Got this from a popular local forum - "Share Your Weird Army Friends".
Simply Hilarious, Amazing & Bizarre...
When i was a REC got one mentally slow guy and 1st PT after shaved botak the PTI asked him why there were lesions/scars on his head and he answered
"PTI head spoiled"
The PTI asked him to go to the store to draw out a new head and this guy actually walked there!
Reminds me of the legendary fellow around my batch time
When throw grenade he shout "Pokeball go!"
PC immediately go charge him.
Got one bunkmate, likes to set his alarm clock at 4.45am.
5.45am fall in mah in BMT.
He scared cannot wake up so set earlier then can snooze.
K**C**! The alarm rang he also cannot wake up lor. Worse still is everyone wake up liao he can 5.30am then really open his eyes.
then woke the whole bunk every morning sibei early @ 4.45am.
We TL went to threw his alarm clock away one morning.
then the next weekend he got another clock and lock it up everynight in his locker. Still 4.45am ring. Wahh ultimate.
One of my company obese storeman uses the yellow detergent/floor cleaner as body foam. He's sort of a legendary character, did tons of wtf stuff.
Same fren.. was given C9L9..8-5 clerk.. but always come after 10.. CO interview him and refer him to a med appointment.. he told MO that he cannot wake up early.. or he'll get stress easily and hear voices.. dunno what he'll do.. (this one is chao keng one) every nite mahjong and go chiong.. Was given excuse letter that he can book in after 10am
Got one time during navex exercise, overheard over the comms:
"sgt we see a monkey!!"
"then what u want me to do, feed the monkey for you ah?"
another time we doing guard duty.. outside the bunk got this coconut tree. real coconut tree this time round.
so my friend say, try to get the coconut, then can drink the juice.
so we try to climb the coconut trees like how you see in the show. super tough... then my friend got good idea.. he say, the toolshed there got axe.. can use the axe, throw at the coconuts, if our aiming zhun zhun, can hit the coconut and the coconut would come down, and we can drink.
another friend even more clever.. he say the axe later don't aim properly, would hit the coconut, and get stuck there! then if the CSM or the PC see already, we all sure kena sign extra..idea! we tie a rope to the end of the axe, so in case the axe kena stuck, we just need to pull the rope, then the axe can be pulled down as well.
3rd friend is machaim got more safe than us.. he suggest, like that very dangerous.. cos if axe pull down or richochet off the tree, very dangerous.. we better wear our combat helmet while doing this..
so all of us agree.. we tie the rope, we wear our helmet, all ready to knock the coconut down from the 5-6metre tree.. then i suggest, cos when we throw the axe, we might let go of the rope as well.. the thrower should tie the rope around his wrist.. so like that he can concentrate on the throwing..
so all done, already, my friend threw the axe.. but we didn't consider the length of the rope.. i think our rope at most also about 4meter long only. so when the we throw the axe, the rope already max length, but never reach the coconut yet, my friend see already start running. but since the rope is tied round his wrist, when he start running, inherently the axe would be pulled towards him..
the axe came flying towards him, in the end kena hit his shoulder.. we see already farking scared. got blood everywhere! in the end no choice, have to call ambulance, come get him.. all kena SOP, sign 7 weeks extra..
thinking back, we really farking stoopid fools... but at the same time, when we meet up for supper or talk kok kopi session, always have a good laugh about our childishness
the best excuse i ever seen in my NSF is...
excused from thinking
not a CSB.
You know when drawing arms, must number off right? It went something like this:
"AAAAHHHHH" (Guy blur cock and dunno what number so just anyhow shout)
The guy behind him dunno what number to shout also
my platoon last time got this master camouflage soldier. When at night training in the forest, the PC told us to conceal ourselves. Cos it was night and most of us just joined, and dare not go too deep, we hid near the path. Those who got caught have to stay in the push up position while the PC go find the rest.
The last guy was never found until the PC gave up and all of us shouted for him to reveal himself in our push up position. This siao kia leapt from tree to tree then landed in front of us. I see liao really remind me of the predator scene where the alien jump around trees man. Siao kia.
In BMT there was this China Guy who was very fit. Cleared SOC very easily.
At the ZigZag bridge, someone was infront of him ON THE BRIDGE and he JUMPED to the side and continued. <---- WTF!!!
Heard this from my friend from another platoon... 1st book out day, the sgt just gave every section IC his hp number incase of emergency when booking out. After that he sent them back to bunk to continue area cleaning.
Halfway thru cleaning the sgt shouted Platoon 3 IC HEADS OUT!!! Then one of the section IC shout NO NEED and proceeded to call the SGT on his HP...
SGT: Hello??? Who is this???
IC: SGT, is me section XXX IC, what you want? No need to shout la...
SGT: )#@&@$(@#&$(@*#&$ WHOLE PLATOON FALL IN NOW
In the end whole platoon kena fall in and fark...
during bmt got this malay guy went to tattoo his thigh the week before field camp. during field camp sure get dirty and because of the dirt and not able to clean it, the area he tattoo swell up and bleed until very jialat. CSM give him extra for putting tattoo before field camp. best of all, the tattoo he put is a CABBAGE.
in my unit got this guy always act emo and keng here pain there pain. then in his facebook he always post video of himself doing taekwondo demo in some CC. like those breaking stone slabs with hand, breaking wooden board with his kicks.
our PC knows it but let him be since he nv really create alot of trouble. so one time he reported sick claiming he got backache to siam fieldcamp. on the following bookout, he posted a video of him with a stone slabs on his back and someone breaking it with a hammer. we talked about it in camp and suay suay CO overheard what we're talking and ask which coy we're from, name of this guy and platoon he from. the nxt day he kena SOL for malingering.
got this guy always complain bunk very hot he cannot sleep. so his solution is spray water on his bed to make it feels "cooling" to sleep on. after a few days his bed and pillow becomes mouldy and the best part is he carry on sleeping on the mouldy bed
my unit got 1 champion
guard duty bo liao go load live round cock and fire
end up in DB
Platoon mate couldnt drink water, will just merlion everything out. So SGT couldnt do anything about it and asked him what does he drink at home. Platoon mate said 'Ribena'.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Mainland Songs
There are really some hidden gems among them.
Extremely good for spamming when you're out of new songs.
Most of them are really easy to catch on (nice tune).
One thing I've noticed about their songs though, their lyrics are very "raw" and "unrefined" (sorry for a lack of a better word).
There's very few beautiful poetic "beat around the bush" lines. There's no complicated personification, metaphors or comparison.
Everything is straight-forward & to the point. Every common man can understand the meaning without looking up the dictionary.
It's not "good" or "bad" though, just a different style. In fact, this "feature" is self evident from the song titles.
"如果我得到你的人, 却得不到你的心, 就算得到全世界也不开心"
"我的心为你醉, 我的心为你碎, 这辈子我都不会再去爱别人"
"是什么让你爱上了他, 难道他比我对你好吗。。。你可曾想过我的感受, 这样对我公平吗"
Extremely good for spamming when you're out of new songs.
Most of them are really easy to catch on (nice tune).
One thing I've noticed about their songs though, their lyrics are very "raw" and "unrefined" (sorry for a lack of a better word).
There's very few beautiful poetic "beat around the bush" lines. There's no complicated personification, metaphors or comparison.
Everything is straight-forward & to the point. Every common man can understand the meaning without looking up the dictionary.
It's not "good" or "bad" though, just a different style. In fact, this "feature" is self evident from the song titles.
"如果我得到你的人, 却得不到你的心, 就算得到全世界也不开心"
"我的心为你醉, 我的心为你碎, 这辈子我都不会再去爱别人"
"是什么让你爱上了他, 难道他比我对你好吗。。。你可曾想过我的感受, 这样对我公平吗"
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Getting Old
What Have I Accomplish?
