Gosh... everything is "falling out of place" now.
It seems that the modules difficulty sky-rocketed overnight...
Tutorials have NEVER been this disgusting.
Every single one of them is a HUGE PAIN to do.
Operating Systems
You expect to find the answers to this kind of content base module simply by copying from the lecture notes.
But no; you need to go hunt all over the place for it.
And the tutorials is just...
The question only ask you the answer to "8 multiply 9?"
Is it really necessary to reiterate the whole numerical system, talk about real numbers and rational numbers, go through the entire multiplication table and all the mathematical operators?
Is it necessary to do that to make us understand how to do "8 x 9"?
Can we just get straight to the point?
Database Systems
Doing this tutorial is just REALLY REALLY tiring.
The questions are so twisted and "tangled" it makes you SICK.
It's like "queries nested in queries nested in queries".
Makes me wanna tear our my hair.
Look at this:
"Find supplier numbers for suppliers supplying at least 1 part supplied by at least 1 supplier who supplies at least one red part."
WTF?! I don't even understand what it wants. Is this a query or some tongue twister?
Computer Graphics & Applications
There have been countless occasions where I couldn't do an entire tutorial. (E.g: Logic Design, Discrete Maths)
But at least I'll be a little bit more enlightened after the class.
But this one!!!
ZZZ... This one leaves me just as clueless after the tutorial.
The tutor explained that "It's normal that you don't understand. It is the same every semester."
What is this...
I certainly don't think it's normal.
Programming Languages
Just horrendous... First lesson and I can already feel the impending doom.
And the tutorials are killing my brain cells.
Convert from languages to languages.
What's with all those virtual and new and override?
HR Management & Entrepreneurship
Don't have much comment about this module for now...
Now the topic's is on "How to become a successful manager".
Forensic Science
I just attended the most graphic/gory lecture I ever seen in my life...
They invited a pathologist from the Singapore Health Sciences Authority to give us a special talk on forensic science. He's like a coroner, and perform autopsies and stuff...
Really... gosh...
Just horrible... got like what photos of kid made to kneel on stoves by parents, bodies digged up after buried for days, photos of body parts, torn apart faces, bloated intestines, burnt humans and bloody lumps of internal organs, maggots and decomposed bodies and all that...
OMG... I can't believed I just typed all of that out.
It's totally different from seeing these kind of images in horrific movies. Cause this one is the REAL THING. REAL HUMAN BEINGS being dismembered and eviscerated.
It's not some CGI or tomato sauce or cosmetics.
ZZZ... Suddenly feel that life is so vulnerable...

It seems that the modules difficulty sky-rocketed overnight...
Tutorials have NEVER been this disgusting.
Every single one of them is a HUGE PAIN to do.
Operating Systems
You expect to find the answers to this kind of content base module simply by copying from the lecture notes.
But no; you need to go hunt all over the place for it.
And the tutorials is just...
The question only ask you the answer to "8 multiply 9?"
Is it really necessary to reiterate the whole numerical system, talk about real numbers and rational numbers, go through the entire multiplication table and all the mathematical operators?
Is it necessary to do that to make us understand how to do "8 x 9"?
Can we just get straight to the point?
Database Systems
Doing this tutorial is just REALLY REALLY tiring.
The questions are so twisted and "tangled" it makes you SICK.
It's like "queries nested in queries nested in queries".
Makes me wanna tear our my hair.
Look at this:
"Find supplier numbers for suppliers supplying at least 1 part supplied by at least 1 supplier who supplies at least one red part."
WTF?! I don't even understand what it wants. Is this a query or some tongue twister?
Computer Graphics & Applications
There have been countless occasions where I couldn't do an entire tutorial. (E.g: Logic Design, Discrete Maths)
But at least I'll be a little bit more enlightened after the class.
But this one!!!
ZZZ... This one leaves me just as clueless after the tutorial.
The tutor explained that "It's normal that you don't understand. It is the same every semester."
What is this...
I certainly don't think it's normal.
Programming Languages
Just horrendous... First lesson and I can already feel the impending doom.
And the tutorials are killing my brain cells.
Convert from languages to languages.
What's with all those virtual and new and override?
HR Management & Entrepreneurship
Don't have much comment about this module for now...
Now the topic's is on "How to become a successful manager".
Forensic Science
I just attended the most graphic/gory lecture I ever seen in my life...
They invited a pathologist from the Singapore Health Sciences Authority to give us a special talk on forensic science. He's like a coroner, and perform autopsies and stuff...
Really... gosh...
Just horrible... got like what photos of kid made to kneel on stoves by parents, bodies digged up after buried for days, photos of body parts, torn apart faces, bloated intestines, burnt humans and bloody lumps of internal organs, maggots and decomposed bodies and all that...
OMG... I can't believed I just typed all of that out.
It's totally different from seeing these kind of images in horrific movies. Cause this one is the REAL THING. REAL HUMAN BEINGS being dismembered and eviscerated.
It's not some CGI or tomato sauce or cosmetics.
ZZZ... Suddenly feel that life is so vulnerable...
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