Thursday, September 18, 2008

Prob & Stats!

"Information on coming quiz on 19 Sep (Fri) is posted in the course document folder. Feel free to ask me or your tutors if you have any questions on Prob & Stats. Don't worry, the quiz is meant to pass all of you, and not to 'kill' you. :-) Know this course is compulsory for most of you, but hope you all find this course not too stressful. :-p"


Not stressful ... riiiighhht. I think I'm gonna die soon...

Since Sunday or so, every day is just Maths, Maths and more Maths.

Every break in between lessons, every trip traveling and every day after school has been spent doing Maths and Maths...

My eye circles are getting worse...

So sad I couldn't accept some of the invitation... I really wanted to go... but I really couldn't...

In fact, I'm been putting aside almost every other subject (doing the bare minimum) in order to save my dying Mathematics...


And today is finally the last day of revision!

Wish me the best tomorrow...

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