Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Minimalist Lifestyle

The Less You Have, The More You Own

"You won't find happiness in a brand new car or the latest iPhone. Once that initial excitement whizz off, and it will, you still have to make the monthly payment. You're happy in the moment, sure, but only because the thrill is in the chase. Ultimately, the void you're trying to fill will not be fill with stuff."


I have been instilled with the idea of a minimalistic lifestyle for a while now, and even more so recently.

In the future, I'm going to take a "dump or digitize and dump" approach - Insurance papers, bill statements, receipts, etc...

Anything not needed (few months to 1 year) should be dump, or digitize and dump.

Past few weeks I've also been doing a spring cleaning of my stuff.

Products documents: IT gadgets and old components, many which are no longer functioning and I've thrown away, and yet somehow I'm still holding on to their "packagings", "user manuals", "receipts", "quick start guides", which I haven't used since I brought them and won't ever use again.

Old Handphones & Gadgets: Are you really going to use back to using your old HPs when your current one fails? Don't kid yourself. You'll 100% buy a new one. The same thing goes for PC components. Really.

I also have computer components dating back to pre 2006. Yes, before I even built my first full system. Floppy drives, 256MB DDR rams, 80GB hard drives, sound cards and who knows what obscure graphic card.

And what's more? Some extremely obsolete items that I have no idea are still rotting in my cupboard. Examples:

- Sony Ericsson HP earphone connectors/Bluetooth  (Some weird proprietary nonsense)
- Creative Zen Stone (it is using some old form of USB that I can't even find the cable to)
- Some 'really dusty' headpieces that I don't even know if they are working anymore
- STACKS and STACKS of foolscap paper, notebooks, notepads, etc... that date as far back as my PRIMARY SCHOOL.

I'm also hoping to slowly consolidate the old files I have on CDs (each 600Mbs) to a external hard drive where I can keep everything.

Don't buy useless stuff you don't need.

Afternote: Also 'mass unsubscribe' to dozens of useless email groups and clear my mailboxes.

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