有人说岁月太匆匆, 转眼又一年在手掌中溜走
是不是没有做什么, 就这样让时光留不住
年轻的世界, 也许不曾感觉, 生命是如此短促
有人说岁月太匆匆, 转眼又一年在手掌中溜走
是不是没有做什么, 就这样让时光留不住
年轻的世界, 也许不曾感觉, 生命是如此短促
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Song Status
A list generated in the past 4 months.
Try to see if you can identify all the songs.
1. 等下一个天亮, 乖乖的回到学校里去上课好吗?四个月的假期已融化 ,NTU 是我不想去的地方~~~~~~
2. 不懂怎么好好念书的我们, 还以为A+只是古老的传言。 打包能有多痛, 痛有多浓, 当成绩埋在酱难烟雨中, 心碎了才懂。。。
3. 我选上让我奋不顾身的一个COURSE,我以为这就是我所追求的世界, 然而横冲直撞, 被误解被骗, 是否学生的世界背后, 总有残缺
4. 有时候,有时候,我会相信一切有尽头;考好考坏,都有时候,没有什么会永垂不朽。可是我,有时候,宁愿选择逃避不用功;等到我们毕业后,也许你会,陪我看泪水长流 。
5. 你怎么舍得让我的泪流向海~Fail 过的测验永远,不能重来。 你怎么舍得让我的哀流向海~伤心的往事一幕幕,就像潮水,将我掩埋。。。 :(
6. 夜已深,还有什么人,像我这样,在做 assignment? 为何临睡前会想要留一盏灯, 你若不肯说. 我就不问。。。
7. 你哭起来, 我笑起来, 都为了 haiz, haiz, haiz........有一天翻开书海都不明白, 被打败, 被伤害, 死的更畅快。
8. 现在是凌晨三点钟, 读了点书头有点痛~
9. 不知道, 不明了, 不想要, 为什么, 我的心~~~明明是想 STUDY, 却'做博'到黎明~~~
10. 神啊~救救我吧, Deadline 快到了, 一点 Progress 都没有。。。 打包是可怜的, 如果又 Fail 了, 人生是黑白的。。。 :(
11. 天天STUDY, 天天问自己, 到什么时候才能再假期~~~天天STUDY, 天天在做 FYP~~~把我所有(的)时间留给你。。。
12. 考试让人受尽委屈,找不到能 pass 的证据,何时该前进,何时该放弃,连温习都没有勇气。。。考试让人变得贪心,直到一切失去意义,无奈我成绩,每次都是 C , 放遗憾的美丽,停在这里。。。 :'(
13. 雨下整夜, 我的泪溢出就像雨水。。。 院子落叶, 像我的作业厚厚一叠!
14. 我们用多一点点的辛苦,来交换多一点点的幸福,就算幸福还有一段路。。。等我们学会忍耐和付出,毕业后一定会有张证书,证明从此不再读~~~
15. 那些烂的成绩,落在春的泥土里,滋养了大地,开出下一个花季。 风中我的泪滴,滴滴落在回忆里,让我们取名叫做 MATI。 :'(
16. 学,一遍一遍一遍一遍,在天空静静缤粪。。。眼看测验,就要来了,而我也将,也将不再生存。。。 :(
17. 紧紧相依的 Deadline 如何 Say goodbye ~~~~
18. 若考试太难了, 想 dropout 要趁早, 就算这次考得很糟, 忘了就好~
19. 明知道老师教的东西我是不可能会, 我还傻傻等到奇迹出现的那一天。。。直到那一天,我会发现, 考不及格的人独自守着伤悲。
20. 这感觉, 已经不对, 我努力在挽回。。。一些些, 应该要交的报告, 我没给。。。很后悔, 许的愿望很卑微, 在妥协。。。
Try to see if you can identify all the songs.
1. 等下一个天亮, 乖乖的回到学校里去上课好吗?四个月的假期已融化 ,NTU 是我不想去的地方~~~~~~
2. 不懂怎么好好念书的我们, 还以为A+只是古老的传言。 打包能有多痛, 痛有多浓, 当成绩埋在酱难烟雨中, 心碎了才懂。。。
3. 我选上让我奋不顾身的一个COURSE,我以为这就是我所追求的世界, 然而横冲直撞, 被误解被骗, 是否学生的世界背后, 总有残缺
4. 有时候,有时候,我会相信一切有尽头;考好考坏,都有时候,没有什么会永垂不朽。可是我,有时候,宁愿选择逃避不用功;等到我们毕业后,也许你会,陪我看泪水长流 。
5. 你怎么舍得让我的泪流向海~Fail 过的测验永远,不能重来。 你怎么舍得让我的哀流向海~伤心的往事一幕幕,就像潮水,将我掩埋。。。 :(
6. 夜已深,还有什么人,像我这样,在做 assignment? 为何临睡前会想要留一盏灯, 你若不肯说. 我就不问。。。
7. 你哭起来, 我笑起来, 都为了 haiz, haiz, haiz........有一天翻开书海都不明白, 被打败, 被伤害, 死的更畅快。
8. 现在是凌晨三点钟, 读了点书头有点痛~
9. 不知道, 不明了, 不想要, 为什么, 我的心~~~明明是想 STUDY, 却'做博'到黎明~~~
10. 神啊~救救我吧, Deadline 快到了, 一点 Progress 都没有。。。 打包是可怜的, 如果又 Fail 了, 人生是黑白的。。。 :(
11. 天天STUDY, 天天问自己, 到什么时候才能再假期~~~天天STUDY, 天天在做 FYP~~~把我所有(的)时间留给你。。。
12. 考试让人受尽委屈,找不到能 pass 的证据,何时该前进,何时该放弃,连温习都没有勇气。。。考试让人变得贪心,直到一切失去意义,无奈我成绩,每次都是 C , 放遗憾的美丽,停在这里。。。 :'(
13. 雨下整夜, 我的泪溢出就像雨水。。。 院子落叶, 像我的作业厚厚一叠!
14. 我们用多一点点的辛苦,来交换多一点点的幸福,就算幸福还有一段路。。。等我们学会忍耐和付出,毕业后一定会有张证书,证明从此不再读~~~
15. 那些烂的成绩,落在春的泥土里,滋养了大地,开出下一个花季。 风中我的泪滴,滴滴落在回忆里,让我们取名叫做 MATI。 :'(
16. 学,一遍一遍一遍一遍,在天空静静缤粪。。。眼看测验,就要来了,而我也将,也将不再生存。。。 :(
17. 紧紧相依的 Deadline 如何 Say goodbye ~~~~
18. 若考试太难了, 想 dropout 要趁早, 就算这次考得很糟, 忘了就好~
19. 明知道老师教的东西我是不可能会, 我还傻傻等到奇迹出现的那一天。。。直到那一天,我会发现, 考不及格的人独自守着伤悲。
20. 这感觉, 已经不对, 我努力在挽回。。。一些些, 应该要交的报告, 我没给。。。很后悔, 许的愿望很卑微, 在妥协。。。
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Senior Citizens Event
Is really a pain sometimes...
Bunch of people you don't know...
Retro hokkien music.
The same old conversation over and over again.
Stone-d for hours...
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I Am A Failure
Anyone can lead a team through the good times - when everything is smooth sailing a breeze.
But only a true leader can lead his team through adversity and great obstacles. When the future seems bleak and everything seems impossible.
When your team lost their motivation, when the group loses track and give up - you should be the one to encourage and motivate them. You should try your best to do something that will improve the situation.
I did.
I really tried.
But there is still no progress.
In the end, what I did was let everyone lack of motivation affected me as well - and I gave up too.
I really don't have any leadership qualities.
When I encounter something that I don't have the ability to overcome, and there's no one to turn to for help, I would just give up.
I'm sorry.
But only a true leader can lead his team through adversity and great obstacles. When the future seems bleak and everything seems impossible.
When your team lost their motivation, when the group loses track and give up - you should be the one to encourage and motivate them. You should try your best to do something that will improve the situation.
I did.
I really tried.
