Friday, November 11, 2016

3 Weeks Break!

My top priorities for this vacation, asides from relaxing, recharging, and energizing myself, are:

1. House & Comp Spring Cleaning
2. Portfolio Review - To come up with a systematic and streamlined process to handle my portfolio and other finances going forward.
3. Exercise - At least to get back a bit into shape for upcoming IPPT.

To ensure I do not "waste" this once in a blue moon holiday, I'm going to track the general things I'm doing each day. This is to make sure I meet the goals I'm planning.

My House/Comp Spring Cleaning is going to be my largest and most comprehensive to date. Many of the items dumped will be documented in the Minimalist Lifestyle post.


6/11 - Hearthstone Worlds Championship + Board Games Meetup
7/11 - Portfolio Review, Comp Spring Cleaning, Civ 6
8/11 - Civ 6, Swimming, Planet Earth II
9/11 - Drive Parents Around, Tailor Office Wear
10/11 - Comp Spring Cleaning, House Spring Cleaning, Factory Reset S6 For Sale
11/11 - Trip to JB
12/11 - Comp Spring Cleaning, House Spring Cleaning [Cleared my bedroom entire upper cabinet]
13/11 - Board Games Meetup
14/11 - House Spring Cleaning [Dump even more stuff - SAS/University/BAML] + Board Game Meetup
15/11 - New Job Admin Stuff + Planet Earth II + House Spring Cleaning [Prepare to dump lot of gaming-related stuffs]
16/11 - Haircut + Collect Clothes + Death Note + Spam 最强大脑
17/11 - Spam 最强大脑 + Board Game Meetup
18/11 - Spam 最强大脑 + Portfolio Review
19/11 - International Games Day
20/11 - Board Games Meetup
21/11 - Portfolio Review
22/11 - Family Outing
23/11 - Comp Spring Cleaning
24/11 - Swimming + Shopping

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