Tuesday, September 29, 2009

House Of The Dead

Just in case you're wondering what I've been doing these few days...



Building the accursed house of doom...

Figuring out how to make the ****ing door open, how make the ****ing window open, etc...

(Which by the way, I'm still not able to)

And still got the Implicit Fantasies and Morphing, which I have no frigging idea how to do.



Ya I'm going to just build a super small and simple one. Screw it.

Add some textures first...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

NTU Y2S1, Week 7 In Review

The long awaited term break is finally here...

But this is hardly a time to rest...

Operating Systems

Sender #1 sending (1).
Receiver #1 receiving.
Receiver #1 received (1)
Sender #1 finished.

Database Systems

A "deter-mine" B.

B "deter-mine" C.

206 "deter-mine" Me.

Computer Graphics & Applications

Orthographic Projection, Axonometric Projection, Oblique Projection, Cavalier Projection, Cabinet Projection, Perspective Projection...

Diffuse Light, Ambient Light, Specular Light...


You think I don't need to do CIDP?

This is my CIDP.

Programming Languages

Argh... I kind of regret taking this module now.

Year 3 module is totally different league -.-

Last time I learn 1 language in 1 semester.

Now, I have to learn 3 languages in 1 semester.

HR Management & Entrepreneurship

Will you make a wish?

Make a wish?

Close your eyes and look into the wishing well...

Make a wish, make a wish and thou shall receive...

The beauty of this world, It's not a dream...

Forensic Science

OMG... I got fooled into thinking that this is an easy module...


It is very interesting, yes.

But there's like tons of things to memorize. DNA structure, chemical compounds, micro-biology, type of poisons, blood type compatibility, fingerprints... the list goes on and on...

And the "Mock Test" this week...

I could only answer 1 out of the 8 question.


Granted that I didn't study at all... but still...


Jialat... Mid term after Recess.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How Do You Know That You're Too Stressed?


When you start having dreams of you studying.


I'm not kidding.

For 2 consecutive nights in a row I've been dreaming of myself studying.

Yes. This is literally "studying in my dreams".

It's surreal.



It's like... you are doing tutorials in your dream...

(Keep in mind that they were as difficult as they are in reality)


Then you woke up, and you realized you haven't done your tutorials.

So you go do your tutorials, now in reality.




They won't even let me off when I'm asleep.



Somebody help me.


Monday, September 21, 2009

When Men Lose Their Mind...

The research shows men who spend even a few minutes in the company of an attractive woman perform less well in tests designed to measure brain function than those who chat to someone they do not find attractive.

Researchers who carried out the study, published in the Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology, think the reason may be that men use up so much of their brain function or 'cognitive resources' trying to impress beautiful women, they have little left for other tasks.

The findings have implications for the performance of men who flirt with women in the workplace, or even exam results in mixed-sex schools.

Women, however, were not affected by chatting to a handsome man.

This may be simply because men are programmed by evolution to think more about mating opportunities.

Psychologists at Radboud University in The Netherlands carried out the study after one of them was so struck on impressing an attractive woman he had never met before, that he could not remember his address when she asked him where he lived.

Researchers said it was as if he was so keen to make an impression he 'temporarily absorbed most of his cognitive resources.'

To see if other men were affected in the same way, they recruited 40 male heterosexual students.

Each one performed a standard memory test where they had to observe a stream of letters and say, as fast as possible, if each one was the same as the one before last.

The volunteers then spent seven minutes chatting to male or female members of the research team before repeating the test.

The results showed men were slower and less accurate after trying to impress the women. The more they fancied them, the worse their score.

But when the task was repeated with a group of female volunteers, they did not get the same results. Memory scores stayed the same, whether they had chatted to a man or a woman.

In a report on their findings the researchers said: 'We conclude men's cognitive functioning may temporarily decline after an interaction with an attractive woman.'

Psychologist Dr George Fieldman, a member of the British Psychological Society, said the findings reflect the fact that men are programmed to think about ways to pass on their genes.

'When a man meets a pretty woman, he is what we call 'reproductively focused'.

'But a woman also looks for signs of other attributes, such as wealth, youth and kindness. Just the look of the man would be unlikely to have the same effect.'



No wonder Lah...


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bon Voyage

Went to send Ran Ran off today~

This song is dedicated to all.

