Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Do all living things become ghosts after death?

Pretty amusing stuffs I found on Gamefaqs Paranormal Boards...

Original Topic Creator

"I always hear stuff about ghosts haunting other people and places. And it's always human. Why can't it be a dog or a cat or a lizard. If humans die and become ghosts, wouldn't other animals like dogs or cats, or reptiles, or insects become ghosts? Because they are all living things just like humans. Wouldn't bacteria become ghosts because there are living too? So in other words, the world shoudl be filled with insect ghosts and reptile ghosts and bacteria ghosts, and anything else that is living ghosts."

Poster Number 1

"I have heard stories of housepets coming back (dogs and cats, for example), but I doubt insects can. But...maybe we just don't realize the insects and bacteria ghosts are there.

For example, it's hard enough finding a ghost of a human or pet, right?
Well, imagine trying to find something as small as an insect, that isn't exactly giving off much energy.

Besides, ghosts usually come back (apparently) to people/animals that meant alot to them. I'm not exactly friends with that many bacteria, so I don't know if I'm going to get some visiting me one day."

Poster 3

"Maybe it's a good thing they don't all have ghosts...

Tiny bacterial voices chirping in the middle of the night: "We were just innocent bacteria looking for a good home, and then you took those antibiotics and KILLED US ALL! Now we will haunt you forever to remind you of your guilt!""

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