But there is still no progress.
In the end, what I did was let everyone lack of motivation affected me as well - and I gave up too.
I really don't have any leadership qualities.
When I encounter something that I don't have the ability to overcome, and there's no one to turn to for help, I would just give up.
I'm sorry.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Endless Tests
心若倦了, 泪也干了,
这次考题, 难料难料
曾经拥有, 好的RESULT,
已不见你, 暮暮与朝朝 (越来越糟糕)
要拿到A, 永远'难'了,
愿来SEM还能, 再度拥抱
考试一次, 要受多少煎熬
怎样面对一切, 我不知道!!!
回忆过去~~~痛苦的想死 (很烂的成绩)忘不了
为何(这次)它又来, 拨动我心跳
这次考题, 难料难料
曾经拥有, 好的RESULT,
已不见你, 暮暮与朝朝 (越来越糟糕)
要拿到A, 永远'难'了,
愿来SEM还能, 再度拥抱
考试一次, 要受多少煎熬
怎样面对一切, 我不知道!!!
回忆过去~~~痛苦的想死 (很烂的成绩)忘不了
为何(这次)它又来, 拨动我心跳
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Joke Music Video
I believe a well-filmed MV can REALLY bring out a song.
I've encountered songs I initially thought were mediocre, but fell in love with them after watching the MV.
A Bad MV on the other hand wouldn't bring down a song as much.
Or so I thought.
Best song of the album, and the worst music video ever.
Seriously, WHY does the whole fight look like some slapstick comedy?!
What's with all the fancy colors, effects, not to mention exaggerated acting and bad choreography. It is a total mismatch from the entire song.
To summarize, "乱七八糟, 完全破坏意境"
It's impossible to have a great MTV that tells a great story, with great presentation etc... everytime - but I think at the VERY LEAST it should at least match the feel of the song.
At worst, it's ok for the whole 4min to just be made up of random scenes of the singer walking around, looking cool and stylo, but at least the speed/pace/objects should not clash too much with the music.
I've encountered songs I initially thought were mediocre, but fell in love with them after watching the MV.
A Bad MV on the other hand wouldn't bring down a song as much.
Or so I thought.
Best song of the album, and the worst music video ever.
Seriously, WHY does the whole fight look like some slapstick comedy?!
What's with all the fancy colors, effects, not to mention exaggerated acting and bad choreography. It is a total mismatch from the entire song.
To summarize, "乱七八糟, 完全破坏意境"
It's impossible to have a great MTV that tells a great story, with great presentation etc... everytime - but I think at the VERY LEAST it should at least match the feel of the song.
At worst, it's ok for the whole 4min to just be made up of random scenes of the singer walking around, looking cool and stylo, but at least the speed/pace/objects should not clash too much with the music.
Monday, November 08, 2010
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Boys And Girls
"女人的条件分很多种,但绝对没有十全十美的女人。漂亮的不下厨,下厨的不温柔,温柔的没主见,有主见的没女人味,有女人味的会乱花钱,不会乱花钱的不会打扮,会打扮的不放心,放心的,肯定不能看。。。" --- 夏和杰
"有才华的男人长得丑,长得帅的没有钱,有钱的不顾家,顾家的没出息,有出息的不浪漫,浪漫的靠不住,靠的住的是窝囊废。" --- 徐乃麟
"有才华的男人长得丑,长得帅的没有钱,有钱的不顾家,顾家的没出息,有出息的不浪漫,浪漫的靠不住,靠的住的是窝囊废。" --- 徐乃麟
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Nunchaku Ballad
Old clip I came across...
He did this impromptu in minutes.
And it's so much nicer than the original... =.=
This one is pretty good too... until the Chorus which is darn funny. (Hu Yan Bin is from Mainland China)
He did this impromptu in minutes.
And it's so much nicer than the original... =.=
This one is pretty good too... until the Chorus which is darn funny. (Hu Yan Bin is from Mainland China)
Friday, October 29, 2010
HTC Sense Asia
This is essentially the same presentation as the one during the launch in US.
Somehow, I feel hearing the presenters speak their native language is more awkward than them speaking English.
I guess it's probably because we're more used to English presentations.
One key difference: 8 min 10 seconds...
Only 1 word to put it - "OWNED"
One thing REALLY sucks though.
"HTC Sense: Now, doesn't that just make sense."
"HTC Sense: 有道理嘛, HOR?"
Simi sai lor.
The English version sounds 'sooooo' much cooler.
Somehow, I feel hearing the presenters speak their native language is more awkward than them speaking English.
I guess it's probably because we're more used to English presentations.
One key difference: 8 min 10 seconds...
Only 1 word to put it - "OWNED"
One thing REALLY sucks though.
"HTC Sense: Now, doesn't that just make sense."
"HTC Sense: 有道理嘛, HOR?"
Simi sai lor.
The English version sounds 'sooooo' much cooler.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Mahjong Show
This is a really nice show for Mahjong lovers.
I especially like the last segment where each player have to guess what tiles the opponents are waiting for.
Xu Nai Lin really shows his "gosu-ness" here. He wins like 80% of the time, even during times when he's extremely unlucky in hitting on opponent tiles, and "supposedly" gets VERY LITTLE info.
He will still manage to outwit the other guy most of the time.
It's really fun to join in and try to guess the tiles.
Highly recommended.
I especially like the last segment where each player have to guess what tiles the opponents are waiting for.
Xu Nai Lin really shows his "gosu-ness" here. He wins like 80% of the time, even during times when he's extremely unlucky in hitting on opponent tiles, and "supposedly" gets VERY LITTLE info.
He will still manage to outwit the other guy most of the time.
It's really fun to join in and try to guess the tiles.
Highly recommended.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Finally, Some Coding...
We have Imperative Programming, Functional Programming, Logic Programming...
And of course my favourite Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
Objects are essentially passive in nature. They have no choice as to whether or not they interact, and are simply invoked by other objects to perform particular tasks or functionality.
By contrast, agents have the ability to decide for themselves whether to participate in computational activity, and whether to perform the desired operation.
Suddenly, we are intentionally designing programs that might disobey our orders.
What is this world coming to? =.=
Yes, "objects" are supposed to have feelings. They can choose to lie or be truthful, to promise or decline. They start to have beliefs, values, commitments and choices.
Using my Degree in Psychology, I'm gonna try to inject a little bit of "humanity" into these guys.
And of course my favourite Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
But have you heard of Agent Oriented Programming?Objects are essentially passive in nature. They have no choice as to whether or not they interact, and are simply invoked by other objects to perform particular tasks or functionality.
By contrast, agents have the ability to decide for themselves whether to participate in computational activity, and whether to perform the desired operation.
Suddenly, we are intentionally designing programs that might disobey our orders.
What is this world coming to? =.=
Yes, "objects" are supposed to have feelings. They can choose to lie or be truthful, to promise or decline. They start to have beliefs, values, commitments and choices.
Using my Degree in Psychology, I'm gonna try to inject a little bit of "humanity" into these guys.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Is There No Worthy Games To Play?!
Yawnz... feel so bored.
First, my Zynga account got banned for no reason whatsoever.
I earned my way to near $1000 million, then the next day I got an email saying I've "violated their terms and conditions", and so they banned my account.
And "out of goodwill" they're going to "restore my account and give me $1 million chips.
Is this a ****ing joke?
I guess they had to resort to this so people buy their chips.
There is NO explanation as to what I did or ANY form of proof. Everything is "at their discretion".
Yeah, so that's it. I don't really care much though.
Finally seen through their true colours. Just a warning to everyone. Don't play that game anymore on Facebook.
Been playing Civilization 5 for a while...
Playing that game actually made me feel like going back to play Civ 4.
So ridiculous.
They've added so many improvements, features, modes, gameplay over the years and now, they decided to strip EVERYTHING.
No Religions. No Civics. No Vessel States. No Espionage. No Health.