NTU Y2S1, Week 6 In Review

I can honestly say that I'm spending MUCH more time studying/doing work this semester compared to the last 2.

But somehow, I still seem to be falling behind...

Every week I'm falling further and further behind...

Somebody help me...

Operating Systems

At least I still can finish all the work within a single unit of time quantum.

Database Systems

Oh my...

Please spare me the agony.

I am so tired...

Everything makes me sick.

It's like to find this, you need to perform 4 steps.

To perform the first step, you need to calculate a term which requires 3 steps. The definition for the steps are written in such complicated and intricate ways it really makes you want to pull our your hair.

WTH is this!!! Why can't everything be simpler?!

Computer Graphics & Applications

OMG... 3D Projection...

It really makes me SICK.



Programming Languages

Deadly abomination of mankind...

This is the monstrosity of programming.

Prolog and Scheme make me thankful that there's something in this world call Java.

HR Management & Entrepreneurship

We scraped our previous idea and started a new one...


I think it's actually quite feasible.

Hope to clear this soon...

Forensic Science

Learn something call "Toxicology", which is the "art of using poison".

All sort of poisons.

Everything in this world is a poison, even water. The only thing that differentiates a remedy from a poison is the dose.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Irony Of Life

Why most people can't enjoy life?



When you are young, you have energy and time, but no money.

When you are working, you have energy and money, but no time.

When you are old, you have money and time, but no energy.




Monday, September 14, 2009

The One And Only Legend - Oldo

Nearly 2 and a half years ago...

When I first stepped into Kindergarten 9, Oldo was already retired.

Back then, all the seniors told me that Oldo's "to old to live much longer". That he might "just go any one of these days"...

But it didn't happened.



My seniors graduated.

I graduated, twice.

And my juniors graduated.

Yet, Oldo was always there.

He was there longer than ANYONE else.

He was there before me, before my seniors, before my seniors' seniors and their seniors' seniors...

He was there before the principal was there, before the ex-principle was there, and before the Kindergarten was even set up. (2002)

He started his life working for this organization while I was still in primary school.

I bet he had seen at least 30 batches of handlers.


We always say that he would be the "next one to go"...

But guess what? He outlasted Sonja, outlasted Mel Mel, outlasted Ranger...

He really has lived to a ripe old age.

I hope my dogs can live for as long as he did.

I guess there's now one less job for people that want to slack off during Kennel Washing - "To Walk Oldo". ^_^

Once again, salute to our dearest and greatest "长老". Even though he's old, he never let the new dogs push him around. He'll always fight back, always bark to show his authority, to show the "xin jiao" who's boss. Yet, he's extremely friendly to all the people around him; always eager to go for his walks, always happy to let you cuddle him...

The elder among elders, the legend among legends, the "centenarian" by
human standards, the one who've been around longer than the place

He breath his last today, and he truly live up his name...


(RIP, 14th Sep 2009)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Weekend MRT Timing

The time now is 1:30am, 13th September 2009, Sunday...

This is a reminder to myself.

For saturdays, the last train that leaves from Marina Bay to Jurong East is around 1245.

The last train that leaves from Jurong East to Marina Bay is around 1200.


You know why?

Once again, I am forced to take the midnight cab home...

Stupid Mundo!!!

Never top up his MRT card, and caused us to miss the last train by 30 seconds... WTH... =.=

... So sway... we entered the gates already... going up the escalator... Then we heard the rumble of the last train departing...


So many times I stupidly take the cab due to remembering the train timing wrongly.

Last month, I took cab at like 12+ from Yishun to Woodlands because I thought there was no more train. Turned out still got.

This time, I thought 12+ still got train from Bukit Batok... Take my time to walk...then in the end no have!!!


Anyway... I had one of these...

Eeww... Hard to describe the feeling...

It's very "extreme" kind of feeling...


This kind of atmosphere just doesn't suits me...


Except this part.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

NTU Y2S1, Week 5 In Review

Operating Systems

Finally did the first lab... Nachos...

Not the chips, but some "Educational Operating System"...

(Argh... I want to install my Windows 7!!!)


Getting into the difficult parts now with all the what Diners Philosopher crap...

Bleh... all the bad memories from 203...


Ajjuming... Conjumer... Rejume...

Database Systems

So much syntax... so much code...

So much crap...

Computer Graphics & Applications

Whole week "E-Learning" cause lecturer went overseas...


I really need to start the lab... NOW!!!

