difficult parts now with all the what Diners Philosopher crap...

Bleh... all the bad memories from 203...


Ajjuming... Conjumer... Rejume...

Database Systems

So much syntax... so much code...

So much crap...

Computer Graphics & Applications

Whole week "E-Learning" cause lecturer went overseas...


I really need to start the lab... NOW!!!

Programming Languages

I lost my notes!!!

Arghhhhhhh!!! Why did this have to happen...

Haiz... Nevermind.

Look on the bright side; I'll just take it as a chance to for revision...

(5 weeks worth of notes...sob...)

HR Management & Entrepreneurship


All I remembered this week was watching a video about Warrent Buffet...


Can't remember anything else I did.

Forensic Science


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