Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Insomnia Problems II

I've been trying dozen of ways to combat insomnia. Unfortunately, they only work from time to time, and in the worst case I still have to resort to sleeping pills.


1. Contract tightly, then relax your muscles starting from toes to head and back to toes.

2. Place tongue behind 2 front teeth. Breath in counts of 4, hold for 7 and breath out for 8. Do not assume regular breathing in between.

3. Use White Noise App (Slumber, Calm, Headspace)

4. Wearing socks

5. Glass of milk / Chamomile Tea / Banana

6. Lavender Oil Essence

7. Squeeze left first, release and repeat for right first, counting each as they were sheep.

8. Close your eyes and try your best to stay awake

9. Immerse your face in very cold water for 30 seconds

10. Practice left nostril breathing. Block off your right nostril with your right thumb and take long slow deep breaths through your left nostril only. This is said to have a soothing and relaxing effect on body mind in Yoga.

11.Yoga poses

12. Sleep delta wave music/sound

13. Take a warm bath or shower. Research show this can decrease body temperature and trigger sleepy feeling because your heart rate, digestion and other metabolic processes slow down.

14. Melatonin and other supplements

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