Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mainland Songs

There are really some hidden gems among them.

Extremely good for spamming when you're out of new songs.

Most of them are really easy to catch on (nice tune).

One thing I've noticed about their songs though, their lyrics are very "raw" and "unrefined" (sorry for a lack of a better word).

There's very few beautiful poetic "beat around the bush" lines. There's no complicated personification, metaphors or comparison.

Everything is straight-forward & to the point. Every common man can understand the meaning without looking up the dictionary.


It's not "good" or "bad" though, just a different style. In fact, this "feature" is self evident from the song titles.


"如果我得到你的人, 却得不到你的心, 就算得到全世界也不开心"

"我的心为你醉, 我的心为你碎, 这辈子我都不会再去爱别人"

"是什么让你爱上了他, 难道他比我对你好吗。。。你可曾想过我的感受, 这样对我公平吗"

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