Everything is dumb-ed down. 50 civilizations became 18. Hundreds of leaders became 18. The gameplay has become SO SHALLOW. It's SO SIMPLIFIED, it's not even fun anymore. And not to mention the ridiculous and random AI.
From the direction they're going, this is what Civilization 6 will be.
First, my Zynga account got banned for no reason whatsoever.
I earned my way to near $1000 million, then the next day I got an email saying I've "violated their terms and conditions", and so they banned my account.
And "out of goodwill" they're going to "restore my account and give me $1 million chips.
Is this a ****ing joke?
I guess they had to resort to this so people buy their chips.
There is NO explanation as to what I did or ANY form of proof. Everything is "at their discretion".
Yeah, so that's it. I don't really care much though.
Finally seen through their true colours. Just a warning to everyone. Don't play that game anymore on Facebook.
Been playing Civilization 5 for a while...
Playing that game actually made me feel like going back to play Civ 4.
So ridiculous.
They've added so many improvements, features, modes, gameplay over the years and now, they decided to strip EVERYTHING.
No Religions. No Civics. No Vessel States. No Espionage. No Health.
Everything is dumb-ed down. 50 civilizations became 18. Hundreds of leaders became 18. The gameplay has become SO SHALLOW. It's SO SIMPLIFIED, it's not even fun anymore. And not to mention the ridiculous and random AI.
From the direction they're going, this is what Civilization 6 will be.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Pencil & Eraser
Got this from a friend's post:
Pencil: I'm sorry
Eraser: For what? You didn't do anything wrong.
Pencil: I'm sorry cos you get hurt bcos of me. Whenever I made a mistake, you're always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller each time.
Eraser: That's true. But I don't really mind. You see, I was made to do this. I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong. Even though one day, I know I'll be gone and you'll replace me with a new one, I'm actually happy with my job. So please, stop worrying. I hate seeing you sad. :)
I found this conversation between the pencil and the eraser very inspirational. Parents are like the eraser whereas their children are the pencil. They're always there for their children, cleaning up their mistakes. Sometimes along the way... they get hurt, and become smaller (older, and eventually pass on). Though their children will eventually find someone new (spouse), but parents are still happy with what they do for their children, and will always hate seeing their precious ones worrying, or sad.
This is to all the parents out there...
Pencil: I'm sorry
Eraser: For what? You didn't do anything wrong.
Pencil: I'm sorry cos you get hurt bcos of me. Whenever I made a mistake, you're always there to erase it. But as you make my mistakes vanish, you lose a part of yourself. You get smaller and smaller each time.
Eraser: That's true. But I don't really mind. You see, I was made to do this. I was made to help you whenever you do something wrong. Even though one day, I know I'll be gone and you'll replace me with a new one, I'm actually happy with my job. So please, stop worrying. I hate seeing you sad. :)
I found this conversation between the pencil and the eraser very inspirational. Parents are like the eraser whereas their children are the pencil. They're always there for their children, cleaning up their mistakes. Sometimes along the way... they get hurt, and become smaller (older, and eventually pass on). Though their children will eventually find someone new (spouse), but parents are still happy with what they do for their children, and will always hate seeing their precious ones worrying, or sad.
This is to all the parents out there...
Friday, October 08, 2010
Thursday, October 07, 2010
The Balance Theory
Eons ago, the wise sage of Kay Kingdom devised The Table Theory.
Today marks another huge step forward in humanity- The Balance Theory.
Imagine that everything is being measured by this balance. You can only control the left side of this balance; The right side, you have little or no influence over.
The problem: This balance is heavily tilted towards the left side. How do you balance the thing?
Too often, we try to resolve the issue by trying to adding weights on the right side.
And it isn't always easy. It takes 2 hands to clap. Sometimes the people on the RHS just can't be bothered.
Don't be disappointed. Don't be sad. Don't be angry.
You simply remove what you've placed on the LHS.
And everything would balance out again.
Today marks another huge step forward in humanity- The Balance Theory.
Imagine that everything is being measured by this balance. You can only control the left side of this balance; The right side, you have little or no influence over.
The problem: This balance is heavily tilted towards the left side. How do you balance the thing?
Too often, we try to resolve the issue by trying to adding weights on the right side.
And it isn't always easy. It takes 2 hands to clap. Sometimes the people on the RHS just can't be bothered.
Don't be disappointed. Don't be sad. Don't be angry.
You simply remove what you've placed on the LHS.
And everything would balance out again.
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Am I Taking A Course In Psychology?
Sometimes I feel that I'm doing a psychology major.
I've switched course.
I've quit Computing.
Constantly reading papers after papers about all those dumb psychology models and theories...
How it affecting human behavior, the process of human thoughts, cognitive reasoning, how people accept/reject ideas, how to do effective persuasion... the list goes on.
"Companies use persuasion in the form of advertising to convince consumers to buy their products or services. Students use persuasion to convince their parents to increase their allowance, or let them go to see a particular movie, or to let them use the car. Parents can use persuasion to get their children to study or to clean up their rooms. People use persuasion to get their friends to go to see a certain movie, or a band, or to hang out at the mall. Persuasion can convince another person to go out on a date. It can convince a teacher to accept a paper after the due date."
"Of course, people can also use threats to get what they want, but that is not persuasion. In persuasion, we try to convince the audience that they should want to do what we want them to do--not that they should do it “or else.”"
"The next wave in Web site design is persuasive design, designing for persuasion, emotion, and trust. While usability is still a fundamental requirement for effective Web site design, it is no longer enough.” "
"We are fundamentally lazy. As a result, products that require people to learn new things routinely fail. Instead, to increase a user’s ability, designers of persuasive experiences must make the behavior easier to do. In other words, persuasive design relies heavily on the power of simplicity."
"Consider, for example, how Facebook motivates new users to upload profile pictures. This feature of Facebook, like many other features, has persuaded millions of people to take action. That means millions of people have all had sufficient motivation and ability, and then Facebook has triggered these people to perform this behavior. This type of analysis could be the basis for a longer paper..."
As you can see, everything is a load of BS.
And now I have to write some stupid paper on this.
The last thing I saw before my sleep is the Word Document file.
The first thing I saw after my sleep is still the Word Document file.
How can I see life?!?!
I've switched course.
I've quit Computing.
Constantly reading papers after papers about all those dumb psychology models and theories...
How it affecting human behavior, the process of human thoughts, cognitive reasoning, how people accept/reject ideas, how to do effective persuasion... the list goes on.
"Companies use persuasion in the form of advertising to convince consumers to buy their products or services. Students use persuasion to convince their parents to increase their allowance, or let them go to see a particular movie, or to let them use the car. Parents can use persuasion to get their children to study or to clean up their rooms. People use persuasion to get their friends to go to see a certain movie, or a band, or to hang out at the mall. Persuasion can convince another person to go out on a date. It can convince a teacher to accept a paper after the due date."
"Of course, people can also use threats to get what they want, but that is not persuasion. In persuasion, we try to convince the audience that they should want to do what we want them to do--not that they should do it “or else.”"
"The next wave in Web site design is persuasive design, designing for persuasion, emotion, and trust. While usability is still a fundamental requirement for effective Web site design, it is no longer enough.” "
"We are fundamentally lazy. As a result, products that require people to learn new things routinely fail. Instead, to increase a user’s ability, designers of persuasive experiences must make the behavior easier to do. In other words, persuasive design relies heavily on the power of simplicity."
"Consider, for example, how Facebook motivates new users to upload profile pictures. This feature of Facebook, like many other features, has persuaded millions of people to take action. That means millions of people have all had sufficient motivation and ability, and then Facebook has triggered these people to perform this behavior. This type of analysis could be the basis for a longer paper..."
As you can see, everything is a load of BS.
And now I have to write some stupid paper on this.
The last thing I saw before my sleep is the Word Document file.
The first thing I saw after my sleep is still the Word Document file.
