Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Our last night together...

On the 2nd last day, some event happened that left me very disappointed. It's like the feeling of you totally misjudge a person. I don't know is it due to me being very sick on that day, that I feel this way or what. But at that point of time, my feeling was "Is this the him I know?"

Anyway...One of the weirdest, strangest thing happened...a LOT of people in our platoon fall sick. Our section was the worst...David and Xiang Jue were both down with high fever and ATT C. My temperature was 38.5 degrees, but I try to be "garang" a bit...don't want go see MO (Cause I don't want to miss the important day...). Alvin temperature was peaking 39.5, and went to stay overnight at the sickbay. Later on, Clement was also down with high fever...Gosh! 5 out of 12 people in our bunk were down...and ironically 1 day before POP...

I wonder if it's the after-effects of the 24KM Route march, cause I never really recovered from that (even now as I am writing)...That day after the route march, my temperature was hovering above 37...then next day when I reach home...fever immediately...-_-

Whatever it is...our last night, all those that are still "healthy enough" went PARTYING~~~ outside the bunk...Yeah. Even though I was lying on the bed, I couldn't help listening to their conversations, their pranks on each other and at the end, the "emotional speech" by 2IC...PC also left us with a "No matter how small a role you play, always do your best, at least you can answer to your own conscience"~

Slowly drifting off to bed...until...something happen. A thunderstorm came. A catastrophic disaster struck us and caught me unexpected. Really left me feeling lost...

Whatever we do, we must know the limits...don't go overboard, or you might not be able to bear the consequences...

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