Programming Languages

I lost my notes!!!

Arghhhhhhh!!! Why did this have to happen...

Haiz... Nevermind.

Look on the bright side; I'll just take it as a chance to for revision...

(5 weeks worth of notes...sob...)

HR Management & Entrepreneurship


All I remembered this week was watching a video about Warrent Buffet...


Can't remember anything else I did.

Forensic Science


Tuesday, September 08, 2009

George Calin

Some considered him as one of the greatest comedian who ever lived, and a champion of free speech.

He passed away on June 2008, RIP, at age 71.

*Note: His video contains some vulgarities and may be offensive to those who STRONGLY BELIEVE in religion/god fannatics.

I classify them as comedy although they can be "inspiring" to some. Whether what he says make sense or not is entirely up to individuals.

He is a brilliant, BRILLIANT master, that's how I feel. No one can talk about taboo topics like he does.

I don't agree with everything he says, but he's definitely made some very good points (e.g Religious Wars).

Tribute to the great entertainer...


1. Religion is BS

2. 10 Commandments

3. You Have No Rights

For those who aren't comfortable with coarse language or religious topics, here's a light hearted one...

Advantages of Being Old

Saturday, September 05, 2009

NTU Y2S1, Week 4 In Review

Gosh... everything is "falling out of place" now.

It seems that the modules difficulty sky-rocketed overnight...

Tutorials have NEVER been this disgusting.

Every single one of them is a HUGE PAIN to do.

Operating Systems

You expect to find the answers to this kind of content base module simply by copying from the lecture notes.

But no; you need to go hunt all over the place for it.


And the tutorials is just...


The question only ask you the answer to "8 multiply 9?"

Is it really necessary to reiterate the whole numerical system, talk about real numbers and rational numbers, go through the entire multiplication table and all the mathematical operators?

Is it necessary to do that to make us understand how to do "8 x 9"?

Can we just get straight to the point?

Database Systems

Doing this tutorial is just REALLY REALLY tiring.

The questions are so twisted and "tangled" it makes you SICK.

It's like "queries nested in queries nested in queries".

Makes me wanna tear our my hair.

Look at this:

"Find supplier numbers for suppliers supplying at least 1 part supplied by at least 1 supplier who supplies at least one red part."

WTF?! I don't even understand what it wants. Is this a query or some tongue twister?

Computer Graphics & Applications

There have been countless occasions where I couldn't do an entire tutorial. (E.g: Logic Design, Discrete Maths)
But at least I'll be a little bit more enlightened after the class.

But this one!!!

ZZZ... This one leaves me just as clueless after the tutorial.

The tutor explained that "It's normal that you don't understand. It is the same every semester."

What is this...


I certainly don't think it's normal.

Programming Languages


Just horrendous... First lesson and I can already feel the impending doom.

And the tutorials are killing my brain cells.

Convert from languages to languages.

What's with all those virtual and new and override?

HR Management & Entrepreneurship

Don't have much comment about this module for now...

Now the topic's is on "How to become a successful manager".

Forensic Science

I just attended the most graphic/gory lecture I ever seen in my life...

They invited a pathologist from the Singapore Health Sciences Authority to give us a special talk on forensic science. He's like a coroner, and perform autopsies and stuff...

Really... gosh...

Just horrible... got like what photos of kid made to kneel on stoves by parents, bodies digged up after buried for days, photos of body parts, torn apart faces, bloated intestines, burnt humans and bloody lumps of internal organs, maggots and decomposed bodies and all that...

OMG... I can't believed I just typed all of that out.

It's totally different from seeing these kind of images in horrific movies. Cause this one is the REAL THING. REAL HUMAN BEINGS being dismembered and eviscerated.

It's not some CGI or tomato sauce or cosmetics.


ZZZ... Suddenly feel that life is so vulnerable...


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Pass And Fail

The life of a student is all about studying and studying...

Study until we become "speechless"...

Until we start talking to ourselves...

Until your mother & your friends think you're nuts.



The life of a student is a joke.

You laugh when you get good results, and see how dumb you are when you flop the exams!!!

A useless lecturer is a lie...

You believed everything he says... but realized how dumb you are when you fail your exams!!!



Why can't we students be free from troubles?


Content Page
Original Title: 咖啡, By 张学友
Title: Pass & Fail

(First time recording~ 请多多指教!)