How can I see life?!?!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Keep Yourself Busy
Keep yourself occupied.
Keep yourself busy.
Keep working.
"Things happen when you are very free." - Chief Kingfisher
Keep yourself busy.
Keep working.
"Things happen when you are very free." - Chief Kingfisher
Monday, September 27, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Gonna Explode
I think my MSN Email got hacked or something. Kept experiencing errors the past few days ranging from "Your account is temporarily suspended" and "Please contact your server administrator", "please verify your email" whenever I tried to login.
Then when I finally managed to get in, 70% of my MSN contacts were gone. Tried doing all those troubleshoot, system restore etc... all failed.
Fortunately, "MSN Plus" has a feature that gives you a list of all people whom has you on their list. Unfortunately, it is just a plain email list - all the nicknames are lost, all the categorization are gone. All I get is a list of email address, I have no frigging idea who is who. Worst of all, that list also includes malicious accounts that I've blocked.
I REALLY don't have the patience to go through them one by one and ask "who are you".
Feeling FRIGGING DAMN PISSED about it even now.
And today... almost wanted to explode.
Thankfully, there's someone who care. At least to put in the effort to care. To not aggravate me further. To not completely ignore. To not make me throw up blood.
I really would have erupted at some point otherwise.
Sincerely thank you... thanks a lot. I appreciate it.
That's why I really don't like coming to this "world".
Then when I finally managed to get in, 70% of my MSN contacts were gone. Tried doing all those troubleshoot, system restore etc... all failed.
Fortunately, "MSN Plus" has a feature that gives you a list of all people whom has you on their list. Unfortunately, it is just a plain email list - all the nicknames are lost, all the categorization are gone. All I get is a list of email address, I have no frigging idea who is who. Worst of all, that list also includes malicious accounts that I've blocked.
I REALLY don't have the patience to go through them one by one and ask "who are you".
Feeling FRIGGING DAMN PISSED about it even now.
And today... almost wanted to explode.
Thankfully, there's someone who care. At least to put in the effort to care. To not aggravate me further. To not completely ignore. To not make me throw up blood.
I really would have erupted at some point otherwise.
Sincerely thank you... thanks a lot. I appreciate it.
That's why I really don't like coming to this "world".
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Song Must Scream, Not Song Definitely Must Scream
19th Sept 2010
has now officially replace 《孙悟空》 as my favourite Mayday's K song.
has now officially replace 《孙悟空》 as my favourite Mayday's K song.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
[The more attachment you grow towards something, the more distant & more painful you feel. So the only way is to try becoming less attached to it.]
Deep inside, I know this really isn't right.
I know this is not a very good solution, but...
I just...just can't figure this thing out.
It's like the greatest paradox.
My heart, my brain, my actual behavior, it's all telling me different things.
It's a double-edge sword.
I really can't get out of this.
I know what's the antidote... but...
Knowing what it is doesn't mean you can get it easily... Haha... =.=
Deep inside, I know this really isn't right.
I know this is not a very good solution, but...
I just...just can't figure this thing out.
It's like the greatest paradox.
My heart, my brain, my actual behavior, it's all telling me different things.
It's a double-edge sword.
I really can't get out of this.
I know what's the antidote... but...
Knowing what it is doesn't mean you can get it easily... Haha... =.=
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Brand New HTC Sense
Hot from the oven from HTC Conference yesterday...
Every iteration of HTC Sense just impresses me more than the previous one.
It debuted in 2009, then got updated earlier this year with the launch of Desire.
This should be the 3rd generation HTC Sense.
Not only does the this version add quite a bit of impressive stuff, the presentation also reveal some of the current features on my phone that I have no idea exists.
(like the phone actually ringing louder when it's in a bag/pocket)
Hope they'll bring it to the Desire... Really like the new Maps/GPS. :(
(8min to 21 min)
"Now, doesn't that just make sense."
*Btw, gonna love the epic self destruct scene.
Every iteration of HTC Sense just impresses me more than the previous one.
It debuted in 2009, then got updated earlier this year with the launch of Desire.
This should be the 3rd generation HTC Sense.
Not only does the this version add quite a bit of impressive stuff, the presentation also reveal some of the current features on my phone that I have no idea exists.
(like the phone actually ringing louder when it's in a bag/pocket)
Hope they'll bring it to the Desire... Really like the new Maps/GPS. :(
(8min to 21 min)
"Now, doesn't that just make sense."
*Btw, gonna love the epic self destruct scene.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Technology & The Future
VERY GOOD presentation. (check 15 mins onwards)
This is also somewhat related to my FYP...
It offers you a glimpse of what our future will be like.
Yes, I believe this is what it will be like.
This is also somewhat related to my FYP...
It offers you a glimpse of what our future will be like.
Yes, I believe this is what it will be like.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
To Hebe
Utterly disappointed... LOL.
With the exception of this song above (which is REALLY GOOD), all other tracks on the album are mediocre AT BEST.
2, 3 medicore, the rest are plain junk.
What pisses me off the most is the Yoga Lin + Hebe duet. They could have easily do some epic love duet, 不得不爱/珊瑚海 style.
Instead, what we get is something which sounds like a "Disaster Aid (震灾)" song which makes me want to sleep.
I mean... SERIOUSLY?
To summarize: It's just like all the other albums nowadays. 1 or 2 very nice songs they use to "advertise", then find some garbage to fill up the numbers.
Good job.
Good job.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Thursday, September 02, 2010
What Lies In The Future...
Can that day come sooner???
Is there even a future??? :(
Can that day come sooner???
Is there even a future??? :(
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
This afternoon, I was sleeping extremely soundly (I went to bed at 9 in the morning) when I was VIOLENTLY AWAKENED by my Mum.
She was shouting "火烧啊!!! 火烧啊!!! 快点起来!!!" or something.
I was like WTF!
In seconds I jumped out of bed, grabbed my specs and headed outside my room.
Holy ****! My living room was FOGGED with smoke - thick poisonous black smoke. Every breath you take makes you feel like choking.
My first instinct was the fire happened in my house. So I rushed to open all the windows.
Bad decision.
Smoke FLOODED in from outside as I open the corridor windows. ZZZ.
It wasn't until later that I realized it was the next door flat that's on fire. (right next to my room)
Don't really recall what happened, except my brother and mother BOTH called 995. (They didn't know each other are calling. LOL)
I ran around the house switching off the electric sockets and the next thing I know I'm outside the flat with everyone else.
The whole corridor was covered with the awful smelling gas pouring out from the burning flat.
Police & Firemen arrived shortly, we were chased away as they cordoned the area...
Wait wait wait...
My whole house was covered with black soot.
We had to throw away all the food we've prepared, re-wash all the clothes, mop the floor, change all the bedsheets, etc.... ZZZ
It's just crazy.
According to the police, it was due to a short circuit from the fridge, which caused an explosion leading to the fire.
This is the first time in my life I've experience a fire disaster...
Hopefully this will be as close as it gets.
Come to think of it, if there's no one at home just now, I think I will "up-lorry" liao.
She was shouting "火烧啊!!! 火烧啊!!! 快点起来!!!" or something.
I was like WTF!
In seconds I jumped out of bed, grabbed my specs and headed outside my room.
Holy ****! My living room was FOGGED with smoke - thick poisonous black smoke. Every breath you take makes you feel like choking.
My first instinct was the fire happened in my house. So I rushed to open all the windows.
Bad decision.
Smoke FLOODED in from outside as I open the corridor windows. ZZZ.
It wasn't until later that I realized it was the next door flat that's on fire. (right next to my room)
Don't really recall what happened, except my brother and mother BOTH called 995. (They didn't know each other are calling. LOL)
I ran around the house switching off the electric sockets and the next thing I know I'm outside the flat with everyone else.
The whole corridor was covered with the awful smelling gas pouring out from the burning flat.
Police & Firemen arrived shortly, we were chased away as they cordoned the area...
Wait wait wait...
My whole house was covered with black soot.
