I think it's been a long long time since I felt such great satisfaction. I handed in 3 assignments today.
JSPG Zap Engine -- Gone Gold! ZapEngine sells automobile parts. I have no idea whey they want hardcopy which DRAINS my printer ink at an alarming rate...I think there's probably 80+ pages hardcopy of the codes...Vanchin - Ho Li Si!
GAME Pacman3D 2005 -- Gone Gold! This is my first 3D game written in OpenGL Java, and probably the best game I've created in the Poly. The GAME module was actually one of the main factor which resulted in me choosing this course 3 years ago after 'O' Levels. And finally I've completed this module!
FYP Hyper Relay -- Gone Gold!
16 weeks of Final Year Project finally came to an end (leaving only the final presentation). It was great. Everyone's hard work finally paid off. Woo!
In addition, the Year 3 Japanese test today -- finally cleared, with "flying colours" (Not very sure, but it has been a LONG time since I believe I did well at the Japanese test) Also think it's the best oral I had. I was able to quickly grasp and understand and answer what Yukiko Sensei was saying! (Even myself was shocked. I was never good at the japanese oral and always flop) This test definitely bring back some of my confidence in Japanese Language...
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