Friday, September 29, 2006

Role Playing Games (RPG) history...

Towards the end of second week in camp, a conversation led to me discovering that Jason and Wayne from my bunk are hardcore RPG gamers that has played countless games! Wah, I have the 相逢恨晚 feeling when having that talk...

I've been playing games from a VERY VERY young age. Younger than I can remember. The earliest memory I have is watching just sitting there, watching my second brother playing games, particularly RPGs. I've been playing RPGs for as long as I can remember. I don't know the exact age, but when i'm in Kindergarten (6 years old like that, I already have memory of playing Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy Mystic Quest...

From then on, from primary school to secondary to poly, I've never stopped playing RPGs. The last time I had a group of friends that play RPG was in the secondary days, but they weren't that "dedicated" as well. They're like "complete this ASAP" kind of play-style.

For me, I like to slowly "savour" the RPG. I want to get immensed into the RPG world, I want to feel for the characters, I want to know what the characters are thinking. When I play, I attempt every side quests possible, I try to collect all the items, I talk to every single townpersons until they have nothing left to speak, I revisit previous locations to talk with them again. Basically I just want to experience the game to its fullest. I'm not those to just "go straight for the mainplot and finish it". But I am not a "level-spammer". I believe it's a waste of time. In fact to me, a very big part of enjoyment from playing RPG comes from the storyline, much more than all the other aspects. Of course good gameplay and presentation are great plusses, but without an engaging storyline, then the RPG simply sucks.

Anyway, I was super surprised that Jason played almost all the RPGs I've played before, even those super "old schools" one, like "Wild Arms" which was released in 1997. Really cool talking about all those things...bring back a lot of memories when I was younger. One thing I'm peeved about is he doesn't like Lunar (and the worst thing is he dislike it because of the graphics), which is my 2nd favourite series. To me, graphics is one of the least important aspect of an RPG (but seriously, I find Lunar 2D graphics to be extremely beautiful...don't know why people doesn't like it. It's MUCH better than some half-*** 3D) In terms of character development, the Lunar series is unequalled, and it's one of the very few RPGs where I can name all the main characters even after half a decade not touching it. The storyline left that amount of impact in me. In fact, I was so touched by the ending of Lunar 2 that I nearly cried when I saw it the first time. (I was like 16) Yeah...I was (and still am) quite emotional, but that scene was just damn sad... It's the first and probably last RPG that will ever affect me on such a deep level.

Final Fantasy is the most overrated series of all time. Popularity != Quality. Just because it's the most well known RPG series doesn't make it the best.

Bleh...don't know why suddenly feel like ranting about games. (Probably cause I just started WA4 today) One thing I regret is that I've forgotten a lot of storyline of past games I played...felt like going through them again someday...

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