We had to throw away all the food we've prepared, re-wash all the clothes, mop the floor, change all the bedsheets, etc.... ZZZ
It's just crazy.
According to the police, it was due to a short circuit from the fridge, which caused an explosion leading to the fire.
This is the first time in my life I've experience a fire disaster...
Hopefully this will be as close as it gets.
Come to think of it, if there's no one at home just now, I think I will "up-lorry" liao.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Totally Random
1. Best Attiude Ever
Some time back, I went to scout for a screen protector for my phone. I went into this shop in a mall, and this PRC came over and "persuade" me to buy. I told her that "I'll look around first and come back later".
Her reply to me was "You don't have to come back anymore!"
Serious. Not a joke. First time I've encounter such good "customer service". I wonder how many people she's driven away with her attitude.
2. Google Chrome
"Google Chrome Bookmarks are not compatible with Google Bookmarks. If you'd like to add your Chrome bookmarks to Google Bookmarks...blah blah, use Firefox."
WTH? It makes no Sense. Firefox is compatible with Google Bookmarks. IE is compatible with Google Bookmarks, but CHROME isn't.
This is one of the STUPIDEST things google has done.
Why make a web browser that doesn't sync to your gigantic online presence? Are they telling me I'm supposed to use Chrome & Google online, but in order to do so, I have to go through Mozilla, or Microsoft!?!?
WTF are you thinking, Google?
How is this problem not addressed after 6 alterations of the browser is beyond my comprehension.
Oh Well...
On the good side, I passed.
My months of training didn't go to waste.
On the bad side... I "self-pwned".
It's like someone put $100 right IN YOUR FACE and you didn't pick it up.
I might go take it again to withdraw the money.
4. Android
The most "local" Android app I've seen.
Funny Android App
Anyway, WHERE ON EARTH is my Froyo!!!
I'm really surprised cause the V2.1 Voice Search works great (90% accuracy with Singaporean accent) for me.
I can't wait to try out Froyo's Voice Action.
5. Chalet
Hard to believe how much someone can change in such a short period of time... O_o
It's really shocking.
Then again, even I would go crazy if I have to live with such a family.
As their "elder", I can only listen to their stories.
There are things the kids have to grow out of by themselves.
6. Mad
I have no idea how to turn my body clock back around. My current one works like this:
2pm - Breakfast
9pm - Lunch
3am - Dinner
Someone tell me what should I do?
7. Planet Earth
This is a frigging awesome documentary produced back in 2006. I think I completely missed it because I was in NS back then.
I love watching documentaries~
8. Mojo
Seeing Mojo reminds me of my days in K9... :(
Really miss the dogs sometimes.
Brought him to ECP and took lots of photos~! ^_^
9. FYP
Prof MIA.
10. Heroes VI
Official Site
Some time back, I went to scout for a screen protector for my phone. I went into this shop in a mall, and this PRC came over and "persuade" me to buy. I told her that "I'll look around first and come back later".
Her reply to me was "You don't have to come back anymore!"
Serious. Not a joke. First time I've encounter such good "customer service". I wonder how many people she's driven away with her attitude.
2. Google Chrome
"Google Chrome Bookmarks are not compatible with Google Bookmarks. If you'd like to add your Chrome bookmarks to Google Bookmarks...blah blah, use Firefox."
WTH? It makes no Sense. Firefox is compatible with Google Bookmarks. IE is compatible with Google Bookmarks, but CHROME isn't.
This is one of the STUPIDEST things google has done.
Why make a web browser that doesn't sync to your gigantic online presence? Are they telling me I'm supposed to use Chrome & Google online, but in order to do so, I have to go through Mozilla, or Microsoft!?!?
WTF are you thinking, Google?
That's like Mac saying "Oh Yeah, come buy an Apple, but in order to move your stuff from your PC over to the Apple, you have to go online to MS website & download info, then upload your stuff to hotmail, then email it to your .mac account then download it to your Mac!"
How is this problem not addressed after 6 alterations of the browser is beyond my comprehension.
Oh Well...
On the good side, I passed.
My months of training didn't go to waste.
On the bad side... I "self-pwned".
It's like someone put $100 right IN YOUR FACE and you didn't pick it up.
I might go take it again to withdraw the money.
4. Android
The most "local" Android app I've seen.
Funny Android App
Anyway, WHERE ON EARTH is my Froyo!!!
I'm really surprised cause the V2.1 Voice Search works great (90% accuracy with Singaporean accent) for me.
I can't wait to try out Froyo's Voice Action.
5. Chalet
Hard to believe how much someone can change in such a short period of time... O_o
It's really shocking.
Then again, even I would go crazy if I have to live with such a family.
As their "elder", I can only listen to their stories.
There are things the kids have to grow out of by themselves.
6. Mad
I have no idea how to turn my body clock back around. My current one works like this:
2pm - Breakfast
9pm - Lunch
3am - Dinner
Someone tell me what should I do?
7. Planet Earth
This is a frigging awesome documentary produced back in 2006. I think I completely missed it because I was in NS back then.
I love watching documentaries~
8. Mojo
Seeing Mojo reminds me of my days in K9... :(
Really miss the dogs sometimes.
Brought him to ECP and took lots of photos~! ^_^
9. FYP
Prof MIA.
10. Heroes VI
Official Site
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Next Media Animation
If Singapore have such great news presentation, I'll be watching the news everyday.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The REAL reason to get Android
Comments (on Youtube)
"If this was translated and sent to America, then childhood obesity would no longer be a problem here..." - American Parent
"I need this for the iPhone, where the **** do I get it. Also, where the **** do I get the pillow." - American iPhone User
"With this ard, maybe no more RT / IPT liao." - Singaporean Male
Saturday, August 07, 2010
What's A Good Presentation Opener?
This video contain one of the greatest presentation openers I've ever seen. Watch it for yourself.
(0:55min to 3:20min)
Now, that is how you make an impact.
(0:55min to 3:20min)
Now, that is how you make an impact.
Monday, August 02, 2010
HTC Desire
Don't get me wrong, I don't think iPhone 4 is a bad phone.
In fact I really thought I might get it when I decided it was time to change my 5 year old "Nokia 7610".
I decide to go with the HTC Desire in the end after much consideration...
Factors like price, specs, operator plans, iPhone 4 antenna issue... Even if all these were levelled, my choice would still be the same.
Here's my top 7 reasons.
7 -Modularity
Almost every aspect of Android is a separate entity, which means parts can be improved or replaced by third-party applications or programs. And according to what I've learnt in SCE, Modularity is a good thing.
Seriously though, apps can do much more because of this. Unlike iPhone apps, they aren't limited to just stuff that "activate" after you press on that icon and go into the "app". (see end of this post)
6 - Jailbreak...
I don't want to have to "Jailbreak" my phone to be satisfied with it. Vanila Android AS IT IS can already do what a "Jailbreak Iphone" can without the need to break any warranty.
Some may argue that jailbreaking is super easy, risk free, etc... but the fact that so many people are jailbreaking prove that the fundamental iOS is flawed/insufficient. Even then, it offers very little beyond iOS4.
This brings me to the next point.
5 - Completeness
Apple iphone users can't be bothered about the lack of tweaks, because the apps are overwhelming enough. iPhone have hundred of thousands of apps, which is cool, but they are overly-reliant on it.
For me, I like to have all basic functionality come with my phone.
Do you want to have all necessary apps installed on your phone without slowing it down... or go to Appstore to download things like Zooming to the camera? Shouldn't all these be there in the first place? Why do I need 3 different camera "apps"?
iPhone also does not have "true multitasking". It is more like "task switching" or "application pausing". Long story to explain here, just go google it.
The point is, there are too many things you either need to jailbreak to access or download from the appstore.
4 -Restriction
Mandatory use of iTunes. MUST go through their Apple store to install apps. It's good integration if I'm a Mac User, but it's a huge restriction since I'm not.
