Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Before that, I'm quite upset with a new system being implemented. I think it's extremely tiring to proceed to the washing after running... but bo bian...

And the worse thing is cannot take off on these days! WTH?! All my support this entire month is ON those days. God... how you want me to clear?

*Take knife and stabs myself

Took half day off, went out with Joseph, Mun Wei, Wei Long, Edwin and Benjamin to KBox. Been a long time since I've been to one. (Outcast by Pol... nevermind)

Joined later by Joseph's girl and Yun Zhen. Nothing much.... I thought the last 45 minutes was more worth it than the 4 hours in front... ^_^

I guess there are really 2 types of songs in KTV. Those that let you show off your skills, and those that let you scream and 'get high'. LOL. We spammed all the 2nd type of songs at the end. When you get everyone to sing together, whether the tune/pitch is correct no longer matters that much... Hahaha. We just need it to be LOUD.

Really tired now. The morning run (after missing it for nearly a month) is starting to get to me now. I'm really sleepy...

I think I need to come up with a "Sleep Deprivation Act" (A set of rules that I had to adhere to strictly for my own good)....

Next time... next time...

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