1) Train up for NAPFA. About a little more than 3 months left! Have to buck up! Been constantly training push up & sit up at home for quite some time already. Say...by end of the holdiay, I must be able to do 45 push ups at 1 go, and 40 push ups in a minute. (Currently is about 40 & 30..Haha) Also, here's the schedule: Train for 2.4km run at least every alternate days & go swimming at least twice a week!
2) Learn Flash! This is to prepare for the highly possible upcoming internship at MOE where I'll be doing Flash. I have to go through Actionscript...(Which is an absolutely pain)...but one big motivation is that I'm planning to do a Flash Portfolio by the end of the holiday! It doesn't have to be a very 'pro' one, but it would serve just as an "mini assignment". If I can complete the Portfolio...then I must know some Flash. Perhaps at the end of the internship my Flash will be more pro, then can redesigned my true Flash Portfolio.
3) Japanese JLPT (The only test recognized worldwide) prepration class, gonna be from 4th Oct to 7th Oct (Tue - Fri), 9am to 1pm. This will definately serve as a good change to "recompile" my Japanese knowledge.
4) Ben planning to start another project already (conceptualization stage), and it's massive, VERY massive, easily 10 times bigger than the Final Year Project. Regardless of whether it gets started or not, I think it's good to pick up DirectX. Of course I don't think I can mastered it in such a short time, but if I can program some simple stuffs out using DirectX, then I'll be very happy.
5) My website! I'm planning to revamped it (again), but this time to a really more "professional" one, not such a casual one. Of course I'll still put lame information and crap but the current design is too newbish. I think I've establish a lot more design sense after about 1 year. :D I'll include my portfolio on it too, but this will only be doen if I the free time.
Some Possible Jobs:
1) 1 lady at the WCG asked me to teach her on computer literacy, basically she can ask me anything (Photoshop, Web Design) during about a 2 hour session. I gave her my contacts. I think I'll charge her $40 - $50 a session (market price)
2) Mr Tan Boon Yan got lobang for Ben & me! Anyway, we're suppose to design this law firm site (mini) and we're planning to charge $800 for this project.
3) The law firm guy wants to offer a Law Firm job as an errend runner. I'm not sure if I'm going to take this up as my holiday schedule are heavy enough. But the greatest incentive I think is probably the testimonial at the end. It would greatly depend on the timing, the location, and salary of course.
As you can see, tough schedule ahead! 'Ganbatte' for me!
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