Sunday, December 11, 2016


Ahhh... The big 3 is finally upon me.

Some pretty significant revelations/events happened in the past year:

1. Board Games Meetup

Probably the biggest change to my weekend life for years - The meetups have since become an integral part of my weekends.

In the past, sleep was almost always a priority. Now, there are times when I would even brave the rain to attend the meetups.

Let's just say that they are now ranked really highly up in my "priority" list. 

Best of all, I think it's a really good pastime - Social, Fun and Low Cost. I got to meet lots of new people, enjoyed myself immensely in the process and it doesn't cost much money!

2. Minimalist Lifestyle

While I am far from being a true minimalist (I still hold sentimental value to many 'obsolete' things), I think there's good progress made this year by dumping out lot of stuff.

I think I have "no feeling" towards many possessions now.

Black Friday, Alibaba 11-11 Sales, Taobao, etc... I never even buy a single item. Haha. I really don't get what's all the craze about.

If you don't need it, then you don't need it, sales or not.

I have to "really consider" before buying any things, especially physical objects. Digital things are still okay, but physical items are really a waste of space and you need to spend additional effort to maintain them.

3. Financial Goals

Now, I have truly experienced the ups and downs of the financial markets for myself.

I have become numb to seeing my portfolio going up/down by 4 digits in a single day.

Brexit? Trump Presidency?

You thought there's no way Trump would win. And he did.

You thought the markets would crash should he win. It skyrocketed instead.

All these only strengthened what I already know.

Time in the markets > Timing the market. Buy good companies, ignore the markets and hold them for the long-term. That's how you grow your money.

Anyway. Now begins my 10 years path towards Financial Independence. 10 Years.

Contrary to what some may think, I never intend to (and never will) sacrifice my quality of life, health, or happiness in the pursue of FI. That explains why I took a 3 weeks break between job change, why I still indulge in the "wants" of life.

4. Job Change

The biggest event this year.

Frankly speaking, I was extremely apprehensive about it - even after I've made up my mind.

Up till my first week or so at the new role, I am still wondering if I had made the right choice.

It feels like something I read about before - Stockholm syndrome, though definitely not in the same context.

We all get comfortable after staying in one environment (good or bad) for a long time, and can feel lost and start missing the old place, the routine, the people.

Hopefully the adjustment period will be over soon and I can start anew.

5. Becoming Stronger & More Independent

This sort of just happened over the past 1+ year.

In the past (from university period right up till late 2015), my happiness was significantly affected by external events - particularly other people.

When someone treat me badly, I'll feel extremely bad. When people don't reciprocate my goodwill, I'll feel super disappointed. When I get cheated, I become extremely depressed. You get the idea.

Now, these things affects me much much less. I spend time on things I care about. I care less what other people think. I don't let judgement and superficial things bother me.

When I'm tired, I just say I'm leaving - I don't care if you think I'm unfriendly or weird.

When I want to take a long break, I take a long break - Don't care people saying I "waste money".

When I don't want to go out with you, that means I don't want to go out - Don't say I'm anti-social.

When people try to inject negativity into me, I ignore them.

Basically, I do what I want, when I want.

I definitely feel more "true to myself" now.

And it feels damn good.

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