Sunday, September 24, 2006

My first "Book in"....

Going to army really makes you appreciate a lot of things you used to take for granted...Even the simplest thing. My computer...homecook food...

Hmm...2 years of blank...I think it will make me forget 50% of everything I've learnt in the Poly...haiz...that's the 无奈 thing. It's not only "losing 2 years", but more about your knowledge deteoritating...

But we don't want events from the World War II to reoccur...which is why NS is a must for a small country like Singapore. Like the National Education talk's the only option. Everyone must go through it. It's a chance for me to grow stronger, become more independent, and more apprecitiative of things...

Song when leaving Tekong...

其实不想走 其实我想留

留下来PT (Physical Training) 每个春夏秋冬
你要相信我 再不用多久

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