Why can't I download/update/install apps straight from/to my phone without installing your bulky software? Why do I have to sync everything through iTunes?
Android has a completely uncensored open market. Apple blocks/rejects any applications that they deem unsuitable. Everything is so tightly controlled, even Flash is blocked.
Even then, the above reasons are really quite minor.
The next 3 is what really convinced me to join Android.
3 - A Common Phone
Iphone = "I have a common phone". Every Ah Soh at the market, every Ah Beng in the neighborhood and every secondary school kid is using/will be using the iPhone.
Now, this wouldn't be that big of a problem if iPhone was more customizable, but the FACT is that it isn't.
The iPhone can be jailbroken for some additional functionality, like installing apps that aren't available in the App Store, but the overall experience is the same. You're still stuck with the same exact interface.
The point is:
Do you want a phone where you can decide how it looks (live wallpaper, widgets, font and colours...), however you want...
Or one with Black background + ugly square icons on everypage - the same as EVERYONE else.
His Android, My Android, Her Android
His iPhone, Her iPhone, Everybody's iPhone
It includes the "world's fastest mobile browser" claim by Google (now verified true) + ability to turn phone into a Wifi-Hotspot, among many other features.
Froyo is also up to 450% faster (!!!) than Eclair (Android 2.1) in terms of processing speed performance... Seeing it believing. Go google/youtube it.
If Eclair can't beat the iOS, Froyo will seal the deal.
The Automated Superphone
What if your phone automatically went silent when you step into the movie theater? Texted your significant other when you finished your long commute? Auto dim your screen when you turn the phone face down? Block any number you choose from calling you?
Well, it can. (with the right Android apps)
In fact I really thought I might get it when I decided it was time to change my 5 year old "Nokia 7610".
I decide to go with the HTC Desire in the end after much consideration...
Factors like price, specs, operator plans, iPhone 4 antenna issue... Even if all these were levelled, my choice would still be the same.
Here's my top 7 reasons.
7 -Modularity
Almost every aspect of Android is a separate entity, which means parts can be improved or replaced by third-party applications or programs. And according to what I've learnt in SCE, Modularity is a good thing.
Seriously though, apps can do much more because of this. Unlike iPhone apps, they aren't limited to just stuff that "activate" after you press on that icon and go into the "app". (see end of this post)
6 - Jailbreak...
I don't want to have to "Jailbreak" my phone to be satisfied with it. Vanila Android AS IT IS can already do what a "Jailbreak Iphone" can without the need to break any warranty.
Some may argue that jailbreaking is super easy, risk free, etc... but the fact that so many people are jailbreaking prove that the fundamental iOS is flawed/insufficient. Even then, it offers very little beyond iOS4.
This brings me to the next point.
5 - Completeness
Apple iphone users can't be bothered about the lack of tweaks, because the apps are overwhelming enough. iPhone have hundred of thousands of apps, which is cool, but they are overly-reliant on it.
For me, I like to have all basic functionality come with my phone.
Do you want to have all necessary apps installed on your phone without slowing it down... or go to Appstore to download things like Zooming to the camera? Shouldn't all these be there in the first place? Why do I need 3 different camera "apps"?
iPhone also does not have "true multitasking". It is more like "task switching" or "application pausing". Long story to explain here, just go google it.
The point is, there are too many things you either need to jailbreak to access or download from the appstore.
4 -Restriction
Mandatory use of iTunes. MUST go through their Apple store to install apps. It's good integration if I'm a Mac User, but it's a huge restriction since I'm not.
Why can't I download/update/install apps straight from/to my phone without installing your bulky software? Why do I have to sync everything through iTunes?
Android has a completely uncensored open market. Apple blocks/rejects any applications that they deem unsuitable. Everything is so tightly controlled, even Flash is blocked.
Even then, the above reasons are really quite minor.
The next 3 is what really convinced me to join Android.
3 - A Common Phone
Iphone = "I have a common phone". Every Ah Soh at the market, every Ah Beng in the neighborhood and every secondary school kid is using/will be using the iPhone.
Now, this wouldn't be that big of a problem if iPhone was more customizable, but the FACT is that it isn't.
The iPhone can be jailbroken for some additional functionality, like installing apps that aren't available in the App Store, but the overall experience is the same. You're still stuck with the same exact interface.
The point is:
Do you want a phone where you can decide how it looks (live wallpaper, widgets, font and colours...), however you want...
Or one with Black background + ugly square icons on everypage - the same as EVERYONE else.
His Android, My Android, Her Android
His iPhone, Her iPhone, Everybody's iPhone
2 - HTC Sense
This IS the reason why I picked Desire over Samsung Galaxy S.
HTC Sense is something to experience. I can't put it into words.
It can predict what you want to do so well, everything is 1 or 2 click away. You don't need to exit an app, go back to homescreen, and go into another app. Everything is just integrated nicely in a logical way.
With HTC Sense, everything just makes sense. :D
Watch the video I posted earlier to get an idea of what it is.
Kudos to HTC. They may not be well know, but they kick ass.
1 - Froyo
Otherwise known as Android 2.2.
"This is a huge upgrade that represents the most user-friendly, compelling, and feature-complete version of the little green guy to date."
This IS the reason why I picked Desire over Samsung Galaxy S.
HTC Sense is something to experience. I can't put it into words.
It can predict what you want to do so well, everything is 1 or 2 click away. You don't need to exit an app, go back to homescreen, and go into another app. Everything is just integrated nicely in a logical way.
With HTC Sense, everything just makes sense. :D
Watch the video I posted earlier to get an idea of what it is.
Kudos to HTC. They may not be well know, but they kick ass.
1 - Froyo
Otherwise known as Android 2.2.
"This is a huge upgrade that represents the most user-friendly, compelling, and feature-complete version of the little green guy to date."
It includes the "world's fastest mobile browser" claim by Google (now verified true) + ability to turn phone into a Wifi-Hotspot, among many other features.
Froyo is also up to 450% faster (!!!) than Eclair (Android 2.1) in terms of processing speed performance... Seeing it believing. Go google/youtube it.
If Eclair can't beat the iOS, Froyo will seal the deal.
The Automated Superphone
What if your phone automatically went silent when you step into the movie theater? Texted your significant other when you finished your long commute? Auto dim your screen when you turn the phone face down? Block any number you choose from calling you?
Well, it can. (with the right Android apps)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
My Desire VS Iphone 4!
First, introducing:
HTC Desire...
It has HTC Sense...
But it's not an iPhone.
If it's not an iPhone, why would I want it?
So which is better?
It has HTC Sense...
But it's not an iPhone.
If it's not an iPhone, why would I want it?
So which is better?
Tough decision...
"Do you have an Iphone 4? I need an Iphone 4"
Note: This post is meant to entertain. It does not reflect the actual opinions of the writer about Android/HTC/Apple/Iphone.
Note: This post is meant to entertain. It does not reflect the actual opinions of the writer about Android/HTC/Apple/Iphone.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Holiday Rap
(Note: For a better experience, read this post fast and aloud)
Last Edited On: 23th July 2010
虽然没有人LOVE ME
来回就要HOR LI SI (给你死)
哇老, 还有IPPT!
他跟我说LI KI SI (你去死)
我叫BENJI 陪我去
人家已经窗口七 (Windows 7)
叫LOL 的游戏
Last Edited On: 23th July 2010
虽然没有人LOVE ME
来回就要HOR LI SI (给你死)
哇老, 还有IPPT!
他跟我说LI KI SI (你去死)
我叫BENJI 陪我去
人家已经窗口七 (Windows 7)
叫LOL 的游戏
Monday, July 19, 2010
My Favourite Eason Song
I'm not his fan, but this song is really really nice.
The lyrics is quite "cheem" though...
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
You Better Run~~~ Run~ Run~ Run~
For 2 months...
I've used this song to constantly remind myself to "better run run run"...
Gradually, I've brought the "time" down back to Earth...
