About 2 years ago, I got sick of Winamp, of Window Media Player, of iTunes, of Realplayer, of MusicMatch, of all the major music managers/players out that you can think of. I began on a journey to search for the BEST music player of all. I couldn't recalled how many I actually tried (From open source to trial products, from freeware to shareware)... every single one I could get my hands on.
Until I settled on MM, and I've never regret it to this day.
Been using it for over a year now, and when MM3 moves closer and closer to release date (saw it went from alpha to beta to RC), I know it's time I contribute to this project. Originally wanted to wait till the release of MM3, but I couldn't resist after trying out RC1... went to hoot the lifetime license right away. Hahaha...
The best things about MM is its great versatility. You can make almost any function, any addition features you want yourself by using scripting, customizing the player itself to your liking. It has a great community that keeps updating scripts and coming out with new functions all year round.
I've just moved to MM3, and since MM3 is really new (it's not even released yet in fact), there isn't really much available yet. Here are some of my favourite screenshots of different people's MM... really shows you to what extend you can "individualize" your music jukebox.

Hope I got you interested. If you're a music lover and still using "crap" like Winamp, give MM a try. You can use the free version for unlimited period, and it contains all the basic functionalities.
Gold version contains stuffs like Advanced Search (e.g. Bring me a list of all chinese songs between 2000 to 2005, with a 4 star rating above), File Monitor and other features to allow you to customize your library even further.
I would even go as far as to say that MM changed my computing experience, and I'll definitely rate it as the top 3 most important programs I've used. (And using)
Try it out!
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