From some ASTRONOMICAL figure 2 months back...
Gradually, I've brought the "time" down back to Earth...
From some ASTRONOMICAL figure 2 months back...
I finally managed to hit the mark today! (barely)
I finally managed to hit the mark today! (barely)
Happy Happy~
It's a good time to reward myself...
Hmm... I think I've now tried almost every flavour of my favourite Ice Cream.
Maybe I'll do a review on them.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Happy For No Reason
"Happy for No Reason isn't elation, euphoria, mood spikes, or peak experiences that don't last. It doesn't mean grinning like a fool 24/7 or experiencing a superficial high. Happy for No Reason isn't an emotion. In fact, when you are Happy for No Reason, you can have any emotion - including sadness, fear, anger or hurt - but you still experience that underlying state of peace and well-being."
(There's a lot of information in this book. They divide it into like Happiness of the Mind, Body, Heart, Spirit, etc... Below is a except from the "Heart" chapter.)
1. Focus on Gratitude
If you want more good in your life, rather than focusing your energy on the problems and obstacles, focus your attention on what's already good, what's working.
I'm not suggesting you use gratitutde as a way to deny, ignore, suppress or sugar-goat painful feelings. Rather, gratitude is a way to incline your heart towards joy. Everyone has both challenges and blessings, but focusing your heart's energy on your blessing will make you far happier.
"If the only prayer you said in your whole life was 'thank you', that would suffice."
2. Practice Forgiveness
Why is it so hard to forgive? We think...
a) forgivenesss means condoning the wrong behaviour
b) forgiveness means we have to let that person back into our lives
c) feeling hatred for that person somehow gives us control, power or strength
d) that if we forgive them, we might get hurt again
e) we want to punish the offender
Holding onto these emotions is like taking poison and expecting it to hurt the other person. It's YOU who's hurt. When you forgive, you heal your own anger and hurt and are able to let love lead again. It's like spring cleaning for your heart.
"If you let go a little, you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace. If you let go completely, you will have complete peace."
3. Spread Lovingkindness
Wish the best for everyone.
Your friends and family, all living beings around the world.
"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"
Of course... Say is all very easy.
It only takes a couple of minutes to read and write all these down, but the real challenge is to incorporate it into your lives.
I don't expect that I can follow through with everything I've learnt...
But, if I can pick up just ONE idea.
One new idea, one new habit...
That can make me choose happiness more often, then it would have been worth all my time.
May we all be "Happy For No Reason!"
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Monday, July 05, 2010
Poker Brat Phil Hellmuth
If you search "daniel neagrenu" you'll get things like "amazing reads" & "amazing laydowns".
If you search "phil hellmuth", you get things like "phil explodes", "phil goes crazy" and "phil blows up".
Just hilarious.
The Valley of Unhappiness.
"Idiot player! Call me with Queen Ten!"
"Another Queen Ten?!"
"Idiot from Northern Europe, call me with Five Seven"
This is the best of them all. You have to watch this.
If you search "phil hellmuth", you get things like "phil explodes", "phil goes crazy" and "phil blows up".
Just hilarious.
The Valley of Unhappiness.
"Idiot player! Call me with Queen Ten!"
"Another Queen Ten?!"
"Idiot from Northern Europe, call me with Five Seven"
This is the best of them all. You have to watch this.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Happiness Now
"The greatest pain of all is the fear that happiness might somehow elude us forever; the greatest joy of all is the realization that the potential for happiness is available to us now and always."
"How ironic it is that when we're happy we immmediately fear that it can't last; but when we're unhappy, we instantly 'know' it will last forever."
"How ironic it is that when we're happy we immmediately fear that it can't last; but when we're unhappy, we instantly 'know' it will last forever."
"Do you want to be "Right" or be "Happy"?
The more you want to be Right, the less Happy you'll be.
You'll become more and more defensive, stubborn, resentful, bitter, petty, suspicious, vicious and small.
Love is big; pride is small."
"Can you remember a time in your life when you were happy for no reason at all?
Children are often happy without reason - it is part of their charm. Often you can catch a child laughing for the sheer joy of it, smiling for the sake of smiling, playing happily with happiness.
It both amuses and saddens me to think that when a child laughs for no reason at all, we think it's wonderful, but when an adult laughs for no reason at all, we immediately fear for his or her health. The point is - who ever said happiness needs a reason?"
Children are often happy without reason - it is part of their charm. Often you can catch a child laughing for the sheer joy of it, smiling for the sake of smiling, playing happily with happiness.
It both amuses and saddens me to think that when a child laughs for no reason at all, we think it's wonderful, but when an adult laughs for no reason at all, we immediately fear for his or her health. The point is - who ever said happiness needs a reason?"
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I Am A Small Small Bird (Ding Dang)
Woo, this is really HOT from the oven.
I'm sure everyone still remembers Ding Dang's spectacular rendition of this song few months back.
It was, and still is one of the most impressive performance to ever grace to "Super Starlight Walkway" IMO.
I was quite surprised to hear this song over the radio today.
Turned out the company had her did a full release for this song!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Object Of Desire
I think I'm about to receive something that will change my lifestyle dramatically.
An item that will have a great effect on many decisions I will make in the future.
I will get to enjoy many benefits.
The bad side: It also means more responsibility.
I will have less excuses next time. :P
I don't know when will I acquire it.
It may be a month or 2, maybe 6 months.
But well... I can't wait!
An item that will have a great effect on many decisions I will make in the future.
I will get to enjoy many benefits.
The bad side: It also means more responsibility.
I will have less excuses next time. :P
I don't know when will I acquire it.
It may be a month or 2, maybe 6 months.
But well... I can't wait!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Big Book Of Blackjack
This is another book I borrowed.
Big Book of Blackjack
The following is an excerpt from the book:
When the dealer show a 7 upcard and you have a stiff hand (12 to 16)...
Many players think: If I hit this 14, I risk busting my hand right here and now. But maybe the dealer will bust. If I don't take a hit, my hand still has a chance.
Every player is afraid that he will be responsible for his own loss, but that 14 you are holding is already in dire jeopardy when the dealer shows a 10 up. You must fight for the hand's survival by taking a hit, and giving it a chance of becoming a stronger hand.
People stand on 16 thought: any 6 to 10s will bust my hand, and that's 8 out of 13 cards. So stand, because you'll bust 8 out of 13 times.
This is wrong because It fails to consider the probability that our 16 is already beaten. We have to take our logic a bit further and realize that if the dealer shows a 10 and has any 7 - King, our 16 is already a goner!
So, 7 out of 13 cards, we're already dead. Furthermore, even if the dealer has a 2 to 6, he's not dead yet. He has to take a hit and he gets another shot to beat our 16.
Probability tells that you stand a higher chance of survival if you hit 16, so don't be afraid to do it in your game!
Big Book of Blackjack
The following is an excerpt from the book:
When the dealer show a 7 upcard and you have a stiff hand (12 to 16)...
Many players think: If I hit this 14, I risk busting my hand right here and now. But maybe the dealer will bust. If I don't take a hit, my hand still has a chance.
Every player is afraid that he will be responsible for his own loss, but that 14 you are holding is already in dire jeopardy when the dealer shows a 10 up. You must fight for the hand's survival by taking a hit, and giving it a chance of becoming a stronger hand.
People stand on 16 thought: any 6 to 10s will bust my hand, and that's 8 out of 13 cards. So stand, because you'll bust 8 out of 13 times.
This is wrong because It fails to consider the probability that our 16 is already beaten. We have to take our logic a bit further and realize that if the dealer shows a 10 and has any 7 - King, our 16 is already a goner!
So, 7 out of 13 cards, we're already dead. Furthermore, even if the dealer has a 2 to 6, he's not dead yet. He has to take a hit and he gets another shot to beat our 16.
Probability tells that you stand a higher chance of survival if you hit 16, so don't be afraid to do it in your game!
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